Comparisons of categories with –in the PGES system: PPGES, TPGES, OPGES.

Possible variations and look fors.

Source of Evidence / PPGES
Principal and
Assistant Principal / TPGES
Classroom based Teacher / OPGES
Library Media, Counselor, Speech Therapist, Instructional Coach
Self-reflection / All branches ask participants to reflect on and analyze their practice.
Uses 6 Principal Performance Standards / Uses the Kentucky Framework for Teaching / Uses Kentucky Framework for teaching, specialist editions
Professional Growth plan / All branches require development of Professional growth goals.
Goals are developed based on areas of growth identified in the self-reflection process.
Goals are created using the SMART goal process. Goals should be revisited throughout the year and monitored for progress.
Principals must develop a professional growth goal based on multiple data sources (reflection on standards, teacher SGG, feedback from administrator, survey results, etc.)
Principals also create at least one working conditions goal which is a two year goal based on TELL Kentucky Survey Results. / A teacher must develop a minimum of one Professional Growth Goal per year.
Self-assessment tools may be used to assess areas of growth.
Teachers use district or state developed Professionals growth plan templates. / Other Professionals must develop a minimum of one professional growth goal per year.
Self – assessment tools may be used to assess areas of growth.
Other Professionals use district or state developed Professionals growth plan templates.
Observation/ workplace visit/
site visit / All branches entail observation, workplace or site visit from supervisors.
Principal will have a minimum of 2 site visits from the Superintendent/designee,
(One each semester)
No exam in place within the training. However, there is an online module for principals and supervisors which detail the expectations for site visits by supervisors for principal component. / Principals will conduct classroom based observations of teachers.
Observation visits focus on domains 2 & 3 of the KY framework for Teaching.
Required Post conferences will include conversation to present other evidences to support domains 1 & 4.
Principals must complete Teachscape Proficiency exam. / Workplace visits will include discussion with the Other Professional to learn of their roles and responsibilities and how they address the Specialists framework.
Settings varying according to the Other Professionals role.
Visits will not necessarily be classroom based or observing student/ educator interaction.
Settings may include office responsibilities, meetings, or other school support and planning environments.
Workplace visit is similar to the site visit process completed by Principals.
Principals must complete Teachscape Proficiency exam, and review OPGES workplace visit guidance.
Peer observation/ peer workplace visit / Only TPGES and OPGES will have Peer observation/ workplace visits.
No Peer Observation piece / A peer will observe, collect, and share evidence with a teacher primarily on a content specific request to refine practices related to improved instructional practice.
No formal scoring.
Peer observers need to complete online module for training purposes. / To be completed like a site visit or in a conversational setting.
Through discussion of job roles and observation in the Other Professionals naturally occurring setting, a peer will converse with, observe, collect, and share evidence with an Other Professional primarily on a domain/ component specific request to refine practices related to improved instructional practice.
No formal scoring.
Peer observers need to complete online module for training purposes.
Student growth goals. / All branches set Student Growth Goals based on local contributions.
PPGES & TPGES with grades 4-8 in reading and mathematics use Student Growth based on state contribution.
Local goal based on school need.
State goal is created based on ASSIST (CSIP)data. / Local goal is created from data determined at the local level.
State Contribution is the percentile growth in reading/math 4th -8th grades / Local goal based on needs from program standards or specialist field standards. (Library AASL standards, Counselor ASCA standards, Speech AHSA PACE standards, Instructional coach KCAS standards, etc…)
SGG may be similar to principal’s goal or goal of specific teachers the Other professional supports.
SGG based off assessment tools currently used in that specialty area.
Formative and summative assessment may be used. (i.e. – library circulation data, counselor attendance, behavior or CCR data, speech therapy progress data, etc…)
OPGES goals are not connected to MAP, KPREP or other teacher assessments, unless specialist has impact on these.
Goal reflects how Other Professional’s work impacts student growth.
Student Voice survey / All branches involve gathering data based on student/educator perceptions through surveys.
Principal data will be compiled through the TELL and VAL-Ed surveys. These will be given in alternating years. / Teachers will administer the Student Voice survey to their students.
District CEP designates which class or group of students completes student voice survey.
Survey administered to a sampling of students grades 3-12 only. / Other Professionals who have direct instructional interaction with students will administer the OPGES Student Voice survey to a sampling of the students they serve.
Survey questions vary according to Other Professional category. Survey is administered during same windows as TPGES student voice survey.
OPGES student voice is administered by paper pencil format or other district determined method. (i.e. survey monkey, google docs. Etc…)
In all branches, the sources of evidence can be supported through
Collection of evidence and artifacts.
PPGES sources of evidence are supported by artifacts/documentation created in the day-to-day running of a school that can provide evidence of meeting the performance standard. / TPGES sources of evidence are supported by evidence that is naturally occurring in day-to-day teaching and provides evidence to inform domains/components in the Kentucky Framework For Teaching / OPGES sources of evidence are supported by evidence that is naturally occurring in day-to-day work and provides evidence to inform domains/components in the Kentucky Framework For Teaching, specialist editions.

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