22 SEPTEMBER 2014 at 7pm.

PRESENT: Chairman: R Leech (Silkstone PC)

Cllr R Stier (Silkstone PC) and K Taylor (SUCC)

In attendance: Parish Clerk


RESOLVED to note apologies from A Horsfield and S Chambers. No representatives in attendance

from senior football, SUJFC under 11’s or Oxspring under 15’s – all to be reminded that if their usual

representative is unable to attend that another representative should attend these meetings.



RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the last meeting held on 21 July 14 as a true and accurate record. The minutes were signed by Cllr Leech.
Matters arising from the minutes:

The Clerk read an e-mail from PC Matt Jackson relating to the Police involvement at the Rock in the Rec event. PC Jackson stated that he and PC Nichola Garbett worked their whole shift at the event leaving at 1am. A PCSO was also in attendance until 10pm. No recorded crimes were linked to the event. Officers took around £100 worth of alcohol from underage youths outside the event cordon. No problems inside the event. The police presence kept the trouble makers at bay and the event was a success from their point of view.

RESOLVED that the Police presence had a great impact on the success of the event and that the Police are thanked and asked to provide the same service next year.

RESOLVED that the Clerk will keep the football teams informed of the progress of work at the community centre site.


Football teams
RESOLVED to note that it has been confirmed that SUJFC under 18’s has folded.

RESOLVED to note that Oxspring under 15’s will be playing their home matches at Silkstone. They will not use the pitch for training. Their manager is in contact with the SUJFC under 11’s team manager so that any clashes are avoided as they both play on a Sunday.

FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk has requested a copy of the Oxspring team’s public liability insurance and all agreed that this must be provided before the team play on the Silkstone pitch. Oxspring have agreed to pay for the season in advance and the cheque is awaited. They will be asked to provide details of an additional contact.

Cricket field drainage grant

RESOLVED that Tony Clegg will be added to the distribution list for this committee. A meeting will be arranged with representatives of the Parish Council and the cricket club to complete an application for the protecting playing fields grant from Sport England so that all paperwork is ready when the fund opens at the end of this year.

FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk will check with the grounds man when he is to carry out the shockwave work to the cricket field which was agreed sometime ago but not carried out due to weather conditions and then the start of the cricket season. The Clerk will also check when the end of season loam application and reseeding etc will be completed and will advise the cricket club.

RESOLVED that the Clerk will check in the files for a drainage plan of the recreation ground for reference when developing a cricket field drainage scheme.

RESOLVED to note that the mats in the cricket nets are to be kept rolled up as the area is prone to mole/vole activity.

Fence between cricket field and farmer’s field.

RESOLVED to note that cows have again accessed the cricket field from the farmers field. The Clerk will contact the farmer to ask for permission to install a gate to enable cricket balls to be retrieved. This will enable the fence to be covered in hedging material to ensure there are no gaps.


·  Pavilion football changing room 1 water ingress

RESOLVED to note that the Clerk is meeting servicemaster and their builder tomorrow to make arrangements for access for the plaster to be removed and flooring to be uplifted before another 4 weeks of dehumidifier drying takes place. New flooring will then be laid and walls plastered and redecorated. This is the extent of the work approved by the loss adjuster.

FURTHER RESOLVED that as the ground floor will be a building site for the next few weeks it will remain closed to everyone except key holders who will need to access to the key cupboard. Footballers will continue to use the cricket changing rooms.

·  Health & Safety

RESOLVED that cricket will tidy up the shower areas to give footballers more space in the changing rooms.

Comments book:

o  Monthly Legionella inspections are fine

o  Ground floor fire doors are now closing as the they are drying out

o  Bolts now working on the community room external door

o  Beer in referees room and fridge from Rock in the Rec on ground floor to be removed by football

o  Power cut twice due to dehumidifiers

o  Rubbish being left – must be taken away

o  Rear window in community room left open

o  Roller shutter on rear window not closing properly with main key – users asked to close this roller shutter separately.


RESOLVED to note that there are no new bookings. Next Parish Council meetings on 6 October and 3 November in Community Room.


·  Budget monitor to 15 September 14

RESOLVED to note the receipts and payments and Budget Monitor up to 15 September 14.

RESOLVED that the Clerk will remind A Horsfield that the Rock in the Rec donation has not been received.



RESOLVED to note that handy man has been collecting large amounts of litter from the football field.

RESOLVED to note that a bin will be ordered for installation on the fence of the MUGA.

14-21 DATE OF NEXT MEETING : Monday 10 November 14 at 7pm at the Sports Pavilion.

Signed by the Chairman

The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.08pm

SPFC Minutes 22 Sept 14