
Writing a Business Plan

315 points


You will work individually or in groups of 2-3 to develop a business plan for a food service-related business. The business must exist in or within a 10 mile radius of Windsor, be realistic, and relate to food service, production, and/or management. Businesses that are distasteful, offensive, demeaning, or pornographic in nature will NOT be accepted.

The business plan will be prepared as either a power point or a word document and dropped in Ms. Miller’s drop folder on the network on or before the due date.The project will be a collection of researched and developed information needed for thebusiness plan in establishing the small business.

Include the following: 1 project identification slide or page, 1 table of contents slide or page, 0-10 divider slides or pages, and up to 50 content slides or pages including the documents listed below. Divider slides or pages may contain a title, a section name, graphic elements, thematic decorations, and/or page numbers. They must not include other content.

The project must be word processed on a computer. Each student will need to know how to save his/her work on “google docs”, the network file folder, or on a flash drive. You must use at least all of the class time to complete this project. A daily effort grade may be assessed. Each person or group will make an oral presentation (5-10 minutes in length) to the class about the business plan.

The following must be included in your project:

Decorative Slide or Sheet (5 points)

-Include graphics, including your business logo and name, make it colorful and appealing to the eye

Project Identification Slide or Sheet (5 points)
May include graphics; must include: participant’s name(s) and business title

Table of Contents (10 points)

List of 10 Categories (5 points)
  • Page/Slide Numbers (5 points)

Category #1: Business Description (20 points)

  • Services Provided (1 point)

Hint: will you offer a drive-through? do you cater? is it a sit-down, full-service restaurant, a fast-food restaurant, a bakery, or a coffee shop? what is your specialty? what separates your business from others that are similar?

  • Target Audience (1 point)

Hint: age, male/female, type of person

  • Hours of operation (1 point)
  • Menu (10 points)

Hint: may develop your own or use one from the internet

  • Philosophy statement (1 point)

Hint: google restaurant philosophy statements, research, and choose one

  • Demographics served (2 points)

Hint: google “Windsor, CO demographics”, should include population, average income, and anything else that pertains to why this is a smart business decision

  • Business feasibility-may include community survey/data market search (4 points)

Hint: how wise is it to open this business? list your competitors, what sets you apart, if you send out a community survey, what kind of questions would you include and how many people (or a percentage) would you survey?

Category #2: Facility (50 points)

  • Space: dimension of the building (1 point), labeled floor plan (25 points), description of the inside (2 points) and outside (2 points) of the facility, including colors used (5 points) and décor (5 points) and any other pertinent information

Hint: google a typical dimension for your size of business, may use a floor plan from the internet or devise your own

  • Utilities: includes heating/cooling, electricity, water, sewer, garbage, telephone, and cable (7 points)

Hint: villageprofile.com lists the available utilities for your community, list the companies you will use to meet your utility needs

  • Emergency procedures: includes fire, tornado, emergency evacuation (3 points)

Hint: either describe or draw on floor plan or both

Category #3: Supplies and Equipment (45 points)

  • List of suppliers, list at least 5 (5 points)

Hint: google restaurant suppliers and pick from the list

  • Inventory of equipment, list at least 20 items (20 points)

Hint: cut and paste pictures and the cost of the equipment that your business will need to start up, things such as commercial refrigerators/ freezers, grills, coffee makers, etc.

  • Inventory of supplies, list at least 15 items (15 points)

Hint: same as equipment, but supplies are consumables such as cleaning supplies, paper napkins, food, office supplies, etc.

  • Describe provisions for maintenance and repair of equipment (5 points)

Hint: briefly describe if you are going to hire staff for this or contract this out with an outside company, if so, who is it?

Category #4: Organizational Chart (10 points)

  • Job titles (5 points)
  • Tasks (5 points)

Category #5: Personnel Management (40 points)

  • Hiring procedures:

-how (1 point)

-whereyou will advertise job openings (1 point)

-hiring process (3 points)

-job application form (5 points)

-5 interview questions (5 points)

  • Employee Salaries (5 points)
  • Employee Benefits (5 points)
  • Company Policies (5 points)
  • Company Procedures (5 points)
  • Employee Evaluation/Appraisal Form (5 points)

Category #6: Funding for Business (20 points)

  • Methods/sources of funding (10 points)

Hint: google “funding for restaurants”

  • Loan Application (10 points)

Hint: google a bank and Small Business Administration (SBA) for an application

Category #7: Budget (25 points)

  • Balance Sheet including income and expenditures (9 points)

Hint: google balance sheet, don’t fill out, just show the form

  • Describe financial procedures (1 points)

Hint: google “restaurant financial procedures”

  • Explain the types of taxes your business will need to pay: include federal, state, and local (5 points)
  • W2 Form (5 points)

Hint: irs.gov

  • W4 Form (5 points)

Hint: irs.gov

  • Other Tax Forms (5 extra credit points for each form)

Hint: irs.gov

Category #8: Laws, Regulations, and Codes (15 points)

  • Health-describe how health codes and regulations will affect your business (1 point) and include a Weld or Larimer County Health Department Food Inspection Form (5 points)

Hint: Self Inspection Form

  • Environment-all restaurants in Colorado are non-smoking, describe how state and local regulations control the environment of your business (1 point)
  • Fire-include a Windsor Fire Form (2 points)


  • Insurance-list the types of insurance that your business will carry, at least 2 (2 points), indicate what is mandatory and voluntary (2 points)

Hint: google types of restaurant insurance needed

  • Zoning-describe the zoning (commercial or residential) of the land that your business is located on (1 point) and include a zoning form from the county in which the business resides (1 point)

Hint: research zoning maps

Category #9: Advertising and Recruitment (25 points)

  • Business card with logo, name of business, address, phone number, etc. (5 points)
  • Grand Opening (celebration of when you first open your doors), Description and Cost (5 points)

Hint: google what other companies have done for a grand opening

  • Other special events/advertising gimmicks and cost (5 points)
  • Sample advertisement, where it will be placed, and cost (5 points)
  • Total Cost of Advertising for First Year (5 points)

Category #10: Bibliography (5 points)

  • Alphabetical (1 point)
  • Current (1 point)
  • Reliable (1 point)
  • At least 5 sources (1 point)
  • Proper Format (1 point)

Appearance (5 points)

-Word Processed (3 points)

-Correct Spelling (1 point)

-Correct Grammar (1 point)

Presentation (35 total points)

The presentation of the business plan will consist of:

  • Organization: Deliver oral presentation in an organized, sequential manner; concisely and thoroughly summarize business plan (5 points)
  • Knowledge of Subject Matter: Show evidence of mastery of entrepreneurial skills including facility management, budget and credit management, personnel management and understanding of government regulations (5 points)
  • Use of Visuals: use visuals to support, illustrate or complement presentation. They should be neat, legible, professional, and creative and use correct grammar and spelling. (5 points)
  • Voice: speak clearly with appropriate pitch, tempo, and volume (5 points)
  • Body Language: use appropriate body language including gestures, posture, mannerisms, eye contact and appropriate handling of notes or visuals if used (5 points)
  • Grammar and pronunciation: use proper grammar and pronunciation (5 points)
  • Provided clear and informed responses to questions after the presentation (5 points)