Minutes of Meeting 8/31/16
Wednesday, August 31, 2016 6:00 PM
Ontonagon County Center
515 Quartz Street
Ontonagon, MI 49953
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 6:01 PM.
ROLL CALL: Richard Bourdeau, Randy Eckloff, Carol Evers, James Fyfe, Richard Herrala, Dr. Kathleen Johnson, Albert Koskela, Pat Rozich, and James Tervo.
ABSENT: Barry Fink, Zach Edgerton, and Mike Koskinen.
OTHERS: Vicki Mikkola, Cari Raboin, Susan Serafini, Dawn Stromer and Angela Cline.
Approval of Agenda
MOTION: by Mr. Koskela, seconded by Mr. Fyfe, that the Agenda be approved with the addition of two items, Amendment #3 to the Agreement Between MDHHS and CMHSP and Snow Plowing Bids. Motion carried unanimously.
Approval of Minutes of July 27, 2016 Meeting
MOTION: by Mr. Koskela, seconded by Mr. Fyfe, that the minutes of the July 27, 2016 meeting be approved as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report for July, 2016
MOTION: by Mrs. Evers, seconded by Mr. Herrala, that checks numbered 46731 to 47115 for a total of $1,267,737.27 and Combined Cash Investments Report for July 31, 2016 totaling $8,869,419.99 is accepted and placed on file. YES: Bourdeau, Eckloff, Evers, Fyfe, Herrala, Johnson, Koskela, Rozich and Tervo. Motion carried unanimously.
Comments from the Public
There was no public present and therefore no comments were noted.
Chairperson’s Report: Pat Rozich, Chairperson, presented the Chairperson’s Report.
Great Lakes Fall Conference – September 11th – 13th, 2016 – Mr. Rozich reminded Board members to register if they are interested in attending the Great Lakes Fall Conference. Vicki Mikkola reminded the Board that the conference is in Central Time. Mr. Rozich stated Bob Sheehan will be present at the conference. Mr. Tervo presented a conference update and stated 61 people are to attend and he received a message from Missy Lane asking if any additional staff will be attending and wondering who would like to be a delegate. Mr. Koskela and Mrs. Evers stated they will also be attending and were added as delegates.
NorthCare Governing Board Meeting – August 10, 2016 – Mr. Rozich stated the NorthCare Governing Board meeting was held on August 10, 2016. Discussion was held regarding filling the vacancy of NorthCare CEO, Bill Slavin, as he will be with NorthCare for one more year and Mr. Rozich will meet with Bob Sheehan, CEO of MACMHB in Iron Mountain at the Great Lakes Fall Conference to discuss the vacancy. Interviews will be held early next year and Mr. Rozich asked management staff to vote in one non-voting member to sit in on the interviews and is hoping the five CMH Directors will also appoint one non-voting member to sit in on the interviews as their input is also appreciated. Applications won’t be received until December, 2016. Mr. Rozich stated Board members can email him with any questions regarding the NorthCare board.
MACMHB Fall Conference – Mr. Rozich stated the MACMHB Fall Conference is a good conference and encouraged all Board members to attend. Vicki Mikkola added that the full agenda is now available. Mr. Rozich stated the conference is being held during the same week as the October CCMH Board meeting and we may want to discuss changing the date of the meeting.
Time of September Meeting to Accommodate Recovery Lecture Attendance – Vicki Mikkola stated the Recovery Lecture is being held on the same date as the next Board meeting on Wednesday, September 28, 2016 at the Institute at 7:00 PM and asked the Board if they would like to change the time of the September meeting to provide adequate time to attend the lecture. Mr. Fyfe suggested starting the September meeting at 5:30 PM. Mr. Koskela asked about starting the meeting at 5:00 PM instead. Mr. Rozich stated we will begin the September Board meeting at 5:00 PM on Wednesday, September 28, 2016 and asked Angie Cline to reflect the change of time in the next Board Meeting packet letter.
Director’s Report: Vicki Mikkola, Executive Director, presented the Director’s Report.
Ontonagon Center Update – Vicki Mikkola introduced Michelle Findlay, Ontonagon Center Program Supervisor, to the Board. Michelle Findlay welcomed the Board to the Ontonagon Center and stated their Adult Day Activity Program is held Monday through Friday for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Some do one on one job coaching, janitorial work or learning. The group meets every morning at the Ontonagon County Center and have social hour, coffee and talk about what the group would like to do for the day. The main staff person of the Day Activity Program is Sue Kempen who does a great job at incorporating everything that everyone wants to do for the day. Some of the activities include going for a walk, going to Syl’s Café, playing games at the center, watching movies, exercise programs, cooking classes, crafts and picnics. The group recently had their summer picnic and invited the group from the L’Anse Adult Day Activity Program. Michelle Findlay encouraged the Board members to take a minute after the meeting to look at the photos posted on the walls showing these various activities. There is also the RICC group, which is a group of individuals with disabilities in the community, who also plan various activities and are currently planning a pocket park within their community which will also be taken care of by the RICC members. A lot was donated to the RICC group for park and the biggest challenge is getting funding. The State of Michigan is no longer supporting the RICC program but the group will continue to keep the name and are moving into a self-advocacy program. There will be a legislative meeting in March and the RICC group is planning on traveling to Lansing to attend. RICC members are also part of the Adult Day Activity Program and Work Program that includes lawn care and the carwash. The group has good discussions about different issues or topics that might come up and are currently planning events for the fall season including a color tour, going to the Farmer’s Market for vegetables and having a harvest lunch, a Thanksgiving dinner, and another Halloween party. Dr. Johnson asked how many individuals are involved in the Adult Day Activity Program and how they get into the program. Michelle Findlay stated there are up to 30 individuals, including the lawn care and carwash service folks and not all attend every day. They are referred to the program through their case managers after their assessment. Mr. Fyfe stated the Ontonagon Center has great staff that care about these people and Michelle Findlay has tied everything together well and has heard nothing but good comments about her and the program. Mr. Fyfe and Michelle Findlay thanked the Board for the new blacktop in the parking lot. The Board thanked Michelle Findlay for her presentation.
MDHHS FY17 General Fund Contract – Vicki Mikkola requested Board approval of the Agreement between MDHHS and CCMHSP for Managed Mental Health Supports and Services for October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2017. Vicki Mikkola stated it was recommended by the MACMHB to sign the contract and there was nothing particular or concerning to note.
MOTION: by Mr. Fyfe, seconded by Mr. Koskela, that the Board approves the Agreement between Michigan Department of Health and Human Services and Copper Country Mental Health for Managed Mental Health Supports and Services for October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2017, as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Amendment #3 to the Agreement Between MDHHS & CMHSP – Vicki Mikkola stated the MDHHS FY16 Contract Amendment #3 is an Agreement between MDHHS and CCMHSP for Managed Mental Health Supports and Services for the period of October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2016 and describes the waiver for children with severe emotional disturbances. We are not an enrolled provider but the State would like us to sign the contract anyway.
MOTION: by Mr. Tervo, seconded by Mr. Herrala, that the Board approves Amendment #3 to the Agreement between Michigan Department of Health and Human Services and Copper Country Mental Health for Managed Mental Health Supports and Services for October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2016, as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
MACMHB FY17 Membership Dues – Vicki Mikkola stated the Board packet includes information from MACMHB regarding the proposal for FY 2017 MACMHB budget and FY 2017 membership dues and fees structure. The membership dues have increased by $609 from FY 2016 for a total of $9,929. We do not have the invoice at this time. It was recommended to approve the annual dues assessment of $9,929, as presented.
MOTION: by Mr. Fyfe, seconded by Mr. Bourdeau, that the Board approves the MACMHB Membership Renewal and Dues in the amount of $9,929 for FY 2017, as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
FY 2017 Contracts – Vicki Mikkola reviewed a list of contract renewals for FY 2017. These contracts listed in August, 2016 are the continuation of existing agreements to provide services to Consumers and supervision and training for staff, with some minor changes.
MOTION: by Mr. Fyfe, seconded by Mr. Bourdeau, that the Board approves the Contract Renewals listed in August, 2016 for FY 2017, as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Policy Revision – Photographing and Fingerprinting – The Board reviewed one revised Recipient Rights policy. The Photographing and Fingerprinting Recipients policy ensures that proper notification is made, that consent is obtained prior to the photographing, audio recording, video recording, or transmitting of images/voices of recipients or use of one-way glass, and to specify the disposition of the audiovisual products.
MOTION: by Mr. Koskela, seconded by Mrs. Evers, that the Board approves the revised Photographing and Fingerprinting Recipients policy, as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Rice Foundation Board Meeting Update – Vicki Mikkola stated the Rice Foundation Board met on August 3, 2016 at the Ontonagon County Center and approved funding to continue providing Mental Health First Aid training and to add a law enforcement component to be certified. Mr. Koskela asked about sending a letter of thanks to the Rice Foundation Board and it was agreed by Board to do so.
Union Negotiations Scheduled – September 8th – 9th, 2016 - Vicki Mikkola stated union negotiations are scheduled for September 8th and 9th, 2016 at 5:30 PM. Attorney Bonnie Toskey will be traveling to the area to attend.
Other Updates – Vicki Mikkola stated that an update on the Section 298 process was provided in the Board packet, from Bob Sheehan, CEO of MACMHB, describing what the process is supposed to be for rewriting Section 298 of the Governor’s Budget. Another handout was provided tonight as the latest update on the Section 298 process about a meeting in Lansing that was difficult and members of the advocacy group had walked out as they don’t believe the State is committed to what the workgroups have worked on. The workgroups are continuing to meet and there was an update tonight from Elizabeth Hertel who said some progress has been made and is hoping those who walked out of the meeting in Lansing will come back.
Vicki Mikkola stated that NorthCare was not on site this year to complete the site review due to the Agency’s high score last year and had submitted a request for a desk audit. We received a score of 99.3%, which is the highest score NorthCare has ever awarded. It was unclear if we needed a Plan of Correction or Plan of Action for the two minor items that we scored on. Mr. Tervo asked if the Board would send a letter to all staff commending them on the high score as this is a very excellent report.
Vicki Mikkola stated we are moving to discontinue providing pre-admission screenings for psychiatric hospitalizations for those without Medicaid or Healthy Michigan or with no insurance and she and Dr. Morgan recently met with UP Health System – Portage’s CEO, Jeff Lang, which went well. Mr. Lang asked about the possibility of contracting with us but this would not be our first choice due to the wear and tear on our staff and financial reasons and are hoping they will find another way to do their screenings.
Vicki Mikkola reminded the Board that Diane Bennett, our Corporate Compliance Officer will be coming to our Agency to provide Corporate Compliance training with the Board at the September Board meeting.
Vicki Mikkola reviewed an article with the Board regarding employers being unable to attract Direct Care staff with the current reimbursement rates.
Vicki Mikkola reminded the Board that this year’s Recovery Lecture is being held on September 28, 2016 at 1:00 PM and 7:00 PM. A new flyer was provided in the Board packet highlighting the locations of the lectures at the Magnuson Hotel at 1:00 PM and the Institute at 7:00 PM.
Facility Project Bid Results – Susan Serafini presented bid results for some larger facility projects that are needed and reviewed the bids for exterior painting at the Institute, Lakeside Home, and Rice House, roof replacement at Stanton House, re-siding at the Maintenance building, windows and doors at Lakeside Home and a fence at Portage House. Susan Serafini recommended the low bids on all projects except the exterior painting at the Institute as the low bidder was unavailable until May, 2017 and the other company is recommended for large projects. Mr. Koskela asked when the projects will be completed and Susan Serafini responded they would be completed this year and will work with the companies to prioritize the projects.