Minutes of the

Connecticut State University AAUP Council

Thursday April 21, 2011

CCSU-Nutmeg Room, Memorial Hall


(Light Dinner Provided 4:30pm-5:30pm)

Present:C. Austad, A. Beatman, D. Brown, K. Buterbaugh, C. Carlson, L Cordon, A. Dawson, J. Donegan, D. Emmelman, M. Ganon, R. Gladstone, G. Holder-Winfield, S. Holt, K. Jacobi, J. Jones, J. Kavanagh, M. Levin, J. Madison, D. Matthews, V. Metaxas, J. Mueller, G. Murphy, V. Nair, P. O’Neill, P. Petterson, T. Rosso, H. Shakun, M. Shea, R. Siporin, C. Stretch, E. Tapia, R. Vaden-Goad, K. Weiss, L. Williams

Other’s Present:G. Adler, E. Benson, L. Cunningham, J. Dee, S. Greatorex, M. Malinowski,

C. Schiff-Greatorex

A.CSU-AAUP Workload Committee (5:30pm-7:00pm)

1.Presentation on the Workload Report by Dr. Jay Dee, New England Resource Center for Higher Education (NERCHE)

1.Call to order


a.CSU-AAUP Officer Election results

Vijay Nair – President

Elena Tapia – VP

Harlan Shakun –Treasurer

Rebecca Wood – Secretary

Reorganization Bill (Gary) – Currently two bills, the Governor’s bill and Representative R. Willis Bill. Probably, the governor’s bill will move forward, but nothing happening now. There is still a lot of disagreement. Legislators are in conversation with the Governor.

State Employee’s and ARP- Dan Livingston presented the current state of the ARP agreement.

3.Approval of the minutes March 17, 2011

Moved and seconded.

The minutes were approved unanimously

4.Legislative Report – Betty Gallo was unable to attend.

5.Executive Session at 8:00p.m.

Ended at 8:13p.m.

6.Resolution 4-11-6

RESOLVED,That the CSU-AAUP Workload Study Committee recommends that each of the campus AAUP Executive Committees form an ongoing workload committee for the purpose of: 1. Keeping track of workload data on a regular basis, 2. Reporting the campus information to the CSU-AAUP Council each semester, and

The CSU-AAUP NERCHE Workload Study materials shall not to be distributed electronically, other than the executive summary. Hard copies should be made available to AAUP members for review while in the respective campus union offices.

Moved and seconded.

Motion passed unanimously

7.Resolution #4-11-7

RESOLVED, That the CSU-AAUP Council authorizes the appointment of the negotiatingteam for the 2012 successor Collective Bargaining Agreement. The Team shall consist of the following ten members: Two members from each of the four Chapters named by the respective Chapter Presidents with the consent of the respective Executive Committees of the Chapters; the President of CSU-AAUP, and a contingent faculty member named by the President of CSU-AAUP with the consent of the officers of CSU-AAUP. The team shall be constituted no later than May 18, 2011.

[The attorney for CSU-AAUP will provide legal advice and services and CSU-AAUP staff will provide support as necessary.]

Moved and seconded.

8.Resolution #4-11-8

WHEREAS,On September 22, 2010, Roberta Golick, Arbitor of the SEBAC ARP Grievance (SAG) decreed that “between the date of this award and December 31, 2010 all ARP members shall be given the one time opportunity to make their irrevocable choice to either remain in ARP or transfer to SERS,”

WHEREAS,ARP members have not been given this opportunity as of March 17, 2011,
WHEREAS, the delay in implementing the SAG Award does harm financially to AAUP ARP members, in particular those members retiring this year,

WHEREAS, the state Retirement Commission is not providing AAUP with sufficient information regarding the delay in the SAG Award implementation resulting in a lack of transparency,

RESOLVED, that the CSU-AAUP Council authorizes the hiring of our own legal counsel, specifically Thomas G. Moukawsher*, who is an experienced pension attorney, to investigate the delay in implementing the SAG Award and to pursue all necessary measures that will result in the timely implementation of the SAG Award, and that AAUP pursue obtaining agreements from other affected unions to share in paying his fees and other legal expenses.

*AttorneyThomas G. Moukawsherwas recommended by the Pension Rights Center in Washington as the top pension attorney in the area and one of the top in the country. AttorneyThomas G. Moukawsher wrote the opinion that the state of Connecticut was guilty of wrongdoing and legally.

Moved and seconded.

16 no, 11 yes

The motion was defeated.

9.Resolution #4-11-9

RESOLVED,That the CSU-AAUP Council approves subsidizing the cost of the CT State Conference AAUP Spring Meeting on Thursday May 12, 2011 at the Graduate Club at ½ the cost ($16.00) for each CSU-AAUP member and their guest attending.

Moved and seconded.

Motion passed unanimously.

10.Resolution #4-11-10

RESOLVED,That the CSU-AAUP Council authorizes the attendance of up to 18 persons (the 4 state officers, 2 delegates from each chapter and 6 staff) at the National AAUP Annual Meeting, June 8-12, 2011 in Washington, D.C. at an estimated cost of $1,700.00 per person.

Moved and seconded.

Motion passed unanimously.

11.Resolution #4-11-11

RESOLVED,That the CSU-AAUP Council authorizes the expenditure of $370.00 to place a congratulatory ad and send 6 people to the April 10, 2011 luncheon honoring Gary Holder-Winfield. Gary is the 2011 recipient of the Man of the Year Award, which is being given by the Elm City of the National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Clubs.

Moved and seconded.

Motion passed unanimously.

12.Resolution #4-11-12*

RESOLVED,That the CSU-AAUP Council authorizes the expenditure of $250.00 to purchase a sponsorship in support of the 23rd Annual Henry Barnard Distinguished Student Awards Banquet on May 11, 2011.

Moved and seconded.

Motion passed unanimously.

13.Chapter President’s Reports

a.CCSU - Ongoing issue with funding of internships in Arts and Sciences. Senate passed a motion in favor of improving internships. The President signed this, but has said that this does not mean that he will require it.

b.ECSU – No report

c.SCSU – The Union filed a grievance on raising class size maxes. Chairs have been able to negotiate changes and the grievance will be withdrawn. There will be a “Day of Action” on campus. BOT announced that there would be a presidential search at Southern. They are rushing the selection of committee members.

d.WCSU – Problems with increasing class sizes. Departments are treated differently.

14.Ad Hoc Committee on Special Appointments Report

The Committee has a report; it will be sent out to the Council members.

15.Ad Hoc Survey Committee

The Survey is completed. It is structured loosely on the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Resolution #4-11-13

RESOLVED,That the CSU-AAUP Council approves the annual survey of working conditions developed by the ad hoc committee (Stephen Adair, James Dolan, Wendi Everton, and Patty O’Neill).

Moved and seconded.

18 yes, 8 No

The motion passed.

16.Working Group National Day of Action April 14th

Student government leaders are working with AAUP to have a Day of Action.

17.Staff Reports - None

18.New Business - None

19.Adjournment – Meeting adjourned at 9:30pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marty Levin