LTL 400 Inbound Planning
Once you log into the Icon on your desktop. The Following menu will appear.
Type in the option line: INBP and Enter
Type in the option line: 7 and Enter: For the road manifests. This will look at your trailers coming to your terminal.
Above is a picture of how your screen will look. For Help you can Press F1. Once you get your help just press Enter to go back to the following screen.
LOA= Loading
TBU= To be unloaded currently at your terminal
LTR= loaded to Ride either at an interim terminal or closed at your terminal
Just like in the mainframe you need to tag all of your trailers for Inbound Planning so it puts the Bills in your routes. We will type IP on the OPT line and then Enter for any trailers you want to add to the inbound planning. It will add the IP to the far right of the screen. See below circled in blue. Once a trailer has been included in the inbound plan, in order to remove the trailer form the plan, type RIP in the OPT line and press Enter.
Once you have selected everything you need to add to the Inbound planning press F3 to go back to your main menu.
Type in the Option line: 10 and Enter: Inbound Plan Route Summary. This will bring up your routes to start planning.
This is where you can move the Bills around on routes. (The route codes in Mainframe at the time of the transition will be rolled into the LTL 400.) To look at an route Place either a 1 or X in the SEL. Line and then press F7 to look at the route.
The above is the screen you will see. Just as in mainframe you just type in whichever route you want the specified route you want it to go in. You can also use A B C in the POS line and a Number in the SEQ line.
Press F4 to update when you are finished moving what is needed. It will tell you at the bottom of the screen Shipment updates applied.
Once complete Press F3 to go back to your routes.
If you would like to move all the bills from one route to another you can do that as well. Select the route you want to change with wither a 1 or x and then F7.
Change the route code to what you want it to be and then press F5. This will move all the bills to the route you specified.
To Print your Stripsheets you need to Press F11 and then Enter. Place a number 1 in the line and then Enter.
To Print your Route sheets press F12.
Again select your printer with a number 1 and then Press Enter. You can now take your route manifests and place at your load out doors just like we do now in the Mainframe.