Final Report

Keith Sterritt – March 2011


Professional Development Activity Undertaken

To support teachers in the teaching of practical science, using the outdoor environment as a stimulus

The need was identified by

  • Participation in the STEM programme run by the Department of Education in 2010.
  • Requests from teachers who were not able to access the programme.

Outcomes in Terms of Improved Practice

Our involvement in the STEM programme run through the Department of Education was as a partner school. Our bid to participate in the running of this programme involved ourselves and our partner school. The teacher trainer who visited other schools and participated in team teaching sessions was a teacher from our neighbouring school while I was tasked with supporting his development and planning teaching sessions.

Having been involved in supporting the designated teacher throughout the STEM programme I became more aware of the different opportunities and techniques available to engage children in learning outdoors. However actually being involved in team teaching sessions provided me with an increased experience of how easily the skills acquired in the classroom could be transferred to outdoor learning.

Naturally team teaching gives a greater opportunity for reflection and an insight into how other teachers manage their classes and interact with the children. This has increased both my skill and that of the teachers involved in the sessions.

Teachers are also more aware of how easily practical Science activities can be incorporated into almost any topic work. This project has increased awareness in the importance of Practical Science, something which can be overlooked due to the change towards World Around Us as opposed to Science as a subject in its own right.

Outcomes in Terms of Improvements in Pupils Learning Experiences

Pupils involved all reported an increased interest in learning outdoors.

Pupils have experienced activities which challenge and extend their existing learning.

Pupils had more access to practical Science activities.

Pupils questioned after the series of lessons expressed their desire for more Practical Science – something we are currently planning to focus on.

Evaluation of the Professional Development Activity

Evaluation of all aspects of our School Development Plan are carried out by all teaching and non-teaching staff members in May/June. Preliminary evaluations from both myself and the members of staff in the classes involved have highlighted the following:

-The benefit of team teaching for all staff involved

-The positive impact of practical Science on the children

-The increased level of motivation and interest from the children when learning takes place outdoors

-The ability to use skills acquired in class to solve problems outdoors, which makes learning more meaningful

-Increased motivation among staff to experiment and extend learning beyond the classroom

How Experience, Skills & Knowledge Gained Have Been/Will Be Shared With Other Teachers

As this has formed part of our School Development Plan the aim is for all members of staff to have input and feedback into its success or otherwise and how it can be developed in the future. This has been achieved by:

-Feedback on activities during staff meetings

-Year group partners sharing lessons plans with their colleagues

-Access to resources used for all teachers

Reflection on Value and Effectiveness

Professional Benefits – Team teaching, while initially viewed with some scepticism, has increased the level of collegial learning within the school and improved what we already believed was a good level of collaboration between Key Stages.

Ithas also helped all involved to focus more on the effectiveness of their teaching which leads to teachers becoming more reflective and focused on the learning as opposed to the activity. I also feel it has given teachers a different outlook and improved the level of creativity in planning.

Pupil Benefits – It has helped them to utilise the skills they have been developing in class. It has also fostered an increased level of motivation among all the pupils involved.

Future Plans

To develop the use of the outdoor environment to promote the use of practical Scientific, Technological, Engineering and Mathematical skills

We have been fortunate enough to win £50,000 through the People’s Millions awards which is being used to develop our forested area further and create improved access. This will continue to be a focus on our School Development Plan for years to come.