Thursday January 14,2016

8:30 a.m.

PRESENT: Chair: Deputy Mayor Ian Chard

Voting Members:Councillor Peter North (9 a.m.)

Cathy Bishop

Valerie Cron

Ernst Hoffsuemmer

Resource:Kim Grogan, Treasurer

Ken Loveland, CAO


Voting members:Jack VanderKooy

Chris Meyers

Non-voting members:Jeff Sheridan, Elgin Business Resource Centre

Justin Dias, County of Elgin


  1. Call to order
  • The Chair called the meeting to order at 8:30a.m.
  1. Confirmation of Agenda

3. Approval of minutes from November 25, 2015 meeting (previously approved by e-mail)

Moved Cathy - Seconded Chris: Minutes of November 25, 2015were reviewed and approved.


  1. Business arising from those minutes

a)Farm Finance meeting update-Ian indicated that there were approximately 30 people in attendance at the info night. Members received positive comments. Discussions surrounded possibility of sending out e-blasts for future events. If Council approves Summer Student this could be a potential project for completion.

b)Force Iron & Metal scrap/large waste bins update-Kim will provide a report of collections and resulting waste diversion once year end waste management reports have been completed. Ken advised the Committee of an upcoming meeting with Green Lane Landfill on February 3 to discuss the Certificate of Approval for the site.

c)Home Show- Ian provided details on 10 x 10 booth at upcoming home show in St. Thomas on April 1st 5pm to 9 pm, 2nd10 am to 8 pm, & 3rd11 am to 5 pm. Half priced tickets are available to us as a participant at $4 each. Tickets anticipated at this time are 10. (Ian(2), Josie, Cathy, Ken, Peter(2), Council/Mayor(3))

Booth suggestions included

  • Fastening a copy of the CIB Profile book to the booth while having a few copies on hand to distribute to those interested. Kim to provide cost to print copies in house, both colour and black and white.
  • “Open for Business” flyers.
  • Tri-fold Southwold pamphlets.
  • Fingal Wildlife Trail Guide. Copies plus one open for display. Staff direction-Kim to contact Brenda Longhurst to inquire into obtaining additional copies.
  • War to Roses brochures. Staff direction-Kim to contact Brenda Longhurst to inquire into obtaining additional copies.
  • Earthworks brochures.Staff direction-Kim to contact Brenda Longhurst to inquire into obtaining additional copies.
  • Map of school district.
  • Large pictures excerpted from the CIB Profile Book. Potential to use CIB backdrops?
  • Information on the new Library.
  • Business directory book? (CIB is also planning on a business directory in the 2016 Profile Book)
  • Welcome package. Cathy to bring to future meeting.
  • Vinyl “I Southwold” sign. Staff direction-Kim to co-ordinate.
  • Ferndale Park is coming in 2016!
  • Buttons “I Southwold”. Staff direction-Kim to co-ordinate.

Staff direction-Kim is to advise if there are any unspent funds from 2015 that could be carried over to 2016 with Council’s approval.

The Committee then discussed the Marketing and Communications plan including possible future events including:

  • hosting a Business After 5 event
  • hosting a Real Estate agent luncheon
  • London home show participant?

d)Fanshawe student placement - Kim reported that we have had no applications under the placement program. Summer student is included in 2016 budget but has not yet been approved by Council.

  1. New Business

a)County Economic Development update-Ian provided an update from Justin on the Elgincentives program. A total of $19,910 was provided to Southwold applicants in 2015.

b)Elgin Business Resource Centre update- none.

c)Southwold Business meeting – Ian discussed hosting an event for Southwold businesses focusing on retention and attraction. To discuss at a future meeting.

d)The “Ridge at Talbotville” housing development update-Ken discussed the Master Class Environmental Assessment Schedule “C” timeline. The plans are progressing well and hopes are for construction to begin this summer. Ken also discussed progress on senior’s facility (formerly Keystone Manor) and hope for completion in 2016. Peter discussed the need to ensure that transit services are being addressed with the development. Staff direction- Ken will reach out to the owner to discuss.

Moved Valerie - Seconded Cathy: That the Committee request the Township of Southwold consider contracting a Downtown Renewal Study, subject to grant availability and budget constraints. CARRIED.

e)Canada 150 update and other tourism related matters- Cathyprovided details on discussions with Ray Lunn on 2017 and 2018 jamboree event planning. 2018 anticipated to be larger scaled event. Discussed the need to include all area groups to execute a large jamboree event. Ray Lunn is to be invited to attend a future meeting to discuss the event. Cathy provided the Celebrate Canada grant application deadline of November 16, 2016 and need to plan for the event to ensure sufficient information is available for an application.

  1. Other Business
  • The budget process was discussed and suggestions made that would result in a more proactive 2017 EDC budget than in the past (i.e determine “what we need to move forward long-term” rather than “these are the funds available for EDC, what can we achieve with those funds?”).
  • Next meeting: 8:30 a.m., Feb 24, 2016 at Municipal office.
  • Moved Peter- Seconded Cathy: Meeting adjournment at 10:30 a.m. CARRIED.

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