
Arts Bursaries Panel

Constitution and Terms of Reference

1 Purpose and scope

The Arts Bursaries Panel is responsible to the Vice-Chancellor for the consideration and award of student bursaries to support and promote excellence in cultural activities at CoventryUniversity.

2 Terms of reference


To determine appropriate administrative mechanisms to encourage the widest eligibility compatible with the criteria of the bursaries.


To consider applications in the context of the criteria set out for the award of an arts or sports bursary.


To review the operation and award of the bursaries to ensure that they continue to be awarded fairly and appropriately.


To consider and propose alternative mechanisms or criteria where it appears that no appropriate applications have been forthcoming over a significant period of time.


To report to the Vice-Chancellor and to the Chancellor’s Forum Advisory Group for the Arts each year on the achievements of bursary-recipients.


To be responsible each year for co-ordinating suitable advertising and publicity for the bursaries.

3 Constitution


The Constitution of the Arts and Sports Bursaries Panel is:

(a) the Dean of School – Art & Design, ex officio;

(b) Students’ Union Vice-President Sports and Societies Officer, ex officio;

(c) two other persons having relevant experience in the cultural activities;

(d) the panel may invite up to two other persons internal or external to the University having particular expertise or experience, to participate in the work of the Panel on an ad hoc basis;

(e) the Chair is appointed by the Dean of School Art & Design, either from or additional to the membership specified above;

(g) Total membership: 4 Quorum: 2


The Committee will strive to maintain a membership that reflects a rich diversity, taking positive action to achieve this where necessary. In meeting this objective the Committee shall have the power to co-opt additional members.

4 In attendance

The University's Press & Publicity Officer

5 Administrative arrangements and notes


Conduct of meetings and minutes will be in accordance with the procedures and notes for guidance promulgated by the University Secretary.


Meetings are normally expected to take place twice a year.


The Secretary is designated by the University Secretary.


Circulation of papers:

All members of the Panel


Quality Enhancement Unit.

October 2000

L:\REG\Quality Enhancement Unit\Committees\Constitutions, terms of reference (MASTERS ONLY)\Terms of references\Arts Bursaries.doc1