903Core OHS Role Statements / Council Meeting:
February 2004
Information: 0260761566 / DEECD Schools Reference Guide: 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 6.14 & 6.15 / Revised: May 2014
Manager: Principal / Related Policies: 901 & 902 / Issue No: 1.3
For Occupational Health and Safety to be a priority atCorryong College a number of people need to be involved at different stages of policy planning,risk assessment, risk management, emergency management and recovery processes. In addition to the overall leadership and management responsibility role of the Principal, each role needs to be clearly defined so that each person in aware of their rights and responsibilities in relation to OH&S.
These roles aredetailedbelow. They are also included in the college documents entitled, “__All Pos Des” (a compendium of all significant responsibility roles at the college).
This person should be a senior member of school management. This person is expected to have completed or to undertake training programs designed to ensure they can fulfil this role. This person must be able to use necessary DEECD computer systems and have the capacity to oversee the management of school emergencies. This person must be familiar with school processes related to OHS & emergency management.
Job Purpose:
Provide a safe and secure working environment at the college through implementation of O.H.& S. guidelines and risk control measures. Provide representation for staff on O.H.& S. matters. Provide advice to staff, the PRMS Maintenance Manager and members of the Principal Class on O.H.& S. matters.
- To ensure that CorryongCollege is compliant with Occupational Health and Safety legislation
- To provide support to the Principal with respect to maintaining a safe and healthy workplace for the employees and students (physical surroundings must be considered as well as the overall morale and welfare of staff).
- Raise awareness on OH&S matters in the school community.
- Elimination of hazards and unsafe practices in the school.
Major Areas of Responsibility:
A.Education of the school community in safe work practices, risk management and emergency management.
B.Monitoring of the school environment to reduce or eliminate health and safety hazards.
C.Assist the college to develop safety procedures by acting as a school reference person on O.H.& S. matters.
D.Report matters of O.H.&S concern to the Principal.
E.Alert appropriate organisation of any O.H.&S non-compliance concerns.
Key Tasks:
A1Act as a member of OH&S Committee
A2Ensure that all staff within the school are fully aware of all OH&S matters.
A3Liaise with other OH&S staff, such as the OH&S staff delegate, to ensure that all matters of concern are being addressed.
A4Organise appropriate staff professional development in consultation with the Staff Development Leader.
A5Coordinate emergency management arrangements on both campuses and ensure the school conducts school evacuations as per the OH&S Activities calendar.
B1Participate in the OH&S Committee with other interested personnel to assist in monitoring OH&S risks in the school.
B2Monitor health and safety risks at the school and provide advice to the PRMS Maintenance Manager / Principal(s) and staff on such matters. eg. chemical hazards, manual handling risks, fire plan, transport emergencies, etc.
B3Carry out regular inspections of the school and maintain records of those inspections.
B4Ensure that effective preventative action is taken to control workplace hazards.
B5Liaise with the Facilities Committee and assist in preparation of the annual maintenance recommendations.
B6Prepare a program budget for consideration by School Council.
C1Raise staff and student awareness of and familiarity with hazard identification and safety procedures.
C2In consultation with the PRMS Maintenance Managerand the Principal complete risk analyses as appropriate and assist in prioritising work for improvement.
C3Ensure the installation of appropriate school signage for school evacuations and the identification of hazards.
C4Review the Emergency Management Policy suggesting improvements where necessary.
C5Assist the school to review and update emergency management and recovery procedures.
C6Ensure that appropriate records are established and maintained within the school.
D1Identify matters of O.H.&S. concern and report them promptly to the Principal.
D2Evaluate the Principal’s response in this regard, providing advice as appropriate.
E1Liaise with the DEECD O.H.S. Unit, Emergency Management Unit and the North East Region personnel as appropriate.
E2Liaise with local authorities regarding emergency procedures.
This is an elected staff position. This person is expected to have completed or to undertake to complete a 5 day OHS training program.
An elected member of staff to assist in the coordination of the Occupational Health and Safety Policy and implementation in line with the School Charter goals.
- To assist in the implementation of the legislation for a safe and healthy workplace
- To provide support to the Occupational Health and Safety Coordinator with respect to maintaining a safe and healthy workplace for the employees and students
AAssist in ensuring that CorryongCollege is compliant with Occupational Health and Safety legislation
BEnsure that up to date Occupational Health and Safety information is provided to staff and students
A1Carry out regular inspections of the school and maintain records of those inspections in conjunction with the OH&S Coordinator.
A2Ensure that effective preventative action is taken to control workplace hazards.
A3Liaise with the Facilities Committee and assist in preparation of the annual maintenance recommendations.
A4Act as member of the OH&S Committee.
B1Liaise with staff with any concerns regarding Occupational Health and Safety.
B2Convey any communication between the OH&S Coordinator and college staff.
B3Assist all staff within the school to become fully aware of all their responsibilities in relation to OH&S matters.
This person is expected to have already completed or to have demonstrated a willingness to undertake to participate in DEECD training programs for OHS & emergency management.
A senior member of management to assist in the coordination of the Occupational Health & Safety Policy and implementation in line with the School Strategic Plan.
- To monitor, implement and supervise Occupational Health and Safety improvements
- To provide support to the Occupational Health and Safety coordinator and Occupational Health and Safety Delegate with respect to maintaining a safe and healthy workplace for the employees and students
A.To oversee the implementation of Occupational Health and Safety process and manage Workcover issues
A1Manage the resolution of Occupational Health and Safety issues reported to administration.
A2Regularly review the Occupational Health and Safety policy to ensure compliance with legislation.
A3Ensure the school complies with Occupational Health and Safety audit process.
A4Ensure the dissemination of relevant Occupational Health and Safety issues to all staff, contractors and clients.
This role is allocated not elected. The role of the OH&S Management Representative will be:
- Provide support to the Principal, the OH&S Coordinator, and OH&S delegate with respect to maintaining a safe and healthy workplace for the employees and students
- Act as member of the OH&S Committee
- Liaise with other member of Senior Management ensuring they are kept up to date with OH&S issues
- Review regular inspections of the school in conjunction with the Principal, OH&S Coordinator, and OH&S Delegate
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