Directorate J. Audit of agricultural expenditure
J.1. Coordination of horizontal questions concerning the clearance of accounts
AGRI- 2005-61719-00-01-EN
Memorandum to the EAGGF Committee
updating Commission Regulation (EC) No2390/1999 for financial year 2006
- Commission Regulation (EC) No2390/1999 of 25October 1999 lays down detailed rules for the application of Commission Regulation (EC) No1663/1995 as regards the form and content of the accounting information, often termed the "X-tables", that Member States must submit to the Commission for the purposes of the clearance of EAGGF Guarantee Section accounts, as well as for monitoring and forecasting purposes.
- The Annexes to this Commission Regulation need to be updated for the next financial year 2006 (starting on 16 October 2005), because of changes in the budget nomenclature and data requirements.
- With this document the Commission submits the update to the Commission Regulation and its Annexes to the EAGGF Committee for its opinion. We fully expect that the paying agencies will be able to comply with the new requirements that arise from these Annexes by the reporting deadline of 10 February 2007.
- In comparison with Commission Regulation (EC) No 1769/2004 of 14 October 2004, amending Regulation No 2390/1999 for financial year 2005, the following changes have been made[1]:
- Changes to Annex I ("X-table")
(a)Due to the new budgetary structure, which must be used from financial year 2006 onwards, the budget posts in Annex I have been adapted to the new ABB nomenclature 2006. The old budgetary structure is still displayed in the table for facilitating the conversion from the old to the new structure.
(b)Budget articles 05020203 “production refunds for starch and brewing” and 05020502 “reimbursement ofstorage costs” have been deleted.
(c)For budget post 05020103 1021 “premium potato starch”, new data requirements have been set relating to inspections.
(d)With Addendum.3 of 14/04/2005, new budget sub items for public storage have been inserted into the detailed budget nomenclature. The data requirements for 05020599 0000 must be adapted in fields F102, F103, F300 and F510.
(e)F105A “reduction pursuant to Articles 6 and 10 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003”: data requirements for the following budget posts have been entered into the X-table: 05030221 1210, 05030226 0000, 05030102 0000, 05030216 0000, 05030217 0000, 05030213 2220, 05030215 2222, and 05029900 0000, 05039900 0000 (recovery budget lines).
(f)In the direct aid sector data requirements have been inserted into the Annex I for the new budget articles 05030229 “area aid for dried grapes”, 05030236 “payments for specific types of farming and quality production” and 05030237 “dried fodder-transitional regime”.
(g)For budget post 05021101 1300, the data requirement for element F301 (number of contract) has been taken out. The budget post concerns dried fodder and grain legumes.
(h)The cross for budget post 05020906 1640 in data element F530 (actual alcoholic strength by volume) has been dropped.The budget post concerns permanent abandonment premiums for areas under vines.
(i)Data element F110 “marketing year or period” is required for budget posts 05021104 3200 and 05021104 3201.
(j)05021104 3200, 05021104 3201, 05021104 3210, 05021104 3211, 05021104 3220, 05021104 3221, 05021104 3230, 05021104 3231 and 05021104 3250: each budget post is set with a new data requirement for the date of application (field F300B).
(k)The NUTS 3 code in data element F207 is required for 05021104 3250.
(l)According to the new budgetary structure data requirements are set for the new budget “POSEI”-articles 05030231, 05030232, 05030233, 05030234 and 05030235 under direct aid.
(m)Data elements F800, F 800B and F816B concerning export refunds: The data requirements for the following budget posts have been deleted: 05021104 3200, 05021104 3201, 05021104 3210, 05021104 3211, 05021104 3230 and 05021104 3231.
(n)For the budget post 05030101 0000 “Single Payment Scheme”, data requirements have been defined.
(o)Data requirements have been inserted into the Annex I for the new budget article 05021099 “promotion – other measures”.
- Changes to Annex II that are applicable as of 16 October 2005
(a)Annex II has been modified in point 3 paragraph (1): Due to the new budgetary structure (ABB) any differences between the annual declaration and the sum of the computer files must be explained by the budget sub item.
- Changes to Annex III ("Aide-mémoire")
(a)With regard to Articles 6 and 10 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 the text in data element F105A has been adapted. Cases of reduction or exclusion from payments (cross-compliance) and modulation must be taken into consideration for direct support schemes. Data elements F600 and F601 concerning controls on cross-compliancemust also be amended.
(b)More precisely, the text of the following data elements has been rephrased:
a)Data element F102 reference number of previous payment: The reference number identifies, for instance, an advance or an amount recovered.
b)In data element F600 (on-farm inspection or remote sensing) Member States should only report once in cases of multiple visits concerning the same measure and the same producer.
c)The date of inspection in data element F601 must be delivered only in cases of an “on-the-spot inspection”.
d)Field F603 (reason for reduction) must be completed in cases where the application has been reduced as a result of an “on-the-spot inspection”.
e) For data elements F802 (customs office of placing under customs supervision) and F802B (customs office of exit), the format of the COL code consists in principle of two positions to denominate the country concerned, followed by six numeric positions that define the customs office.
- It will be proposed that the Commission adopt the attached draft Regulation.
Enclosures: the proposed draft Regulation and its Annexes I, II and III
[1]The structural changes and new nominations of various budget posts in the consolidated version of the detailed EAGGF Guarantee Section nomenclature 2005 have already been taken into account in the revised version of Annex I for financial year 2005 (see also message sent to all EAGGF-Guarantee Co-ordinating Bodies and Paying Agencies on 02/02/2005).