Revised 03-04

Form MP1

Dear Colleague

Thank you for considering offering a placement to a trainee on our Counselling Psychology Programme and to act as their case supervisor.

With this letter, the trainee will provide you with:

·  Guidelines for Placement Providers/Supervisors (Form MP2) which outlines what is expected of placement supervisors and trainees; and

·  Course Aims and Structure (Form MP3) which is an excerpt from the Programme handbook.

If you agree to offer a placement, your trainee will approach you before the start of the placement to:

·  Complete a Placement Contract (Form MP9) which confirms the placement arrangements for the traineee;

·  Complete a Placement and Supervisor Registration Form (Form MP4).

·  Complete a Health and Safety Questionnaire (Form MP5) which satisfies a legal requirement for trainees on field placements.

·  Provide a brief CV if you are supervising on our Programme for the first time.

If you are providing supervision for the trainee, he or she will then return copies of Form MP9 and Form MP4 to you once approved by the trainee’s personal tutor. You will receive a letter of acknowledgement from the University, with details of the trainee’s personal tutor with whom you can communicate about the trainee’s progress. Your trainee will also approach you during the placement to complete a Placement Supervisor’s Evaluation (Form MP6) of their progress.

We organise meetings and workshops for placement supervisors throughout the year at the University. These are to give you the opportunity to meet us and other supervisors and to ask questions about the Programme. You will receive an invitation to attend as and when these are arranged. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact myself or your trainee's personal tutor if you require any further information, or if you would like to discuss any aspect of the course.

I should like to thank you for taking the time to consider supporting our Counselling Psychology Programme. The feedback we have had from our regular supervisors suggests that they find the experience both interesting and fulfilling. We, in turn, greatly value all our placement providers and supervisors and the time and energy they spend with our trainees.

Yours sincerely

Jacqui Farrants CPsychol

Senior Professional Manager

Counselling Psychology Programme