SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 at 10:00 a.m.
COUNCIL:Darrel Thomas, President
Roger Deck
Gene Beck
Phil Gick
Larry Parker
Dave Fuhrman
AUDITOR:Lorie Hallett, Auditor
Jacque Clements, Maximus
The County Council met in special session on September 30, 2014 at
10:00 a.m. at the Putnam County Courthouse. Darrell Thomas opened the meeting.
Discussion on E-911 Budget
Option- Use Rainy Day to cover remaining 2014 expenditures.
Darrel said we need to find somewhere in 2015 budget to cut. Dave Costin explained his workload has doubled and his operation is 24/7.
Dave Costin said he thought we could cut $30,000.00 from maintenance.
Larry Parker said that the funds for the tower payment needs to come from another source.
Opinion-Reduce by $87,000.00 this year and worry where to get later if needed.
For 2015 we could cut $30,000.00 from maintenance.
Phil Gick said if we reduce personal services by the requested 5% it would save around $22,000.00.
Lorie Hallett suggested that we move all E-911 benefits from the Commissioner budget and pay them out of CAGIT in the amounts of $44,600.00, $6,060.00, and $26,000.00.
Make all officeholders reduce their budgets by 10%.
Discussion was held and Dave Fuhrman made a motion to shift employee benefits for E-911 to Commissioners budget and cut $10,000.00 from maintenance. Gene Beck seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Discussion on Circuit Court budget. Public Defender reduce from $91,875 to $87,500.00
Superior Court-Part-time pay to stay part-time at $22,500.00.
Treasurer-Part-time from $6,000.00 to 0.
Recorder Perpetuation Fund-Move $5,000.00 from County General to this fund.
Jail-Move $30,000.00 from County General 1000-30303-308 to Cumulative Jail Fund, and $10,000.00 from 1000-40401-308 to Cumulative Jail Fund.
Sheriff-Move 3000 series to CAGIT
D.O.C.-Cut $80,000.00 from 1130-30360-125.
Cumulative Jail Fund-Add the $40,000.00 that was moved from County General.
Soil & Water-Denied part-time increase salaries back to 2014.
Extension-Change Purdue Extension contract to $82,627.00.
Coroner-Move clothing allowance to Hazardous Waste Fund.
Local Roads and Streets-Cut Road Maintenance to 0.
Real Estate Department-Cut $23,000.00 from full-time employee and reinstate part-time to $15,600.00
Pre-Trial Diversion Fund-Move $28,689.00 from County General 1000-10120-009 to Pre-Trial Diversion Fund.
Commissioner-Move all benefits for E-911 to 1110 CAGIT.
Microfilm- Cut part-time to 0.
Phil Gick said that if they change 5% raise to 2% that would save approximately $71,000.00.
Dave Fuhrman made a motion to set full-time employees raises at 2% with a maximum of $1,000.00 set per full-time employee. Phil Gick seconded the motion. Roger Deck and Gene Beck opposed the motion. The motion carried.
The Council set the next meeting to be held on October 7, 2014 at 8:30 a.m.
Larry Parkermade a motion to adjourn the meeting. Gene Beckseconded the motion. The motion carried.
Darrel Thomas, PresidentKeith Berry, Vice President
Roger DeckDave Fuhrman
Larry ParkerPhillip Gick
Gene BeckAttest: Auditor’s Office