Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Chesterfield Panthers Rugby Union Football Club Limited held at 2012 Dunston Road, Chesterfield on Wednesday 9th July 2014, commencing at 7.30pm

Commencement of Meeting

The meeting began at 7:30.

Members Present

There was a quorate meeting.


Duncan Taylor, Cath Wynne, Derek Shirlock, Henry Ford, Kevin Marsh, Bob Smallwood, John Collins, Phil Heath, Mick Lord, Daman Yapp, Mark Blair, Chris Tuckley, Mike Woolgar-Norton.

2.Chairman’s Welcome

The Chairman welcomed the members to the meeting. He also announced the sad news that John Harrod, a past player and member, passed away the previous weekend.

3.Consideration and approval of the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting

The minutes of the previous year’s meeting had been previously circulated. Alex Hughes proposed that the minutes be accepted without amendment, Trevor Sharpe seconded the motion. The motion was carried unanimously.

4.Report from the Committee with regard to the 2013/2014season

Chris Johnson presented a brief overview of the preceding season on behalf of the Committee. It had been a season of great success on and off the pitch. The 1st team were the Midland 4EN league champions and runners up in the Derbyshire Shield. The Second team won the Derbyshire 2nd team Cup. The club won the Tigger Price trophy as Derbyshire club of the year and the NLD President’s Cup for contributions to the game in NLD. The club also gained the RFU Club Accreditation mark.

We hosted 3 Finals Days and several CB representative games to a lot of praise over the way they were delivered.

Dave Spencer gave a summary of the Coffee Club, a Vice President’s and club friends forum. They gave a lot of support to the teams, hosted several well attended and enjoyable lunches and raised a considerable amount for the club.

Graham Bell gave the final Relocation Report. The remaining contract retention periods were due to close and all remediation works had been identified and scheduled. The aim to leave the club financially sound and with good facilities has been realised. The Chairman offered thanks on behalf of the whole club to Graham and the rest of the Relocation Committee for the splendid achievement and lots of hard work over many years.

5.Report from the Treasurer with regard to the Financial Year to 30th April 2014

The Treasurer, Fred Pell, had already circulated a copy of his report which had been circulated by email prior to the AGM.Fred provided an update on the current financial position. The Chair thanked Fred on behalf of the club for his many years’ service both as treasurer and previously in many other roles.

6Membership was asked to consider a resolution disapplying the provisions relating to theobligation to appoint auditors

In order to satisfy Financial Services Authority requirements the membership were asked to endorse the following proposition;

To prevent the club from incurring the costs of a full professional audit an accountants report will be produced for the financial year ending 31 March 2015.

The motion was proposed by Trevor Sharpe and seconded by Dave Spencer, and carried unanimously by show of hands.

7.Election of Committee Members

The Chairman advised that 7 Committee positions were open for nominations and 7 nominations had been made.


Committee MemberDarren BurtonMike Curley

Committee Member Phil ArnoldKevin Brown

Committee MemberMark PreeceGary Bates

Committee MemberGraham BellChris Johnson

Committee MemberChris JohnsonGraham Bell

Committee MemberNatalie LaughtonMark Preece

Committee MemberTracey FoxMelanie Wilde

The Honorary Secretary and Treasurer Officers of the Club are elected every two years and this year the office of Treasurer was open for nominations. As the only nomination received was for Andy Housley he was elected unopposed. The post of Honorary Secretary, currently held by Kevin Brown, is not due for re-election at this year’s AGM.

The candidates were elected unopposed by unanimous vote.

The office of Honorary Secretary will be open for nominations next season.

The office of Chairperson is elected from within the Committee at the first meeting.

Fred Pell advised that there was a late nomination of Phil Hurley to join the committee. There is provision under the Club Constitution to co-opt club members on to the Committee and the chair proposed that Phil join the Committee on that basis.

8.Election of Club President

There were two nominations for President.

Mick Lord nominated by Michelle Lord

Pete Amosnominated by Fred Pell

Pete Amos was elected by a majority.

9.Conclusion of the meeting

No other matters having been raised, the meeting formally concluded at 8.34 p.m.