One woman dies every two hours of ovarian cancer

Community & Events Fundraiserwelcome letter

Thank you for your interest in this role. This is a really exciting time for Target Ovarian Cancer as we are the leading ovarian cancer charity working to save lives and help women diagnosed live their lives to the full, wherever they are in the UK.

We educate GPs – Over 38 per cent of all GPs have undergone our training to help women be diagnosed sooner.This means we will see a further decrease in the number of women diagnosed in A&E, which has already come down from 32 per cent to 26 per cent.

We raise awareness – only four per cent of women are very confident of spotting ovarian cancer symptoms so we produce materials, run information events and lobby to be included in national Be Clear on Cancer campaigns.

We find new treatments – there have been very few new treatments developed in the last 20 years so we fund research and campaign for more clinical trials.

We support women with ovarian cancer through events, guides and information.

“Target Ovarian Cancer is an amazing charity providing professional and incredibly supportive services for all women, whatever their age, background or circumstance and wherever they live in the UK. The charity is innovative, responsive and diligent in all they do. Most of all though, I trust them.”

Sarah Unwin, Derbyshire - diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2012

The Community & Events Fundraiser position is an exciting opportunity to be a part of a small and dynamic fundraising team working for an energetic leadership team and a passionate group of supporters. You will be joining the organisation at a pivotal time.

Since we started eight years ago we have won the prestigious GSK IMPACT award, in partnership with The King’s Fund, for our outstanding contribution to improving health. We have produced three Pathfinder studies, the most comprehensive studies ever undertaken into the experiences of those living with and working with ovarian cancer. We were instrumental in setting up the first All Party Parliamentary Group on ovarian cancer. We have reached over five million people through the media and in Parliament. We run the only UK wide research grants programme for ovarian cancer funding over £800,000 of research. We won an award from the AMRC Science Communication Awards for our Clinical Trials Information Centre and we won numerous awards for our information.

However we still have so much more to do! Every year 7,000 women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer and 4,300 lose their lives. If diagnosed at the earliest stage up to 90 per cent of women would survive. The funds we raise from the public, companies and philanthropists has grown to over £1.5m and there is much more to achieve in order to help increase survival and provide more support. We already support over 60 per cent of all women touched by ovarian cancer but we want to reach to all women living with ovarian cancer.

The UK should have the best survival rates in Europe rather than the worst and no woman should suffer due to regional inequalities in treatments and diagnosis pathways. Women must be diagnosed earlier and have access to genetic counselling and testing and clinical trials where appropriate. We have to accelerate the discovery of new life extending treatments and increase the number of scientific researchers in the ovarian cancer field.

The Fundraising department

The Community and Events teams have a growing number of loyal supporters who are extremely committed. We cover all aspects of community and events fundraising including, groups, collections, mass participation events, challenges, and corporate/employee fundraising. You’ll be responsible for looking after people who are fundraising in their community through a wide variety of events and challenges. This is an excellent opportunity to hone your stewardship skills and meet some inspiring and fun people. You’ll also be our lead on station collections and will further develop your volunteer recruitment and management experience.

Trusts and Major Gifts are led by our Director of Fundraising. We are actively recruiting for a new Trusts manager to help leverage the growing network of Trusts and Major Donors that we are working with.

Individual Giving is overseen by the Director of Fundraising and driven by the Community team. We are focused on developing supporter journeys through direct mail, excellent stewardship and legacy pledger events. We also manage the Raiser’s Edge database and process income.

Together the Fundraising department is a professional and friendly group to work with. We pride ourselves on our personal approach to fundraising and we capitalise on the engagement we deliver to our supporters. We believe that inspiring people is the way to achieve a better future for women with ovarian cancer; can you see yourself as part of our team?

Simon Taylor, Community Fundraising Manager

Target Ovarian Cancer is a company limited byguarantee, registered in England and Wales (No. 6619981). Registered office: 2 Angel Gate, London EC1V 2PT. Registered charity no 1125038 (England and Wales); SCO42920 (Scotland)