Puppet Show Performance Rubric
4 / 3 / 2 / 1Load In/Out @ Venues / Consistently helped / Usually helped / Sometimes helped / Rarely helped
Load Into Auburn / Stayed until job was done, actively helped / Stayed until job was done, helped out / May not have stayed until job was done, helped somewhat / Left before job was done, may not have helped
Punctuality / On time at all venues / Late for one venue / Late for 2 venues / Late for more than 2 venues
Cues / Picked up all cues / Picked up most cues / Picked up occasional cues / Rarely picked up cues
Puppet Conventions / Observed conventions at all times; sole focus on puppet / Observed conventions most times; occasionally lost focus on puppet / Observed conventions sometimes; sometimes lost focus on puppet / Rarely observed conventions; scattered focus
Vocal Expression / Superb expression; lines sounded like fresh thoughts, not read, character beautifully conveyed through voice / Very good expression; character conveyed well through voice / Satisfactory expression; attempt made at conveying character through voice / Needs work; flat &/or monotone expression
Vocal Projection / Excellent; consistently clear communication / Very Good; most communication clear / Occasionally difficult to hear; communication somewhat clear / Needs work; often difficult to hear
Support of Peers / offers positive feedback & encouragement to a variety of other students / works with most
students; usually a reliable and supportive partner / works with a limited group of peers; concerned
mostly with personal acting / disruptive &/or negative attitude; may seek to elevate self at other’s
Level of Engagement / participates with enthusiasm & provides
leadership / always works on projects at hand & helps advance the ideas / Adequate team player; can be relied on to participate / Physically &/or emotionally
estranged from work at hand; weak/no fulfillment of responsibilities
Debrief / Stayed through and actively participated, offering very well thought-out commentary / Stayed through and participated, offering thoughtful commentary / Stayed through and somewhat participated / Stayed through but rarely participated
Total: /40