Just to keep you informed, as of October 14, 2016, here is a brief synopsis of things being worked on/or accomplished in your City.

City Manager’s Office:

Ø  Conferenced with County and Lee Tran officials to discuss service adjustments.

Ø  Met with Tiffany Esposito and Arleen Hunter about items of mutual interest.

Ø  Attended Neighborhood Services Staff Meeting.

Ø  Met with Walker Parking Consultants to talk about beach parking and downtown parking.

Ø  Attended the Government Affairs Committee Meeting at the Bonita Springs Chamber of Commerce. Reported on issues that might be of interest

Ø  Met with Jessica Ayers Crane to discuss the Blue Zones Project of Southwest Florida and Bonita Springs.

Ø  Met with representatives from BSU on potential use of ROW for ROW water pipe.

Ø  Attended the REIS luncheon meeting with Assistant City Manager Arleen Hunter where the guest speaker was John Boland, Director of Lee County Economic Development Office who talked about the County’s role in economic development.

Ø  The Calusa Chapter of the Florida Planning and Zoning Association (FPZA) hosted the State Regional Forum on Innovative Approaches to Growth Management.

Ø  Attended the Art in Public Places Board Meeting.

Ø  Participated in one-on-ones with Council regarding the Bernwood Self Storage Project.

Ø  Met Mr. Michael Nuckols of Mobilitie to talk about a new hybrid transport network.

Communications Department:

Ø  Working with Sunset Rotary to expedite a special event permit for RockTober Festival - October 21st.

Ø  Working with the Rotary Clubs to prepare the special event application for the morning run to be held before Taste of Bonita.

Ø  Processed DeRomo’s Special Event Application.

Ø  Processed Lansdowne Street Special Event Packet.

Ø  Processed Momentum Brewhouse Special Event Application.

Ø  Processing Historical Society’s “Light the Way” special event permit.

Ø  Veterans Day Planning/First Responders Cup Planning.

Ø  RiverFest Planning

Ø  Attended Veterans Advisory Committee Meeting.

Ø  Coordinating Councilwoman Quaremba’s District One “Our Town” segment filming.

Ø  Prepared the Holiday Lighting RFP.

Ø  Working with Parks and Recreation Center to work on IT equipment for the new lobby desk. We will be running new cable through the lobby desk and setting the computer/computer equipment back up.

Ø  Assisted Public Works with Adobe Acrobat Pro.

Ø  Released press release about upcoming Fitness Classes at the Recreation Center.

Ø  Updated Social Media with upcoming fitness class schedule.

Ø  Updated social media regarding the Halloween Disc Tournament.

Ø  Staff attended a Social Media Marketing conference.

Development Services:

Ø  Hickory Blvd Dunes: Environmental staff has continued to lobby for dune plantings during the beach sand replacement projects at the north end of Hickory Blvd. The Sea Oat roots help to hold the sand and prevent erosion of the beach during Hurricanes.

Ø  Altaria at the Colony: Structural work complete and this 20-Story Tower is fully enclosed. Finishing work inside should be completed early next year.

Ø  Hope Lutheran: Soon will be paving an expanded parking area along Old 41. This expansion includes two additional parking isles and an enlargement to the drainage retention area.

Ø  Caliber Collison: Screening Wall is under construction and the plans are to open by thanksgiving.

Ø  Bay Point Road: Worked with the residences to permit a complete maintenance and drainage improvement to their damaged private roadway.

Before: Damaged Road After: Improved Private Road

Ø  Hyatt: Site up to grade and pool equipment and landscaping being installed. Plans are to open the expanded facility by the end of the year.


Ø  Conducted a traffic operation on Hickory Blvd.

Ø  Conducted a traffic operation on Pennsylvania Avenue

Ø  Participated in Bonita Elementary annual walk to school day and provided traffic control during the event.

Ø  Conducted bicycle patrol in area beach accesses.

Ø  Lt. Przespolewski attended Lee County School Board meeting reference safety issues with new proposed Bonita Springs High school.

Ø  Attended and provided security at City Council meeting.

Ø  Conducted juvenile probation checks within city.

Ø  Assisted Bonita Narcotics with several active Narcotics investigations.

Ø  Assisted LCSO Major Crimes with possible child abduction that occurred in front of the Monterra Apartments last week.

Ø  Assisted with a social media event (threats) that occurred at Bonita Charter the issue was later turned over to the school administration for further discipline. All parties were identified and parents notified.

Neighborhood Services:

Ø  Director participated in a Disaster response Geographic Division Exercise with Lee County EOC

Ø  Staff participated in the annual “Safe Routes Walk to School” event at Bonita Elementary School; staff provided safety lights for the students and participated in the walk:

Ø  Outreach Coordinator Peggy attended the “Community Awareness Committee” kick off meeting with Keep Lee County Beautiful.

Ø  Director actively monitored Hurricane Matthew-participated in Emergency management conference calls with the Governor, Lee County Emergency Management and Geographic Divisions regarding the storms development, forecasts, and potential effects on our city; Director provided regular updates on the storm and presented a storm overview to city staff ensuring readiness, awareness and consistency of information for all staff and the citizens of Bonita Springs.

Ø  Outreach Coordinator Peggy attended the Keep Lee County Beautiful Board meeting.

Ø  Staff met with the Assistant City Attorney and Special magistrate to review a refined order process and forms for hearings as part of the continuous improvement efforts in the Department.

Ø  Staff completed the distribution of a letter for the Jarvis and Allen St. residents regarding the future of the barricades on Longfellow Rd.

Ø  Outreach Coordinator Peggy, Community Liaison Albert and Inspector Michael assisted the New Horizon’s group in Rosemary park continue their efforts of developing a community garden and educational program:

Ø  Outreach Coordinator Peggy provided a brief presentation and overview of our outreach and departmental mission to the local Kiwanis.

Ø  Staff met with representatives of Telemundo for continued efforts for outreach and educational opportunities.

Parks & Rec:

Ø  Working with the Lee County Natural Resources for approval of the city’s well at the Bonita Soccer Complex for use by the Bonita Springs YMCA.

Ø  New shade trees installed in the medium dog run at the Dog Park with funding provided by the Tree Advisory Board.

Ø  Tree trimming work was performed this week in both the Community Park and the Bonita Nature Place.

Ø  Met with Hans Wilson to discuss and review upcoming water access feasibility study presentation before City Council on October 19th.

Ø  Met with Kevin Mangan from Stantec to discuss pool landscaping compliance plans.

Ø  Received the final design plans from REP services for the Community Park playground.

Ø  Presented the skate park location options to City Council. The current site of the skate park was chosen as the location for the new concrete skate park.

Ø  Met with City Attorney and City Manager to review and make changes to the Dixie Moon agreement with the Lion’s Club.

Ø  The center ramp was removed from the skate park this week due to rotten understructure wood.

Ø  New flooring has been installed this week at the Recreation Center. The facility remained open during the installation process.

As always, should you have questions regarding this, please let us know!