School Advisory Council
Minutes of Meeting
DATE: Monday, September 19, 2016TIME: 4:18 PM
(include the title of each person and attach sign-in) / Fletcher, Wendy – Teacher
Kang, Kimberly – FSL
Kiefer, Suzanne – School Secretary
Lange, Candie – Parent
Olson, Carol –Community Representative
Sanders, Kelly – Principal
Wormack, Chloe - Parent
Wright, Laura – Community Representative
Rogers, Tes – Assistant Principal, Guest
Neace, Tina – Parent
Hall, Tina – Parent
Andrews, Latroi – Teacher
Newby, Matt – Community Representative
Perez, Rudy – Teacher
Call to Order / At 4:18 by Laura Wright
Approval of minutes from last meeting / Motion to accept, K. Kang, 2nd by C. Lange
Unfinished/Old Business / None
Title I Plan Discussion
Comments: / Due to the ELA test scores, administration has asked that we change the plan to include a different curriculum for 8th grade ELA classes along with professional development.
Title I Budget Discussion
Comments: / Asked for approval to move Title I money for the Language Arts Department from supplies for:
Approximately $6800 for textbooks from PCG Education
Approximately $6300 for Professional Development (EngageNY and
LCSB Blueprints)
Motion made to approve by C. Olson, 2nd by C. Lange
UHS, UMS, and MDMS using same curriculum in Language Arts, so cost is less with all using same program.
Title I Parent Involvement Plan Discussion
Title I Parent Involvement Budget Discussion
Title I Compact Discussion
Topic: / School Improvement Plan – Approved draft of SIP to submit to County
Tri-fold (attached) is simplified brochure of 38 page document, which can be found on UMS website
Motion to approve – Kang, 2nd by C. Lange
Topic: / Suspension Reduction Plan – Problem Solving Team meets once a week to discuss interventions. The ART, Principal, Deputy as male figure mentors. There has been a revision of the discipline ladder, with more steps added in, i.e., an additional Wednesday Plus School, work detail and In School Suspension if possible. There was a school-wide and parent assembly addressing Bullyproofing, and cell phones are to be kept in lockers during the day. Mr. Sanders explained to parents and community leaders the “zero” period that we have built in to our schedule this year: read, reflect and write.
A parent stated that they and their child love zero period. The same parent indicated her child felt lockers were not secure. Mrs. Rogers explained the work completed on lockers and they are all under survelliance if they are broken in to, and if the student does not turn the lock after opening the locker, it is not locked. The same parent asked that we notify student of the security of the lockers and complimented the principal for a safe/secure environment. Mr. Sanders stated that discipline and school safety are a #1 emphasis.
Meeting Adjourned / Next Meeting to be held on October 24 (if needed).
Motion to Adjourn by C. Wormack, 2nd by W. Fletcher
Adjourned at 5:08