OCTOBER 25, 2006
The meeting of the Environmental Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by John Brotherton, Chairman. The Opening Statement was made. Roll call was taken.
Present: J. Brotherton
D. Daehnke
S. Golz
K. LaGreca (arrived 7:35 pm)
J. Spiech
D. Wenger
J. DeWan (secretary)
Absent:C. Phiefer
The Minutes of the meeting held October 11, 2006 were approved as submitted.
The signs are all installed and look great. Next, the final report has to be submitted to NJ DEP for reimbursement of the matching grant amount. We need a written report and a financial report. J. DeWan will review the interim report and make revisions and additions for it to become the final report. J. DeWan will assemble copies of invoices, cancelled checks (from finance dept.) and request the NJ State Payment Voucher and
Expenditure Report form from Environmental Services Program.
J. Spiech will photograph the signs to include the photos with the grant report. D. Daehnke suggested sending a copy of the Township fall newsletter which has the article on the sign project.
Recreation plans on adding a LakeHenry sign at the main entrance to the park under the ContinentalSoldiersPark sign.
Cumberland Farms, Dkt. 492
Approved, with comments to Planning Board:
“We reviewed the landscape plan and feel that the plantings in the southwest corner will have a difficult time surviving. We see that note 16 refers to an irrigation system. Will it
reach to that area also?”
Memo to Administrative Officer:
“The following soil movement permit applications were reviewed at the meeting held on October 25, 2006.
Mario Gorczyca, Pine Hill & Spruce Road Bl. 7, Lot 1, E-BD-216-1989, amended 10/20/06. This amended application changes the number of trees to be removed to eighteen. There will be five replacement trees. White pines are not acceptable replacement trees. Replacement trees must be native, deciduous trees.
MahwahLand, LLC, 9 Aronow Place Bl. 126, Lot 126.03, E-BD-216-1908-02, dated 10/18/06. We note there will be twenty trees removed. The applicant states that five red maples will be planted as replacement trees. Approved.”
The following tenant applications were approved:
- East Tokyo, 115 Franklin Turnpike, restaurant – additional space
- Fung Chuen Corp., 115 Franklin Turnpike, restaurant – change of ownership
- Landing Technology Group, 60 Whitney Road, Suite 2 - telecommunications consulting
- Tappan Zee Capital Corp., 25 Whitney Road – finance consulting
The following letters were written:
To:Administrative Officer
Property Maintenance
Re:Attached correspondence
Kayal, 103 Airmont Avenue
“Attached are copies of 2005 correspondence and a letter from the County dated October 12, 2006 concerning the request for a berm with plantings along the road at 103 Airmont Avenue.
What can we expect as the next step from Mr. Kayal? Does he need any permits or approval from the Township?”
The County did not approve the berm, only specified tree planting.
To:Township Clerk
Re:Marathon Engineering & Environmental Services, Inc.
Russo Development, 1600 Macarthur Boulevard
Request for Access to Government Records
“We do not have any information or knowledge on illegal waste discharges, underground/aboveground storage tank information, contamination or violation of laws at the subject property.
We do not have any information on file concerning prior use of the property, environmental condition of the property, assessments or proceedings involving the property.”
This was a requested for information on the subject property.
We received and reviewed several letters on Highlands exemption request which will be in the file.
Possible items to be included in the 2007 budget were discussed including, additional signs. J. Spiech asked Jane to check on the current balance in the Township Tree Reserve Fund. J. Brotherton will complete the budget forms and deliver to J. DeWan on Monday, to be submitted to Administration by November 1.
Susan Golz reported on participation with Hydroqual in the World Wide Water Testing Day October 14. Three high school students and some Scouts participated in gathering the samples.
John Spiech reported that Jeff Welch (RocklandCounty) called John to advise that he may have spotted a red-shouldered hawk in the Masonicus Brook watershed.
John attended an ANJEC conference on TDR – transfer of development rights. This could apply to areas in the Highlands Preservation planning area. Funding is available.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. The next Environmental Commission meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 8, 2006 at 7:30 p.m. at the MunicipalBuilding, 475 Corporate Drive, Mahwah, N.J.
J. DeWan