Publications of recent years from 1996

Curriculum Vitae

Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng(Researcher ID: B-2775-2009)

- Distinguished Chair Professor of KainanUniversity.

- Chair Professorof NationalChiaoTungUniversity; Institute of Management of Technology, College of Management, NationalChiaoTungUniversity.

- National Distinguished Chair Professor (Highest Honor offered by the Ministry of Education Affairs, Taiwan) and Distinguished Research Fellow (Highest Honor Offered by NSC, Taiwan).


-114, 4F, Sec. 1, Chung Hsiao W. Rd.Taipei 100, Taiwan.

Tel: 886(2)23146515 ext 505, Tel/Fax: 886(2)23120519, 886(2)23120082.

-Room A705, Institute of Technology Management, 1001 Ta-Hsueh Road, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan. Tel: 886(3)5712121ext57505; Fax:886(3)5753926;

E-mail: .

-No.1 Kainan Road, Luchu, TaoyuanCounty, 338, Taiwan Tel:886(3)3412500ext1101;Fax:886(3)3412430;


Personal Date

Male: Married; Date of Birth: May 20, 1943 inTaiwan


.Bachelor Course in Business Management, Tatung Institute of Technology (TatungUniversity ) (August 1963 - June 1967).

.Master Course in Institute of Urban Planning, National Chung Hsing University (NationalTaipeiUniversity) (August 1969 - June 1971).

.Doctoral Course in Division for Research of Economics (Major in Management Science), Osaka University, Japan (April 1973 -August 1977).

Work Experiences

- Second Lieutenant, Military Service of the Taiwan (July 1967 - June 1968).

- Teacher Assistant, Tatung Institute of Technology (July 1968 - June 1969).

- Researcher, China Urban Planning Center (July 1970 - March 1971 Part-time).

- Lecturer, Tatung Institute of Technology (July 1971 - March 1973 Part-time).

- Planner, Transportation Planning Board, Ministry of Communications (July 1971 -March 1973).

- Researcher, Research Institute of System Science in Japan (October 1973 - March 1976 Part-time).

- Researcher, Kansai Institute of Information System in Japan (April 1976 - June 1977 Part-time).

- Associate Professor (MOE, ID: 5290), the GraduateSchool in Business Administration, Tatung Institute of Technology (August 1977 - July 1978).

- Associate Professor, Institute of Traffic and Transportation, NationalChiaoTungUniversity (August 1978 - July 1981),

- Resident Associate, Energy & Environmental Systems Division, Argonne National Laboratory (Visiting Research) July 1981 - January 1982.

- Visiting Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Maryland at College Park (August 1989 - August 1990).

- Professor, Institute of Traffic and Transportation, NationalChiaoTungUniversity (August 1981 to present), (MOE, ID: 4332).

- Visiting Professor (Visiting Scholar), Department of Engineering and Economic Systems and Operations Research (EESOR), Energy Modeling Forum (EMF), StanfordUniversity (August 1997 – August 1998).

- Chair Professor, Institute of Management of Technology, NationalChiaoTungUniversity (August 2000 to present); Chairman, Institute of Management of Technology, NationalChiaoTungUniversity (August 2002 to July 2004).

- President, KainanUniversity (August 1, 2004 – January 31, 2005).

- Distinguished Chair Professor, KainanUniversity (February 1, 2005 – Present).

Distinguished Research Awards

- Distinguished Research Award of the National Science Council, Taiwan, 1985-1986.

- Distinguished Research Award of the National Science Council, Taiwan, 1993-1994.

-Distinguished Research Award of the National Science Council, Taiwan, 1995-1996.

-Distinguished Research Fellow Award (Whole-life-timeHighest Honor Offered) by the National Science Council, Taiwan, 2000 - Now.

-Distinguished Research Fellow (Highest Honor Offered) by the National Science Council, Taiwan, 1997-2000.

-Distinguished Research Fellow (Highest Honor Offered) by the National Science Council, Taiwan, 2000—2003.

-National Distinguished Chair Professor, Award of the Ministry of Education Affairs, Taiwan, 2000-2003.

-Chair Professor of National Chiao Tung University (from 2003~ a whole-life-time honor).

-Pinnacle of Achievement Award 2005 (Top 100 Educators Pinnacle of Achievement Award, 009 of 100), the International Biographical Center at its Headquarters in Cambridge, England).\

-Special Speaker of ISME (one hour) and Contribution Award (March 2006)

-MCDM Edgeworth-Pareto Award presented by International Society on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, June 23, 2009,

Distinguished Professional Award

Ministry of Education Affairs, Taiwan (NationalChiaoTungUniversity), 1992.

The MCDM Conference Chairman Award (July 1992)

For the most gracious hospitality, and for the outstanding leadership and resourcefulness in organizing, managing and chairing the Tenth International Conference on MCDM, Taipei, Taiwan, July 1992.

International Society on Multiple Criteria Decision Making.

The MCDM Edgeworth-Pareto Award (June 2009)

As the highest distinction that the International Society on Multiple Criteria Decision Making bestows upon a researcher who, over his career, has established a record of creativity to the extent that the field of MCDM would not exist in its current form without the far-reaching contributions from this distinguished scholar.

The MCDM Edgeworth-Pareto Award Presented to Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng by International Society on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, June 23, 2009.

Life Fellow Award (2010)

Life Fellow Award is presented to Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng for his contribution to the society for 7 years. International Society of Management Engineers at the International Symposium on Management Engineering, August 26-28, 2010, KitakyushuInternationalConferenceCenter, Kitakyushu, Japan.

Co-Chairmen of ICIS (1992)

Co-Chairmen of International Conference on Information and Systems, September 3-6, 1992, Dalian, China.

Co-Chairmen of 36 ICCIE (2006)

Co-Chairmen of the 36th International Conference onComputers and Industrial Engineering, June 20 –23, 2006, Taipei, Taiwan

Special Speaker(Keynote Talk) of ISME (one hour) and Contribution Award (March 2006)

New Frontiers in Fuzzy MCDM for Promoting Value-Created Business Competitiveness in E-Era, International Symposium on Management Engineering, March 11, 2006, The graduate School of Information, Production and Systems, Waseda University

Special Speaker (Keynote Talk)of IML2008 (one hour) Asia Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing & Logistics Systems (IML 2008), “New Frontiers of Multiple Criteria Decision Making (Tutorial Talk)”, February 25-27, 2008, Kitakushu, Japan.

General Co-Chair of WEHIA 2008 & The 7th CIEF2008

Joint Conference of 2008 Winter Workshop on Economics with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents and the 7th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Economics and Finance, December 5~7, 2008, Kainan University, Taoyuan, Taiwan

Chair of ISME2011

The EighthInternational Symposium onManagement Engineering, August 22 (Monday)-August 25 (Friday), 2011, Chang Yung-Fa Foundation Hall, Taipai, Taiwan.

Keynote Speaker (one hour on Opening) of KES IDT 2011 (The 3rd International Symposium on Intelligent Decision Technologies, and the 4th KES International Conference on Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services (KES-IIMSS-11)). Topic: New Frontiers of Hybrid MCDM Model for Creating the Best Global Supply Chain Systems- with a Focus on ‘Multiple Attribute Decision Making: Methods and Applications”, in University of Piraeus, Greece, 20-22 July 2011
New Book  /
Keynote Tutorial(one hour on Opening) of ISME2011 (TheEighthInternational Symposium onManagement Engineering 2011). Topic:"New Frontiers on Multiple Attribute Decision Making: Methods and Applications", in Chang Yung-Fa Foundation Hall, Taipei, Taiwan, August 22 (Monday)-August 25 (Friday), 2011)).
New Book  /
Keynote Speaker (one hour) of the 19th National Conference on Fuzzy Theory and its Applications, September 18-19, 2011, National Formosa University, Taiwan. Keynote talk: New Frontiers of “Hybrid Fuzzy MCDM Model for Improving and Creating the Best Systems in Applications.
New Book  /

Talk speech inVilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU), Vilnius, Lithuania onJuly 5, 2012. Talk topic: A New Hybrid MADM Model for Problems-Improvement.

INVITATION FOR SEMINAR, July 16 (Monday) 2012

Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Mechanics The University of Warsaw, Banacha 2, room 4420, 18:15 - 20:00

Talk: Srategies for Improving Tourism Development Performance Using New Hybrid MADM Model: Case of Jingushi Gold Ming of Taiwan

Tutorial in The Ninth Symposium Organized by International Society of Management Engineers (ISME 2012), August 22-25, 2012, KitakyushuInternationalConferenceCenter, Kokura, Kitakyushu, Japan.

Topic: A New concepts and trends of Hybrid MCDM Model for Problems-Improvement.

The Best Paper Award: New Thinking of Multi-Objective Programming with Changeable Space - In Search of Excellence by Jih-Jeng Huanga, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng. In the Ninth Symposium Organized by International Society of Management Engineers (ISME 2012), August 22-25, 2012, KitakyushuInternationalConferenceCenter, Kokura, Kitakyushu, Japan.

The First International Conference on Information Technology and Quantitative Management (ITQM 2013), May 16-18, 2013.
Tutorial Lectures
Tutorial Lectures:
Tutorial Lectures: Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng ——"New Concepts and Trends in the MCDM Field for Solving Actual Problems - New Hybrid MCDM Model"
/ "New Concepts and Trends in the MCDM Field for SolvingActual Problems - New Hybrid MCDM Model"
Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng, Distinguished Chair Professor
- Graduate Institute of Project Management, Kainan University
- Institute of Management of Technology, National Chiao Tung University
How trends in future prospects? Which problems will be improved for satisfying the users'/customers'/social needs in marketing situations and how overall considering problems in dimensions and criteriacan be achieved the aspiration levels?However, we find that the traditional MCDM field ignored some important new concepts and trends, needed some assumptions limit/defects to solve actual real-world problems. Therefore in our researches some new concepts and trends in the MCDM field forsolving actual problems have been proposed as follows. First, the traditional model assumes that the criteria in value-created are independent and hierarchical in structure; however, criteria are often interdependent in real-world problems; because "Statistics and Economics are unrealistic in the real world", so DEMATEL technique can be used to find the interrelationship matrix and build a influential network relation map (INRM) for solving the relationship problems in the real world. Second, the relative good solution from the existing alternatives is replaced by the aspiration levels to avoid "Choose the best among inferior choices/alternatives", i.e., avoid "Pick the best apple among a barrel of rotten apples". Third, the emphasis in thefield has shifted from ranking and selection when determining the most preferable approaches toperformance improvement of existing methods based on INRM, because "we need a systematic approach to problem-solving; instead of addressing the systems of the problem, we need to identify the sources of the problem". Fourth, information fusion/aggregation such as fuzzy integrals, basically, a non-additive/super-additive model, has been developed to aggregate the performances. Therefore, in order to overcome the defects of conventional MADM method, we have focused on developing a series of new Hybrid Dynamic Multiple Criteria Decision Making (HDMADM) method for solving the complication dynamic problems in real world and applying to improve thereal issuesin the trends and prospects. Finally some empirical real casesare illustrated to demonstrate effectiveness of the proposed new hybrid MADM methods. From those real cases, the best performance improvement strategiescan be devised to provide the most suitable/reasonable effective and efficient strategies for improving the gaps to reach the aspiration level. Fifth, we proposed a new thinking of MODM models with changeable spaces to help the decision-makers for win-win planning/designing to achieve the aspiration level, which is better than to achieve the ideal point or Pareto optimal solutions.
Keywords:Information technology, Internet communication, hybrid MCDM, MADM, MODM, DEMATEL, DANP, VIKOR, changeable space, aspiration level

Highly Cited Paper (March 13, 2009) ESI

Dear Dr. Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng, Researcher ID: B-2775-2009

Your article entitled “Compromise solution by MCDM methods: A comparative analysis of VIKOR and TOPSIS(Authors: Opricovic, S; Tzeng, GH) as published in the “EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH” on July 16th, 156(2), 445-455, 2004 has been recently identified by Thomson Reuters’Essential Science IndicatorsSM to be one of the most cited papers in the field of Economics and Business.

Highly Cited Papers: 33, one is ESI

CiteAlert (July 24, 2009)

July 28, 2012

Dec. 29, 2012 Citations

Title: Compromise solution by MCDM methods: A comparative analysis of VIKOR and TOPSIS


Source: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH Volume: 156 Issue: 2 Pages: 445-455 Published: 2004
Times Cited: 310(Scholar Google651)

Title: Evaluating intertwined effects in e-learning programs: A novel hybrid MCDM model based on factor analysis and DEMATEL

Author(s): TZENG, GH; CHIANG, CH; LI, CW


Pages: 1028-1044

Published: MAY 2007

Times Cited: 140(Scholar Google300)

Title: Multi-criteria analysis of alternative-fuel buses for public transportation
Author(s): Tzeng, G. H.; Lin, C. W.; Opricovic, S.
Source: Energy Policy Volume: 33 Issue: 11

Pages: 1373-1383

Published: 2005
Times Cited: 110(Scholar Google207)

Title: Extended VIKOR method in comparison with outranking methods

Pages: 514-529 Published: APR 16 2007
Times Cited: 114(Scholar Google240)

Title: Combining grey relation and TOPSIS concepts for selecting an expatriate host country
Author(s): Chen, M. F.; Tzeng, G. H.

Source: Mathematical and Computer Modelling Volume: 40 Issue: 13

Pages: 1473-1490 Published: 2004
Times Cited: 96(Scholar Google 167)

Title: Building credit scoring models using genetic programming
Author(s): Ong, C. S.; Huang, J. J.; TZENG, G.H.
Source: Expert Systems With Applications, Volume 29, Issue 1, July 2005, Pages 41-47.
Times Cited: 79(Scholar Google 143)

Title: A real-valued genetic algorithm to optimize the parameters of support vector machine for predicting bankruptcy
Author(s): WU, CH; TZENG, GH; GOO, YJ; et al.

Pages: 397-408

Published: FEB 2007
Times Cited: 84(Scholar Google 174)

Title: Defuzzification within a multicriteria decision model
Author(s): Opricovic, S.; Tzeng, G. H.
Source: International Journal of Uncertainty Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems Volume: 11 Issue: 5 Pages: 635-652 Published: 2003
Times Cited:79(Scholar Google157)

Title: Evaluating tourist risks from fuzzy perspectives
Author(s): Tsaur, S. H.; Tzeng, G. H.; Wang, K. C.
Source: Annals of Tourism Research Volume: 24 Issue: 4 Pages: 796-812 Published: 1997
Times Cited: 73(Scholar Google 193)

Title: Airline safety measurement using a hybrid model
Author(s): Liou, J. J. H.; Tzeng, G. H.; Chang, H. C.
Source: Journal of Air Transport Management Volume: 13 Issue: 4 Pages: 243-249 Published: 2007
Times Cited: 76(Scholar Google 163)

Title: Evaluating sustainable fishing development strategies using a fuzzy MCDM approach
Author(s): Chiou, Hua-Kai, Tzeng, Gwo-Hshiung and Cheng, Ding-Chou,
Source: OMEGA - International Journal of Management Science,Volume 33, Issue 3, June 2005

Pages: 223-234; Published: June 2005
Times Cited: 73(Scholar Google 141)

My Publications: Citation Metrics


ResearcherID: B-2775-2009 Other Names: Gwo-Hshiung Tseng; Gwo-Hsiung Tzeng;

Gwo-Hshing Tzeng

This graph shows the number of times the articles on the publication list have been cited in each of the last 20 years.
Note: Only articles from Web of Science with citation data are included in the calculations. More information about these data.

June 5, 2013

Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng

Citation indices
All / Since 2008
Citations / 8694 / 6939
h-index / 51 / 42
i10-index / 142 / 123
/ Citations to my articles
June6, 2013: 2011 (1531 times), 2012 (2028 times)
Citations to my articles

Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng & Jih-Jeng Huang (2011), Multiple Attribute Decision Making: Methods and Applications, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, A Chapman & Hall Book. (1)
New Book  /

Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng & Jih-Jeng Huang (2013), Fuzzy Multiple Objective Decision Making, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, A Chapman & Hall Book.

New Book 

New Books will be published in Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press, Springer

A series of books

New Frontiers of Research Methods for Problems-Solving

-“Fuzzy Multiple Objective Decision Making: Methodsand Applications, 2013 (2), Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press. (2)

-New Frontiers of Hybrid Multiple Criteria Decision Making Model, Springer. (3)

-New Frontiers of Forecasting Model. (4)

-New Frontiers of DataMining for Knowledge Discovery. (5)

  1. Referred Papers


Yu-Chien Ko, Hamido Fujita, Gwo-HshiungTzeng (Corresponding author)(2013), An extended fuzzy measure on competitiveness correlation based on WCY 2011, Knowledge-Based Systems, Volume 37, January 2013, Pages 86-93 (SCI, IF: 2.422, 1.967 (5-years, 2012).

Wan-Yu Chiu, Gwo-HshiungTzeng(Corresponding author), Han-Lin Li (2013), A new hybrid MCDM model combining DANP with VIKOR to improve e-store business, Knowledge-Based Systems, Volume 37, January 2013, Pages 48-61 (SCI, IF: 2.422, 1.967 (5-years), 2012).

Jen-Wei Cheng, Wei-La Chiu, Gwo-HshiungTzeng(Corresponding author) (2013). Do impression management tactics and/or supervisor–subordinate guanxi matter?Knowledge-Based Systems, Volume 40, March 2013, Pages 123-133(SCI, IF: 2.422, 1.967 (5-years, 2012).

Chui-Hua Liu, Gwo-HshiungTzeng, Ming-Huei Lee, Po-Yen Lee (2013). Improving metro–airport connection service for tourism development: Using hybrid MCDM models, Tourism Management Perspectives, Volume 6, April 2013, Pages 95-107.

Kua-Hsin Peng, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng(Corresponding author) (2013), A hybrid dynamic MADM model for problems-improvement in economics and business,Technological and Economic Development of Economy, Accepted(Forthcoming,SSCI, IF: 5.605, 2011; IF: 3.235, 2012).

Jih-Jeng Huang, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng (2013), New thinking of multi-objective programming with changeable space - In search of excellence,Technological and Economic Development of Economy(Minor Revision, SSCI, IF: 5.605, 2011; IF: 3.235, 2012).

Chiu-Hung Su, Hao-Lin Tseng and Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng (2013), Exploring the factors determining the adoption of cloud-service applications using a new hybrid MCDM model', International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (Accepted).

Hsuan-Shih Lee, Gwo-HshiungTzeng, Weichung Yeih, Yu-Jie Wang, Shing-Chih Yang (2013). Revised DEMATEL: Resolving the Infeasibility of DEMATEL,Applied Mathematical Modelling,In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 15 February 2013(SCI, IF: 1.579, 1.534 (5-years, 2012).

Yu-Chien Ko, Hamido Fujita, Gwo-HshiungTzeng (Corresponding author) (2013), A fuzzy integral fusion approach in analyzing competitiveness patterns from WCY2010, Knowledge-Based Systems (Accepted, SCI, IF: 2.422, 1.967 (5-years, 2012).


James J.H. Liou, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng(Corresponding author) (2012), Comments on "Multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) methods in economics: An overview",Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 18(4), 672-695 (SSCI, IF: 5.605, 2011; IF: 3.235, 2012).

Chui-Hua Liu,Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng (Corresponding author), Ming-Huei Lee (2012),Improving tourism policy implementation - the use of hybrid MCDM models, Tourism Management, Volume 33, Issue 2, Pages 239-488 (April 2012) (SSCI, IF: 2.620, 3.415 (5-years), 2010)

Yung-Lan Wang, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng(Corresponding author) (2012), Brand Marketing for Creating Brand Value Based on a MCDM Model Combining DEMATEL with ANP and VIKOR Methods, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 39, Issue 5, April 2012, Pages 5600-5615(SCI, IF: 2.908, 3.162 (5-years), 2009).

Ozaki, Toshimasa; Lo, Mei-Chen; Kinoshita, Eizo; Tzeng, Gwo-Hshiung(2012), Decision-making for the Best Selection of Suppliers by Using Minor ANP, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing (JIM), December 2012, Volume 23, Issue 6, pp 2171-2178. (SCI, Impact Factor: 0.938, 2011)

Ming-Tsang Lu, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng(Corresponding author), Ling-Lang Tang (2012). Environmental strategic orientations for improving green innovation performance in the electronics industry – using fuzzy hybrid MCDM model, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems (Accepted with minor revision, SCI, IF: 1.36, 2010)

Yu-Ping Ou Yang, How-Ming Shieh,Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng (2012), A VIKOR technique based on DEMATEL and ANP for information security risk control assessment. Information Sciences, Volume 232, 20 May 2013, Pages 482-500(SCI, IF=3.291, 3.089 (5-years), 2009)