This Week’s Calendar / Wochenkalender
Today:9:30am Gottesdienst
10:00am Youth Sunday School
11:00am Worship Service
Jack Dyck and the Spring River Circle are serving at Bethania PC Home this morning
Faith Exploration/Baptism class right after the English service. Please bring a lunch.
7:00pm Spring Recital
Monday:9:00amDecken nähen
1:30pm Nähverein
7-8pm Bläserchor
8-9pm Bläserchor
Tuesday:9:00am Staff Meeting
7-9:30pmSr. Youth – Movie Night! Bring snacks!
7:30pmDeutscher Chor
Wednesday:7:00pm Deacons & Caregiver Meeting
7:00pm Worship Committee Meeting
Thursday:7-8am Morning Prayer
7:00pm English Choir Practice
7:00pm Bibelstunde
7-9pm Jr. Youth – Photo Scavenger Hunt! Dress for the weather and meet at the church.
Friday:5:00pm Nähverein Wind up
Young Adult Retreat
Sunday:Mother’s Day
9:30am Gottesdienst
10:00am Youth Sunday School
11:00am Worship Service
Faith Exploration/Baptism class right after the English service. Please bring a lunch.
Financial Update
Total Income for April 24, 2011: $ 4,435.27
Income to Date:$36,619.58
Monthly Requirement:$35,750.00
Springfield Heights Mennonite Church
570 SharronBayWinnipeg, MBR2G 0H9
Lead Pastor James Schellenberg - Ph: 663-5035
Associate Pastor Jack Dyck - Ph: 663-5036
Youth Pastors Terrell & Janna Wiebe – , Ph: 663-7273
Secretary Holly Klassen - Ph: 663-7273
Caretakers Nick & Lolita Dyck - Ph: 667-5034
Vol. 47 No. 18May 1, 2011
Springfield Heights Mennonite Church
May 1, 2011
“Be eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace”
Ephesians 4:3
“Seid fleißig zu halten die Einigkeit im Geist durch das Band des Friedens.”
Epheser 4:3
We warmly welcome each person here today and are happy that you’ve come to worship with us. We especially welcome the guests who have come to share this day with us. We hope that your time here will be blessed and that you will join us again!
Wir freuen uns zu jedem Gottesdienstbesucher und heißen besonders Gäste recht herzlich willkommen bei uns. Mögen wir alle durch die Andacht und die Gemeinschaftden Segen Gottes empfangen.
1. Mai, 2011, 9:30 a.m.
"Danach spricht er zu Thomas: Reiche deinen Finger und sieh meine Hände und reiche deine Hand her und lege sie in meine Seite, und sei nicht ungläubig, sondern gläubig!" (Johannes 20:28)
Leitung:James Schellenberg
Predigt: “Zweifel überwinden und Glauben gewinnen” Vic Toews
Text:Johannes 20:19-31
Gesangleiter: Frank Giesbrecht
Klavierspielerin: Irmgard Papineau
Worship Service
May 1, 2011, 11:00 a.m.
“Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe."
John 20:29
Worship Leading:Janna Wiebe
Children’s Feature: Ryan Braun
Message:“Believing is seeing”James Schellenberg
Text:John 20:19-31
Choir Conductor: Jorge Hidalgo
Pianist: Henriette Schellenberg
Song Leader:Erwin Pankratz
Pianist: Irmgard Papineau
Theme for Sunday, May 8– “Confusion and Clarity”
Text: Luke 24:13-35
(Predigt –Jack Dyck)
(Sermon –Janna Wiebe)
1.All members are encouraged to participate in the vote for Ronald, Lay Minister candidate this morningornext Sunday,May 8.Holly will be coming to KingsfordHaus to take votes on Wednesday, May 4 at 10AM.We encourage you to be in prayer for Ronald and his family during this time.
2.Alle Mitglieder sind eingeladen an der Wahl für Ronald als Predigerkandidatteilzunehmen dasheute morgenundnächsten Sonntagdurchgeführt wird.Holly wird am 4. Mai um 10 Uhr in Kingsford Haussein, damit ihr da wählen könnt.Alle Mitglieder sind eingeladenan derWahlteilzunehmen, und im Gebet Ronald und seine Familie zubegleiten.
3.Matheson Islandrenovation - we are working with Matheson Island to set a work day that is suitable for everyone. In the meantime, we are looking for 8 volunteers to help with the renovation. We will dothefollowing: install two windows in the main house,tear out the rug in the bedroom and install linoleum, install baseboards in most of the house, install ceiling tilesin part of the house,install a new back door, replace the bathtub and install a shower, and install two windows in the bunk house. If you can volunteer or have questions, please call Corny.
4.Attention all young adults! It’s that time again – time for fun, faith and fellowship at Camp Moose Lake for our spring retreat, May 6-8. Let Janna and Terrell know you’re coming by Wednesday, May 4th, or if you have any questions. Hope you can make it – it’s going to be a great weekend!
5.Guess Who’s Coming for Lunch?This is a good opportunity to get to know one another in our church family.The Deacon and Caregiving Committee is organizing “Guess who’s coming for lunch?” on Sunday, June 5. Hosts and guests are needed and sign-up sheets are in the foyer. If you would like to host, please indicate how many people you can host. If you would like to be a guest, please indicate how many will be coming. The hosts will not know who is coming until the guests arrive and the guests will only receive a street address. It should be a lot of fun! Please sign-up by May 22.
6.Wer kommt zum Mittagessen?Dies ist eine gute Gelegenheit einander in unserer Gemeindefamilie besser kennen zu lernen. Das Diakon-und Seelsorgerkomittee organisiert “Wer kommt zum Mittagessen?” am Sonntag, den 5. Juni. Wir brauchen Gastgeber und auch Gäste. Man kann sich im Vorraum anmelden. Wenn ihr einen Gastgeber sein möchtet bitte meldet wie viele Personen ihr aufnehmen könnt. Wenn ihr Gäste sein möchtet bitte meldet wie viele Personen kommen werden.Die Gastgeber werden nicht wissen wer zum Mittagessen kommt bis die Gäste ankommen, und die Gäste erhalten nur eine Adresse.Es sollte viel Spaß machen! Bitte meldet euch bis zum 22. Mai an.
7.Chairs!-- Members of Council have heard your concerns about the chair being proposed, and are working on either finding a way tomake changes tothe current chair, or to find a more suitable alternative. Thank you for your input. You are invited to continue to make your contributions to the chair fund, since we are committed to finding a suitable replacement for our basement chairs.
8.Stühle! --Der Gemeinderat hat eure Bedenken gehört, und arbeitet daran entweder einiges am jetzigen Stuhl zu ändern, oder eine neue Alternative zu finden. Vielen Dank für alle Vorschläge! Da wir aber doch neue Stühle brauchen, laden wir euch ein weiter für diesen Zweck zu spenden.
9.Everyone is invited to the Spring Recital this evening at 7pm here at SHMC.
10.Anyone interested in receiving baptism, or who wants to deepen their relationship withGod and exploretheir faith in a small groupsetting is welcome to participate in the Faith Exploration / Baptism classes.Our next meeting is today, right after the English service in the youth room. Please bring a lunch.
11.Westgate is presenting the musical “West Side Story” on May 12, 13, & 14 at Tech Voc Theatre. This will be an exciting musical event! Tickets are only $12 and parking is free. Phone the school at 775-7111 for your tickets.
12.Donate the Rebate: Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI) is returning $320 million to Manitoba vehicle owners this spring. What will you do with your rebate? MCC encourages you to consider donating your rebate, or a portion of it, to help those who are less fortunate. Visit for more details.
13.FAMILIES WALKING FOR FAMILIES WALK A THON is planned for June 11, 8am to noon. This 3 km walk will start and end at CMU North Campus. All funds will go to MCC's Global Family Plan. Suggested sponsorship amounts: $100 for family groups, $50 for individuals. Ifyou are interested increating a group from SHMC, please contact Stella Toews at 471-0085 .
14.Jubilee MC invites you to "Come Grow With Us".Are you interested in having a 10 x 10 plot in the community garden at 365 Edelweiss Cresc.? Gardening skillsare not required but you need a desire to be a good steward of God's creation, to grow organic vegetables to eat or flowers to beautify and to build community. For more information or to register for a plot, please call Anna Marie Geddert @ 669-4138.
15.Jubilee MC invites those kids ages 8-12, who may not have the opportunity to access soccer at a community centre due to financial or transportation reasons, to JMC Community Soccer starting May 12 from 6 - 7:30p.m. If the children don't have cleats or shin pads, we are hoping to provide them with these items.We have a person who is willing to coach but if there is anyone who would like to volunteer by helping out with the team or transporting kids to Jubilee, we would welcome that. For more info, call Anna Marie Geddert, Community Ministry Director, 669-4138.
16.DISCOVER: Along the Road to Freedom, creating a permanent tribute to Mennonite parents who led their families to safety from Stalin’s terror. Informational events: Sun. May 15, 3PM, Jubilee Mennonite Church & Wed. May 18, 7:30PM CMU Chapel. Also, special music & Otto Klassen’s The Burden of the Soviet Star. For more information visit:
17.MDS service opportunity - The Region V (Canada) MDS project in Catalina Newfoundland is underway! Three homes are being built for disaster survivors of Hurricane Igor (Sept 2010) and MDS needs more volunteers to sign up and help build. Groups of 10 maximum per week are needed during June, July, and August with a few openings remaining in May.Call 1-800-241-8111 to register and volunteer at this unique location. Info can also be found at
18.The Mennonite Church Canada Annual Delegate Assembly will be held in Waterloo, ON July 4-8. If anyone is interested in attending as a delegate, please talk to either James or Jack.