Commission for Person who are Deaf, Deaf-Blind, Hard of Hearing and

Speech Impaired

Early Intervention Department

  • Deaf Mentor Program
  • Deaf Mentoring as had a few obstacles to get over this quarter. We had a Deaf Mentor move back home to Colorado. We already had several families waiting for services, so this made our waitlist a bit longer. We are excited to report that we are getting support to hire 1 additional Deaf Mentor to help ensure that families are being provided services. We have been holding interviews for several weeks.
  • Nevada Hands and Voices
  • Northern Nevada held a Play group for the families of Deaf and Hard of Hearing children. These play groups are very impactful and fun for the families. These play groups are instrumental for our children in accessing and inquiring language regardless of modality.
  • We are still working together with NVHV in the South to support play groups for families.

Youth Case Services

  • Things are still moving forward and continue to add new families to our program. We have met with Washoe County School district and began a strategic planning process to help support our DHH kids and families. We are expanding our tutoring program and have had a great deal of interest. We currently have 2 Deaf tutors in our program.

Adult Case Services

  • We have a new Adult Case Specialist in the South office in Las Vegas. The new team memberhas been trained on the database as well as specific policies and procedures to provide excellent customer service to our clients. They have been assigned new clients under the supervision of the Case Manager and soon will be able to see clients on their own.This new team memberhas allowed DCN to reduce our client’s wait times for appointments.
  • DCN hosted a ADA workshop to educate the community and answer any questions they had about how the ADA law works. DCN also had a Domestic Violence advocate from Sego Lily Center for the Abused Deaf come and meet with clients. We look forward to the upcoming months and our continued success.


  • Currently we have been able to train 183 clients on the use and setup of assistive technology. We reach out quarterly to these clients to ensure that their equipment is functioning correctly and to see if they have any issues.
  • In the new fiscal year, thus far, we have totaled the


  • 261 pieces of equipment:
  • Captel-69
  • Amplified-51
  • Doorbell/Bedshakers-99
  • Fire alarm/Smoke detectors-42
  • 1,892 VP Calls
  • 1,890 Phone Calls
  • 1,319 Emails