British Psychological Society Developmental Psychology Section
International Collaborations Scheme
Description of Scheme and Notes for Guidance
The BPS Developmental Section Committee would like to support the development ofresearch links between UK developmental psychologists and colleagues from other countries. The Committee has made a strategic decision to allocate a proportion of Section funds, each year, to support an International Collaborations Scheme to stimulate this contact and enhance the possibility of longer-term, international, collaborative links for researchers working in developmental psychology. This scheme supersedes the previous Early Career Researcher International Collaborations Scheme, and is open to applicants at all career levels from PhD researchers through to emeritus.
The overall amount of money available for the scheme will be decided by the Committee after considering available resources and the merits of the applications received. However, in the first 3 years of operation (i.e., 2013-2015) an overall budget of £12,000 (i.e., £4,000 per annum) has been set aside. There is no cap on the overall amount requested in an application, but the Committee estimates that most applications will be in the region of £1,000-£1,500 and that visits will last a minimum of two weeks and a maximum of four weeks. Costs should be realistic and represent value for money. Applicants must be members of the British Psychological Society Developmental Section.Funds will be paid directly to the applicant. It is expected that the applicant will present work arising from the collaboration at the Section conference and it is required that a written report of the visit is submitted for publication in the Section’s newsletter.
The scheme is not intended to support multiple research visits or longer-term leave periods, but instead to allow an applicant to spend a period of time developing research with colleagues overseas. The scheme is also not intended to support visits that have already been undertaken or any costs associated with conference attendance. The host institution must be located outside of the United Kingdom and is most likely a University or Research Institute. However, the Committee will consider other types of host institution for other types of proposal such as the development of interventions and applications arising from research,providing that the scientific merits are clear and the proposed outputs constitute high quality scientific research with potential social and academic impact. Applicants should be clear that they intend to work with collaborators in the host institution in pursuit of joint (collaborative) high quality and scientific research goals in developmental psychology. A brief report will be required once the visit is completed.
Costs: What is supported?
The finances are intended to support the travel and accommodation costs for the applicant overseas. Ordinarily, subsistence costs will not be met. Funds will not support the purchase of equipment including computing and other costs or costs for casual research assistance and other support. Any requests for funds that are not for supporting travel or accommodation costs will require further justification. The Committee welcomes proposals for matched funding from other sources. However, it is important to remember that a key criterion for evaluating proposals is that they will stimulate or make possible new activity rather than extend existing or established collaborative links.
Application timeframes
Application submission / Any date throughout the year (rolling deadline)Decision received / Within a 6 week period from the first working day after date of application
Date of research visit / To begin no earlier than 10 weeks after the application is submitted, and no later than 1 year.
Brief report due / By 6 weeks after the end of the research visit
Written piece for newsletter due / This will be requested after the brief report is received
Criteria for award decisions
- Is the applicant is a member of the BPS Developmental Section?
- Is the host institution a research or research-related institution located outside of UK?
- Is the application form, including financial information, completed?
- Are supporting statements from a referee and the proposed host institution included?
- Are the proposed costs realistic?
- Is the research proposal in the area of developmental psychology, innovative, and of a high scientific quality?
- Will the proposed collaboration allow the applicant to form a collaborative research relationship that will enhance their career or body of work?
- Will the proposal stimulate new activity (a new link) rather than enhance an existing link or form part of a series of research visits that are already planned?
- Is there evidence that any collaboration links will endure beyond the planned research visit supported by this scheme?
- Are there concrete and realistic intended outputs?
- Does the proposal represent good value for money? Is there matched or funding from another source?
Patrick Leman
12 September 2014
British Psychological Society Developmental Psychology Section
International Collaborations Scheme
Please see notes for guidance before completing the application form. Applications submitted after the deadline date will not be considered.
Applications require the following:
- A letter of support (e.g., from the applicant’s Head of Departmentor another referee) confirming the support for the proposed research visit (and confirming any details relating to proposed matched funding).
- Aletter of support from the intended host institution (i.e., overseas) indicating willingness to host the applicant and provide necessary resources to allow the proposed research to be completed (and, if relevant, any details relating to matched funding).
- A fully completed application form.
- All documents must be saved and submitted as a single .pdf file attachedto an email message, and sent to the Section Honorary Secretary.
Please note that:
- Visits should be completed within one year of the date of application.
- The decision of the Committee will be made according to the criteria and is final. The Committee is not able to offer individual feedback on unsuccessful applications.
- Unsuccessful applicants may apply again to the scheme but should not re-submit a previous application (a revised version or a new proposal is required).
Section A. Background information
Full Name and titleBPS Membership number
Date of Birth
Current postal address (for contact)
Email address
(email will usually be used for all contact)
Phone number
Home department and institution (if applicable)
Proposed host department and institution
Section B. The proposed visit
A summary of the proposed topic or set of research questions you plan to address through this collaboration (maximum 300 words)A summary of the planned activities and outputs (maximum 200 words)
Dates of proposed visit (including a timetable for planned activities) (maximum 100 words)
Costs (including accommodation and travel, other costs require further justification) (maximum 200 words)
Details of the host institution including information about the key proposed collaborator(s), and their experience and expertise (maximum 200 words)
Section C. About you
Summary of applicant’s education, qualifications, awards and related experience (maximum 100 words)List of recent and relevant publications and conference presentations (maximum 5)
Brief summary of how this collaboration will help to develop the applicant’s career/body of work(200 words)
Section D. Attachments
- Letter of support/reference
- Letter of support from host institution
See notes, above, for further information. All attachments must be included.
BPS DPS, International Collaborations Scheme 1