ST3 ARCP Panel Checklist for Trainees
Please ensure you check all of the evidence on this checklist is complete and shared on your ePortfolio prior to your ARCP panel.
ARCP Required Evidence Checklist
Evidence Required for PanelEnhanced Form R – fully completed and with a photo and hand signature
The Form R MUSTbe attached under the course/certificate section of the ePortfolio in PDF or Word format
(If this is not completed as per the guidance your CCT may be delayed)
All minimum mandatory WPBA evidence required. Please refer to attached WPBA minimum requirements document and the RCGP website for information:
AKT and CSA Pass
8 Satisfactory Mandatory DOPS
CPR/AED Certificate
This should be uploaded in the Course/Certificates section of the Learning Log and signed off by ES in final ESR. The certificate must clearly state that both CPR and AED have been completed and that the certificate is valid on completion of training (the panel will assume 1 year validity from date of issue unless evidence is presented to confirm otherwise)
Clinical Supervisors Review (CSR) for each hospital post completed
OOH sessions for GP posts and ITPs. The minimum requirement if 1 session per month in post (E.g.18 for 18 months in these posts)
In order to be valid each OOH session must be shared in the OOH section of the Learning Log and must have an uploaded and signed OOH form. This should also be signed off by your ES in the final ESR. Please note that for sessions done prior to 2011 (e.g. for those on maternity leave), absence of scanned session sheets may be accepted
Six monthly ES Reviews (all electronically signed by you, the trainee)
The most recent ESR must be present and dated no earlier than 6 weeks before the panel date
At least 2 Patient Satisfaction Questionnaires (PSQ) if you have done more than 12 months GP practice training (Including ITP posts)
At least 2 cycles of Multi-Source Feedback during ST3
Learning log up to date (at least 2 clinical encounters per month- a minimum of 24 encounters in total for the year). Entries must show evidence of reflection and learning
Educational Supervisor should read/comment on at least 50% of clinical encounters
Significant Event Analysis (a minimum requirement of 2 per year from 1 August 2014)- showing teamwork and systems changes
Good curriculum coverage linked from learning log, with a maximum of 2-3 linksper learning leg entry (Do not over link entries!)
Educational supervisorshould link learning log entries to appropriate professional competences
PDP updated at least every 6 months with SMART, reflective entries. PDP should also reflect on the transition to independent practice
Completion of Child Protection/Safeguarding Children to levels 3 is required during the course of training in London from 1 April 2014
Completion of one Audit or Project or Quality Innovation Productivity and Prevention (QIPP) project (from 1 April 2014 one to be completed by the end of the training programme)
Please note that if the above evidence is not completely up-to-date your ARCP Panel outcome may be unsatisfactory due to missing evidence. This may delay your CCT
Extension Posts Checklist
If you have completed extension post (s) during your ST3 training you will also need to have met the following specific criteria for each 6 month extension post in addition to the minimum evidence listed above:
Evidence Required for Panel6 CBD
6 COT (if in primary care) or 6 Mini-Cex (if in secondary care) or an appropriate mix if an ITP
Recommendations and Guidance
- The minimum evidence is a guide and trainees are highly encouraged to complete more than the minimum levels
- Plan ahead – you should use your ePortfolio as a training tool throughout your training year. Entries should be made contemporaneously and demonstrate evidence of reflection and learning. It is also essential that you plan ahead in order to complete all of the mandatory requirements
- Any previous unsigned ARCP forms must be electronically signed prior to your panel date. Failure to do so will delay your outcome
- You MUSTensure all of your entries are shared and visible to the panel. Entries that are not shared or are located within your personal library cannot be seen by the panel. If evidence cannot be seen by the panel you may receive an unsatisfactory outcome
- Trainees are reminded not to share a large number of learning log entries at once; you should allow time for your ES to review and comment especially prior to a panel review. Please note that unshared entries are not visible to a panel
- Out of Programme (OOP) reviews should be done by ES while the trainee is away on maternity leave or OOPC. The trainee does not contribute to these reviews
- You should check the posts listed on ePortfolio are correct and contact your Operations Officer should these need amending –
Guidance for Less Than Full Time trainees
Workplace Bases Assessments (WPBA) is one of the three components for the MRCGP exam. The timescale of the WPBA minimum evidence requirements is different for trainees who are working less than full time.
As of January 2012, less than full time trainees (LTFTTs) normally take WPBA on a pro rata basis, according to the number of hours worked. However, it may be more than the pro rata equivalent; this will depend on your performance, progress and recommendations from your previous review.
You’ll have an educational supervisor’s review every six months, and a review of competence progression at least once a year.
If you have any queries then please contact your Operations Officer via: