Minutes of Amnesty International Meeting Monday 18thFebruary 2013


Laura Alex, Mike, Angharad, Precious,Hai Ying,Peter


Val, Alan, Wendy, John, Daoud, Julie, Patsy

Matters Arising from the Minutes

  • John Hatton is continuing to keep up with information on human rights.

1Mike put forwards the possibility of focussing on a country or individual eg North Africa. Members to look at AI magazine an website and bring ideas for this proposal to the next meeting.

2Laura will contact Ann Markus regarding a visit to the group.

3Peter will produce suitable template letters for the AI table at Wesley Methodist. A point of information for newer members is that there has been a display table in the café section of the church for many years. They have always been very supportive of the work. Letters a generally available for people to sign and the envelopes picked up and posted by Peter.

4Laura will be obtaining some literature for the table eg AI membership forms and some local information cards.

5Fund Raising. There has been no success with Morrisons Saltney (no slots available). We are awaiting replies from Tesco and Asda Wrexham.

6The Kings School are running a play from 4th March to 9th March and will collect on behalf of AI. Laura will clarify the method they use and we will probably pick up the contributions for forwarding to AI UK.

7International Womans Day We will take the opportunity to set up a table at the event but will not be able to man it over the 5 hours. Members are welcome to man the table as they are able. The venue is Hoole Community Centre. (may have the title wrong here)

8Alex was unanimously voted in as treasure

9Hai was unanimously voted in as social secretary.

10AI AGM 14th April 2013 will take place at Warwick University.Hai Ying will attend unless another specially wishes to go.

11Venue being sort for our April meeting in Wrexham. Will be advised ASAP.

12Chester World Development Forum. We have had long connection with them. This years subscription is now due. Peter will sort this out. He will also check with CWDF for a suitable slot for a short presentation of our work (as we have done some years ago)

13Letter writing took place focussing on the coming elections in Zimbabwe.(if you have any airmail paper could you bring it to next meeting please)

Next meeting March 18th