Note: A Certified Member must remain a member in good standing to retain the CCDP designation.
Thank you for your response. Please email or mail this form to the Registrar (addresses below).
Must be submitted with the Group Form.
Please complete this form and mail toCDAA Registrar, Box 35019 MidtownPO, 10818 - Jasper Avenue, Edmonton, AB –T5J 0B7
The form must be mailed as your original signature is required.
Questions To:
CONTACT INFORMATION (where the Registrar can contact you)
Name: /

Work Phone:

Preferred Mailing Address: /

Home Phone:

City and Province: / Preferred Email:
Postal Code: / Alternate Email:
MEMBERSHIP CATEGORIES AND FEES - Group discount of 10% has been applied
Place an “X” in the appropriate box to indicate whether you are requesting or renewing a membership.
New / Renew / Membership Expiry Date:
Place an “X” in the appropriate box to indicate the category of membership you are requesting or renewing.
Certified / Associate / Pre-CertifiedAssociate / Senior Associate / Student
FEE SCHEDULE / (Regular) / (non-voting) / (non-voting)
Membership / 124.03 / 124.03 / 99.23 / 62.02 / 29.77
CCDP Maintenance / 50.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
GST / 8.70 / 6.20 / 4.96 / 3.10 / 1.49
TOTAL / 182.73 / 130.23 / 104.19 / 65.12 / 31.26
Open to members registered in a CDAA approved certificate/diploma program in career development.
MUST attach proof of enrolment / Open to members who after the 10th year of continuous membership have primarily retired from career development CCDA/CCDP - 1/2 standard fee. MUSTsign a self declaration. / MUST attach proof of full time student status.
If payment is not received prior to membership expiring,
Group status will be forfeited and members are encouraged to apply on an individual basis.
If you are an Associate Member, consider applying for CCDP…a designation that tells employers, clients and the public that you meet a standard of professionalism. Details about how to apply can be found on the CDAA web page (
The information you include below will included in the members-only website directory. If you wish to be EXCLUDED from the directory, do not fill in this section.
INCLUDE information in the directory as follows: / I wish to be EXCLUDED from the directory
Name: / Business Address:
Position: / City & Province:
Organization: / Postal Code:
Work Phone: / Email:
Home Phone:
Place an “X” in the boxes beside CDAA activities for which you would like to volunteer:
Board of Directors:
Executive Officer / Area Chapter
Registration/ Standards & Certification (must have CCDP)
Membership Development (Prof. Dev. / Benefits)
Marketing & Communication
Please indicate the CDAA chapter closest to your home or work address:
Edmonton and area / Calgary and area / Northern Alberta
Central Alberta / Southern Alberta / North of 60
We are interested in knowing how the CDAA and its chapters can best serve you.
To write your comments, please click your cursor in the box below; it will expand as you type into it.
DECLARATION (Please initial the following declaration)
As a member of the Career Development Association of Alberta (CDAA), I have read and agree to uphold the CDAA Bylaws and CDAA Code of Ethics. I further understand I may be disciplined for failing to comply with the Code of Ethics or for actions or inactions that cause or can be seen to cause harm to the profession.
I agree to the above statement (please initial) / Date:
The Bylaws, Code of Ethics and information on qualifying for the Certified Career Development Professional (CCDP) designation can be found on the CDAA website at
NOTICE OF CHANGES: Members must advise the Association of any changes in contact information within twenty-one (21) days of the change. It is the member’s responsibility to respond to notification sent by the CDAA within the specified timelines. Failure to receive notification from the CDAA will not be considered grounds for extension of membership or maintenance of the CCDP designation.


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