West Georgia SHRM Board Meeting

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

  1. Call to Order: 12:00 p.m. the SHRM Board meeting was called to order by President Pamela Carrne.

Those present were: Pamela Carrne, Craig Moore, Karen Redic, Jeff Sargent, Michael Dollar, Kay Durand, Celeste Davis, Diana Goldwire, and Deborah Marchman. Not in attendance: Frances Oubre and Carl Von Epps.

  1. President Remarks: A quorum was established by President Carrne.
  1. Treasurer: The treasure’s report was given by Karen Redic. Pamela Carrne made the motion to approve the treasure’s report with a second by Diana Goldwire.
  1. Chair Reports.
  1. Membership: Kay reported that she will be sending out new member packets. Diana mentioned that it would be a nice practice to have a board member assigned as a mentor to new members. The Board agreed that this would be a good practice. Kay will assign a mentor when a new member is accepted into membership. We also discussed that it would be nice to have several Board members to stand and the door and welcome members and guest to the General Meetings. Kay said that she will be responsible for standing at the badge board and Karen said that she would be at the sign in table in the event there is money or checks that needed to be received. Deborah agreed to create a schedule to rotate 2 board members to welcome everyone to the meetings. Kay is sending out welcome letters to all members who have renewed their membership since the first of the year. She will also send out an email to those members who have not renewed yet.
  2. Upcoming Meetings – Pamela mentioned that we have the following programs scheduled:
  3. February - Daniel J. Ortiz from Georgia Tech will be sharing information concerning OSHA training.
  4. March – Hutchinson Traylor will be presenting a program on Healthcare Reform.
  5. Both of these meeting have been certified for HRCI credit hours.
  6. Pamela mentioned that beyond March, we have not confirmed program. She has reached out to the following for possible programs:
  7. Jonathan Martin for a Generational topic
  8. Talx group about Unemployment tips
  9. Pamela also asked for ideas for programs. The group came up with the following ideas:
  10. Social Media
  11. Labor Relations – Kay mentioned that the Chamber was having a program at their March Early Bird Breakfast on Labor Relations. We agreed that this would be a good opportunity to get our organization out there by sponsoring the Coffee reception before the breakfast. Kay is checking into that.
  12. Workplace Violence – possibly having a panel discussion with law enforcement agencies
  13. Kay will be working with the Chamber to make sure that the SHRM meeting are on the Chamber calendar as well as mentioned in the Friday Facts emails sent out by the Chamber.
  1. Education/College Relations/Certifications – Diana mentioned that she was meeting with the student group… Diana also mentioned that she is working with GACE conference to help them get HRCI credits for their program in June.
  2. SHRM Foundation – Michael said that he was looking for different ways to raise money for the foundation, possibly something in the spring.
  3. Legislative – Pamela mentioned that Kyle requested to step down from chairing this committee, so this chair is open. Jeff said that he would look at filling this position.
  4. Workforce – No report.
  5. Communications – Celeste mentioned that she is working on a system to send out reminders for the General Meetings. She is getting several bounce backs on emails that are no longer good. Several members of the board said that they would send her some updated emails they had.
  6. Diversity – This position on the board is open, but Celeste mentioned that she is interested in filling as well as communications.
  7. At Large – No report.
  1. Old Business:
  2. There are several open positions on the board; one of great concern with it being open is the Vice President. Pamela mentioned that she has someone who is interested but he is not a member yet. The decision was made to accept Phillip Sullivan from Resource MFG as a member but will wait before placing him on the board.
  1. New Business:
  2. Renewals are slow coming in. We still have 16 2010 members that have not renewed. Kay will be sending out an email. There was discussion about keeping the membership fees down at $175 until after the 1st quarter, but no decision was made about what they would be going up to after that.
  3. SHRM will be helping with Troup County Development’s Career Development Seminar in April. There will be a need for help with mock interviews. Kay will talk about this at the next General Meeting.
  4. SHRM will also be helping with Teen Maze in October. Pamela gave an overview of what Teen Maze is. There will be more discussion about this closer to the time of the event.
  1. The meeting was adjourned by Pamela at approximately 1:15pm.

Respectfully Submitted

Deborah Marchman