Committee on Diversity and Civility
Meeting Minutes – October 7, 2014
In attendance: Ileana Gonzalez, Jennifer Eddinger, Kristine Larson, Cristine Calo, Aristea Williams, Adrian Hinson, Ira Blatstein, Karen Sandmel, Anita Young, Eric Mayes and Jacqueline Clements
- Approval of Minutes
Ileanaupdated the new members beginning with acknowledging that this is the second meeting for the committee this academic year. She thanked all in attendance. She asked that the minutes be reviewed, motioned for approval of the minutes, the motion was seconded and the minutes were approved without revision.
- Introduction
Ileana shared information pertaining to the committee’s structure, charge and goals. She shared the processes utilized in preparation for the meetings and member participation. She asked all members to introduce themselves.
- Old Business
- LGBTQ/Safe Zone Training
Announcement was placed in Tuesday’s Annoucements, a lot of feedback was received. She said an additional session would be held in Spring 2015. Betsy and Jennifer added that information pertaining to Safe Zone Training would be shared in the Student Newsletter.
- Book Club Event
Connie sent notification that the books have arrived and are available; a copy can be obtained from her or Jacqueline. A lunchtime conversation will be the platform used for discussing the selection. DemereWoolway agreed to facilitate the group. The date of the event will be confirmed at the next meeting, this could possibly be an evening event.
- Faculty Bylaws Committee – Ileana did not attend. The matter of CODC membership has been written into the bylaws – membership makeup consisting of faculty, staff and students.
- New Business:
- November Events - Disability Awareness Month /Veterans Affairs
Jennifer shared with the group that she has not received a lot of response to her inquiry with OIE regarding events scheduled on the Homewood campus in recognition of Disability Awareness Month. Jennifer has scheduled the Director of the Office of Disabilities to attend the December meeting. Jennifer and Betsy are planning a Spring event focused on disability abilities awareness.
VET Event
Connie and Chrissy Harnett are exploring ideas. Connie will share details at next meeting.
- Diversity and Initiative Grants, a discussion of available grants began. Ileana asked the group to submit ideas for a grant proposals, the deadline for proposals is in October. The Diversity Leadership conference is scheduled for October 22, 2014.
Ileana shared with the group that she would be presenting at the conference. She added that Sabrina would be facilitating a workshop at the conference.
- Video/Reading:
- Adjourned. Next meeting will be held at the Columbia Campus, Tuesday, November 4, 2014.