2013 National Health Care for the Homeless

Conference & Policy Symposium

Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C.

March 14-16, 2013

Applications are due December 31, 2012

Late or incomplete applications will NOT be considered

Eligible Applicants

Through a Cooperative Agreement with the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), the National Health Care for the Homeless Council (Council) will provide a limited number of Consumer Travel Subsidies to support consumer participation in the National HCH Conference & Policy Symposium occurring March 14-16, 2013, in Washington, D.C.

This Consumer Travel Subsidy will be offered only to HCH grantees to support the travel of consumers who are

  • membersof HCH grantees’ Board of Directors, or
  • members of Consumer Advisory Boards of HCH grantees, or
  • employees of HCH grantees.

Consumers are defined as people who have experienced homelessness and have received services from the HCH grantee.

HCH grantees, for this purpose, are agencies that receive HCH grants from HRSA under Section 330(h) of the Public Health Service Act, or their subcontractors or sub-grantees (as listed at

Available Funding

A maximum travel subsidy of $1,350.00 will be provided for each HCH grantee (not each consumer) whose application is accepted.

This funding will support consumer participation in the National HCH Conference and Policy Symposium only.In order to maximize consumer participation in the Conference, we are not supporting participation in this year’s Pre-Conference Institutes on March 13.

This funding will be allocated as follows:

Lodging:The National HCH Council will prepare a rooming list of accepted consumers, will make hotel reservations, and will deduct the charges from the amounts awarded to each project.

For a single occupancy room, arriving Wednesday, March 13, and departing Saturday, March 16, and at the discounted Conference rate, plus tax, this amounts to $858.75 deducted from the maximum subsidy amount.

OR, if the HCH Grantee wishes to use a double occupancy room (in order to allow another consumer or other grantee representative to attend), this amounts to $944.63 deducted from the maximum subsidy amount.

If you would like to spread your subsidy further by sharing a room with another travel subsidy recipient, please let Brian Zralek ( or (615) 226-2292 ext. 239) know, and we will try to make arrangements.

Incidentals such as pay-per-view TV, room service, or telephone calls from the room will not be available for rooming list rooms without a separate payment guarantee (a credit card) at check-in.

Per diem: The National HCH Council will provide a cash per diem payment to each approved consumer upon arrival at the conference hotel.This amount is calculated according to federal travel guidelines, to include meals on travel days and meals not provided by the Conference, plus daily incidentals.For each approved consumer, the Council will provide $176.50, deducted from the maximum subsidy amount.

Transportation and any other costs: Grantees are responsible for arranging and paying for all ground or air transportation to and from the conference, including airfare, bus or train fare, and taxis or shuttles.The National HCH Council will reimburse grantees for transportation costs up to the amount of the maximum travel subsidy remaining after lodging and per diem costs are deducted.See worksheet on application form below.A reimbursement claim form including receipts for these transportation costs will be required by April 30, and reimbursements will be paid promptly.

Travel planning should provide for arrival at the hotel in Washington, D.C., in time for the mandatory Conference orientation meeting at 5p.m.on Wednesday, March 13, and for departure after 12:00 noon on Saturday, March 16.

Conference Registration:Upon notification that a travel subsidy has been awarded, grantees will be expected to register the consumer for the Conference on the conference website.Registration for approved consumers will be complimentary.

Pre-Conference Institutes:No subsidy is available for the March 13 Pre-Conference Institutes, though consumers are encouraged to register and participate.Hotel reservations for the night of Tuesday, March 12, may be made directly with the Hyatt Regency Hotel on Capitol Hill via the conference website.

Additional Consumer Participants: Grantees are free – and encouraged – to apply the consumer travel subsidy to more than one consumer’s participation in the Conference.Because there is a maximum allotment per project, any costs above the maximum are the responsibility of the grantee or the consumer personally.Grantees located near the conference site in Washington should contact Brian Zralek (, (615) 226-2292 ext 239) regarding registration fees if they wish to involve more than two consumers.

Events for Consumer Travel Subsidy Recipients

National Consumer Advisory Board (NCAB) Orientation Meeting – Wednesday, March 13,
5 – 7 p.m.: This meeting is to orient all consumer attendees to NCAB and the National Conference.Attendees will meet by region and discuss activities of local Consumer Advisory Boards, Conference workshops, the rally, and the conference mentoring system among other agenda items.This meeting is mandatory for consumer travel subsidy recipients.

NCAB Membership Meeting – Thursday, March 14, 11:30a.m. – 1 p.m.:This meeting is to elect NCAB leadership and confirm by-laws revisions. Lunch will be provided.This session is mandatory for all Consumer Travel Subsidy recipients.

Conference Workshops:It is expected that Consumer Travel Subsidy recipients will participate in workshops and sessions throughout the conference. Several conference workshops will directly address issues of consumer involvement.Here is a sample of workshops that are relevant and may be interesting for consumers:


  • Housing is Not Enough: Social Inclusion as a Strategy to End Homelessness for Good
  • It Begins with a Connection: Communication with Patients Who Are Homeless with Community Voice Mail
  • An Introduction to Community Health Workers by the Northwest Regional Primary Care Association


  • Forming and Maintaining a Consumer Advisory Board
  • Homelessness, Racism, and Social Justice
  • Spare Some Social Change? Integrating Service and Advocacy
  • Telling Stories for Social Change: The Cantastoria Workshop-Cheap Art for Social Action
  • Using Existing Networks to Educate the HCH Community on Health Reform


  • Risk, Reward, and Reinvention: A Candid Conversation about the Successes and Failures of Homeless Health Services in the District
  • Strategic Sharing
  • Supporting Homeless Families: A Study in Unique Systems and Policy Collaboration to Promote Healthcare Coordination

Consumer Support

A large national conference in an unfamiliar setting is potentially overwhelming for any conference participant. To help assure a positive experience for all consumers, NCAB has developed a mentoring system pairing NCAB consumer leaders with consumer travel subsidy recipients to provide orientation and on-going support for each consumer throughout the conference for any needs that may arise. All NCAB Steering Committee members, Regional Representatives, and the staff of the Council will be available to assist during the conference, as well. There will be 12 Step meetings each morning and evening for those who are in recovery and wish to participate.

Selection Criteria

A limited amount of consumer travel support will be available. In the event that there are more applications than available funds will support, priority in selection will be given in the following order:

  1. Consumers who are presenting at the 2013 conference
  2. Consumers who have not attended a previous conference
  3. Consumers who have been nominated by a Consumer Advisory Board or Board of Directors of which they are a part
  4. Consumers who have participated in the Consumer Participation Outreach process described at
  5. Consumers representing projects that have not received support for prior conferences
  6. Consumers who are formally involved in HCH project governance
  7. Consumers who are employed by HCH projects

Application & Reimbursement Schedule

To be considered, the Council must receive signed applications using the form below no later than Friday, January18, 2013. Applications may be mailed to P.O. Box 60427, Nashville TN 37206-0427, faxed to (615) 226-1656, or scanned and e-mailed to signature of an official of the HCH grantee denotes that the grantee understands and accepts the terms above.

Decisions regarding consumer travel subsidy applications will be communicated to applicants and consumers via email by Friday, January 25, 2013.A reimbursement claim form will be provided with the notification of award.

Reimbursement claim forms must be submitted to the Council no later than Tuesday, April 30, 2013. Late submissions cannot be paid.Original receipts of all claims will be required for reimbursement.


Please contact Brian Zralek, Consumer Advocate, at the National Health Care for the Homeless Council, (615) 226-2292, ext 239 or .

See application below.


2013 National Health Care for the Homeless Conference & Policy Symposium

Please Print or Type – Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Agency and consumer signatures are required at the bottom.

Name of Organization: ______

City and State: ______

This organization is a:

__ 330(h) Grantee

__ 330(h) Subrecipient

__ 330(h) Subcontractor

This organization requests Consumer Travel Subsidy as follows:

Subsidy Worksheet

Maximum travel subsidy available per grantee: $1350.00

Deductions, please mark as applicable:

Single occupancy hotel room x three nights __$858.75

Double occupancy hotel room x three nights __$944.63

Per diem for one consumer __$176.50

Per diem for second consumer __$176.50


REMAINDER, maximum available to reimburse grantee for transportation costs $______.__

Consumer #1

Consumer Name: ______

Consumer Mailing address: ______

Consumer Telephone: ______

Consumer E-mail: ______

This consumer:

__ was nominated by Consumer Advisory Board on (date) ______

__ was nominated by agency Board of Directors on (date ) ______

__ has participated in a Consumer Participation Outreach effort

__ is member of HCH Project’s Board of Directors

__ is member of Advisory Committee or Consumer Advisory Board

__ is staff member of HCH project

__ is currently homeless

__ is formerly homeless

__ attended previous National HCH Conference

__ will attend an NCAB orientation meeting at 5 p.m. on Wednesday,March 13 (mandatory)

__ will attend NCAB meeting at lunch on March 15 (mandatory)

__ will participate in the National HCH Conference March 14-16 (mandatory)

__ is a member of NCAB (mandatory; join on-line for free at

Consumer #2 (if applicable)

Consumer Name: ______

Consumer Mailing address: ______

Consumer Telephone: ______

Consumer E-mail: ______

This consumer:

__ was nominated by Consumer Advisory Board on (date) ______

__ was nominated by agency Board of Directors on (date ) ______

__ has participated in a Consumer Participation Outreach effort

__ is member of HCH Project’s Board of Directors

__ is member of Advisory Committee or Consumer Advisory Board

__ is staff member of HCH project

__ is currently homeless

__ is formerly homeless

__ attended previous National HCH Conference

__ will attend an NCAB orientation meeting at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, March 13 (mandatory)

__ will attend NCAB meeting at lunch on March 15 (mandatory)

__ will participate in the National HCH Conference March 14-16 (mandatory)

__ is a member of NCAB (mandatory; join on-line for free at

Applications must be received no later than Friday, January18, 2013. Please mail to National Health Care for the Homeless Council, P.O. Box 60427, Nashville, TN 37206-0427; fax to (615) 226-1656; or .


As a part of this application for a Consumer Travel Subsidy for the National Health Care for the Homeless Conference March 14 – 16 in Washington, D.C., I agree to the following:

HCH Organization Representative:

  1. I agree to be responsible for all reservations related to airfare including baggage fees, shuttles, and transfers.
  1. I will file a reimbursement request including original receipts no later than April 30, 2013.I understand that any submissions after this date will not be reimbursed by the Council.
  1. I will ensure that the consumer(s)have the necessary funds to pay out-of-pocket travel expenses.To the extent possible, these will be prepaid such as shuttles and baggage fees. (More information on ground transportation will be provided with acceptance letter).
  1. I have taken meeting times into account when booking travel.
  1. To the best of my knowledge, the consumer I am recommending can represent my organization and its CAB well and fully participate in all conference activities.
  1. I have read and fully understand the Consumer Travel Subsidy application and consumer requirements (below).

Consumer Utilizing Consumer Travel Subsidy:

  1. I agree that there are certain expectations that come with this Consumer Travel Subsidy.These include, but are not limited to:full participation in the conference, sobriety during meetings, respectful physical appearance, and participation in all required meetings.
  1. If any part of the conference is a challenge for me at any time, I agree to contact my mentor, a member of the NCAB Steering Committee, NCAB Regional Representative, or a Council staff person to seek assistance.
  1. I understand that I must be a member of NCAB to be eligible for the Consumer Travel Subsidy. [Membership application is available at: National HCH Council staff are available by phone at (615) 226-2292 to assist if needed.]
  1. I understand that I am responsible for spending per diem funds appropriately and that I will not be provided with additional Council funds.


Agency representative signature & Date


Agency representative name & title printed, e-mail, and phone


Consumer Applicant #1 signature & Date


Consumer Applicant #1 name printed


Consumer Applicant #2 signature & Date


Consumer Applicant #2 name printed