Table D-27. Description of study interventions: Key Question 2

PMID / Interventions / Additional support / Monitor Brand (Type) / BP Measurement Frequency / BP Transmission / Target BP, mmHg / Clinic or Study Visit Frequency / Medication Titration
Binstock 198843
3415798 / SMBP + Contract + Rx monitor + Education / Compliance contracts[a] + Calendar pill packs + Education[b] / nd / nd / nd / nd / 0, 12 mo / nd
SMBP + Education / Education
Bosworth 200944
19920269 / SMBP + Counsel / Telecounseling[c] / Omron HEM-773AC[d] / 3x/wk / Mailed every 2 mo / Clinic<140/90
(<130/80 DM) / 0, 6, 12, 18, 24 mo / Physician
21747013 / SMBP + Medication management + Behavioral management / Medication managementg1 + Behavioral managementh1 / A&D Medical Digital Blood Pressure
(UA-767PC) / Every 2 d / Electronic transmission / Clinic<140/90
(<130/80 DM) / Clinic<140/90
(<130/80 DM) / Physician
SMBP + Medication management / Medication management g1
SMBP + Behavioral management / Behavioral management h1
Brennan 201046
20415618 / SMBP + Counsel / Counseling by nurse / Omron HEM-780 / “At regular intervals”[e] / Collected by nurse
Quarterly reports sent to PCP / Home<120/80 / nd / Physician
SMBP / Mailed at 6mo and end of the study
Carrasco 200849
15564986 / SMBP + Telemedicine + Counsel / Telemedicine + Physician Counseling / Omron M4-I / 2x/d, 4x/wk / Transmitted via cell phone to provider / Clinic≤140/90 / Routine / Physician
SMBP / Patient recorded BP
Cheltsova 201050 / SMBP + Counsel / Counseling by nurse[f] / nd / nd / nd / nd / 3,6 mo / nd
Dawes 201052
20631056 / SMBP + Education +
Rx monitor / Educational Materials + Medication monitoring[g] / Mostly Omron 711, LifeSource UA-767-PAC, Omron HEM 773 / nd / BP tracking tool brought to office / nd / 0, 12 wk / Physician
SMBP + Education / Educational leaflet / nd
Green 200861
18577730 / SMBP + Counsel+Web[h] / Pharmacist counseling + Web training[i] / Omron HEM-705CP / ≥2x/wk / Emailed to physician / Home<135/85 / 0,12 mo / Pharmacist per protocol
SMBP + Webh / Web trainingi / Physician no protocol
Johnson 197864
369673 / SMBP + Home visit BP / Home visitor BP measurement[j] / BP kit by Taylor Sybron
(nd) / 1x/d / Brought to office / nd / nd / Physician
Marquez-Contreras 200969
19482378 / SMBP +Education + Rx monitor / Educational materials[k] + Medication monitoring[l] / Omron (nd) / 3x/wk / Brought to office / Clinic<140/90 (<130/80 DM) / 0,3, 6 mo / Physician
SMBP + Rx monitor / Medication monitoringl / Special card
SMBP + Education / Educational materialsk / Special card
Neuman 201174 21228822 / SMBP + Tele / Telemonitoring / Stabil-O-Graph / 1x/d / Transmitted via cell phone to server or to provider, if abnormal / nd / nd / Physician
SMBP / nd
Pierce 198477
6377291 / SMBP + Education / Education[m] / Aneroid device
(Manual) / 1x/d / Brought to office / nd / nd / nd
Atypical Studies
Kabutoya, 200965
19695029 / SMBP + Graph / Graphic display of weekly and monthly averaged BP / Omron HEM-737 / 2x/d / No / Home<135/85 / nd / Physician
Staessen 200484
Den Hond 200494
15564986 / SMBP + Home Titration / Stepwise medication titration based on home BP / Omron HEM-705CP / SMBP: 2x/d for 7d 2x/mo; Clinic: 2x/mo / Patient recorded and printed BP-values / Home DBP 8089 / 2x/mo / Physician per protocol
SMBP + Clinic Titration / Stepwise medication titration based on clinic BP / Clinic DBP 8089
Stahl 198485
6742256 / SMBP / nd (mercury sphygmomanometer) / nd / Patient / Clinic DBP ≤95 / 1-2x/mo until BP controlled, then every 2 mo / Nurse practitioner “stepped approach”
Family BP measurement

BP = blood pressure; DM = diabetes mellitus; nd = no data; SMBP = self-measured blood pressure.

[a] Each patient identified a specific behavior related to hypertension, recorded it for a defined period of time and established his or her own rewards for compliance and signed a contract.

[b] Bimonthly educational program by clinical nurse on hypertension and Rx options .

[c]Bimonthly phone counseling by nurse on improving adherence to diet, weight loss and lifestyle modification. The nurse also discussed patient’s perceived risk for hypertension, social support, relationships with health care providers and side effects of medication.

[d] Omron HEM-637 wrist monitor, if arm circumference >17 inches and wrist circumference < 8.5 inches.

[e] Weekly or more: 28%, <Weekly: 72 %.

[f] Phone calls by a nurse.

[g] Treatment arm received educational booklet included educational leaflet on hypertension and tracking tool to record BP, side effects and medication. Control arm received educational leaflet on hypertension.

[h] All received educational pamphlet on hypertension.

[i] Web services for medication refill, appointments, view portions of their medical record and secure messaging to contact health care team members.

[j] Home visits every 1 mo to check BP.

[k]Patient education kit (leaflets) on general aspects of hypertension and compliance promotion.

[l]Card for BP measurements recording and medication reminder.

[m]Four educational meetings on nonpharmacological approach to lower BP.