Compliance Data
Name: ______Date: ____ Observer: ______Prescribed delay between prompts: ____
Setting, activity >Command Class:
Transition HPA>LPA
Transition LPA>HPA
Other Transition:
Direction to work/task
Prompts: / 1
G= Gestural
W= visual/written
PP= Partial physical
FP= Full Physical
R= Refused completely / 2
Latency (seconds between last prompt and compliance)
Compliance 1st prompt
Peer/staff attention
Task delayed
Task avoided
Task altered
Access to preference
Refused, no token
Comments >
Compliance Data
Name: ______(sample)______Date: ____Observer: ______Prescribed delay between prompts: __10 seconds__
Setting, activity >Command Class: / Fitness Rm.
Ex. bike
Transition HPA>LPA / √
Transition LPA>HPA
Other Transition:
Redirection/interruption / √
Relocation/movement / √ / √
Direction to work/task / √ / √
Prompts: / 1 / G / G / V
G= Gestural/Icon
C= Contingency remind
PP= Partial physical
FP= Full Physical
R= Refused completely / 2 / C / C
3 / C, V / C,G
4 / PP
Latency (seconds between last prompt and compliance) / 6 / 2 / 8
Praise/token / √
Peer/staff attention / √ / √
Task delayed / √ / √
Task avoided
Task altered
Access to preference / √
No token earned / √ / √
Comments > / Wanted to
Keep swinging
Didn’t want to
ride bike
Narrative for sample:
Setting/Activity: Fitness time
Column 1:
Student (who does not like to do anything requiring movement) was swinging on his favorite swing and the timer sounded. Student did not follow the established protocol to check his schedule and move to the next task (movement, transition hpa>lpa, interruption of self-stim). Observer gestured to the schedule icon (G) and waited the prescribed number of seconds (10). Student was shown a token to remind him that he is working to earn his reward (C). After 10 seconds, student was shown the token and verbally directed to check his schedule (C, V). Student complied after 6 seconds.
By engaging in this behavior, the student delayed the task and continued to have access to the swing. He also had the attention of staff.
Column 2: (still in same setting)
Schedule indicated that the student was to ride the fitness bike (a movement activity). Student sat down on the floor and refused to move to the bike. Staff gestured (G) to the bike. After 10 seconds, student continued to ignore and was shown a token (C). He continued to ignore and was shown a token as the staff gestured to the bike (C, G). Student complied after 2 seconds.
Consequence: Student was able to delay the activity and gained staff attention.
Column 3: (same setting)
Student stopped pedaling on the bike (movement activity). Staff made pedaling gesture (G). Student delayed 8 seconds but began to pedal.
Consequence: Student complied on the first request and received a token.
Compliance Data Instructions
- Customize the data sheet:
- Replace command classes with the kinds of commands the student typically avoids
- Decide on a prescribed delay between prompt delivery based on processing time needed
- Decide on a prompt hierarchy for the student. Arrange from least to most and change prompt key to match.
- Customize consequences for those that happen naturally (such as peer attention or delay in work) or imposed (such as token delivery).
- Use one data sheet per day across several different identified settings.
- Observer writes the setting and activity in the box at the top.
- Observer codes following the delivery of any form of directions (outside of independent level prompting systems such as schedules and visual instructions that are typically present).
- One column is used for each direction
- Select the class of the direction given
- Mark one code for each prompt given to follow the direction
- In “latency” box, enter the number of seconds following the last prompt delivered (total latency can be later be calculated using prescribed delay multiplied by first prompts and adding latency after last prompt)
- Select the consequence(s) for the behavior.
- Write any short comment below
- Draw lines in top and bottom rows to mark end of given activity/setting.