St. Michael & St. Francis Bulletin May 22 & 23, 2010 Pastor: Fr. Steve Schaftlein

Pentecost Sunday


Many times in the Hebrew scriptures we see God coming to earth as a mighty wind. So when we hear of the mighty wind filling the house in Acts today, we know without being told that God is there, acting among the disciples. God fills them, and us, with the Holy Spirit. The disciples are able to preach the Good News to all the peoples of the earth, gathered there symbolically in Jerusalem. God wants the word to spread beyond the Mediterranean, eventually all the way to the Arctic Sea!

And the word is unity. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we are all one in Christ. There are different gifts given to each member of the body, but each gift is a manifestation of the Spirit. Each person, each culture of people has different gifts. That’s what makes the body of Christ strong. Let us take care never to suppress another’s gifts, even though we might not understand them. To suppress a gift would give injury to the body of Christ.


All throughout this Easter season, we have heard about the radical love Jesus calls us to share in this world. God gives us the Spirit so that we humans have the strength to love as Jesus loved. This love that doesn’t discriminate, that celebrates the diverse gifts of God’s creation, this is the love that we have the power to share. To love as Christ loves, to act as Jesus did, is something you and I can do because we are filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. We can be people of peace, we can feed the hungry, clothe the naked. We can choose not to go to war. We can choose to lift up the gifts of those different from us. We are Christians—we are people of love.

Today’s Readings: Acts 2:1–11; Psalm 104; 1 Corinthians 12:3b–7, 12–13 John 20:19–23 or John 14:15–16, 23b–26

St. Michael

Sat – 5:30 pm
Sun – 11 am
Misa en Español
Domingo – 1:00 pm / Fr. Steve Schaftlein, Pastor

101 St. Michael Drive, Charlestown, In 47111
Ph. 812-256-3200 - Fax 775-307-6142
Website -
Office Hours – 8:30 am-1:00 pm Tues. Wed., & Fri.
Reconciliation – 5:00 pm Saturday or call the Rectory
Marriage – Please contact the pastor a year in advance. Advent and Lent are not times for celebrations.
Baptisms of Infants or Adults Joining the Church – Please contact the DRE: St. Michael–Juliann Eickholtz, St. Francis–Sandy Banet.
New To The Parish: Please call the office to register. Please introduce yourself to the pastor at mass.
Parishioners Who Are Ill: Please call the pastor if a relative or friend is sick. Due to privacy laws hospitals no longer inform churches.
Bulletin Announcements: Get all bulletin announcements to the office in writing by Tuesday evening. / St. Francis Xavier

At 9:00 am
Las Horas de la Oficina de la Secretaria – 8:30 am-1:00 pm Martes y Viernes
Reconciliación – 1:00 pm Sabado o llama la Rectoría
Casamiento – contacta el padre un año antes el día de la boda.
Advenimiento y Cuaresma no son los tiempos para las celebraciones.
Los Bautismos de los Bebés o los Adultos Afiliando a la Iglesia – Por favor, llama Fr. Steve Schaftlein, o a San Miguel – Juliann Eickholtz; a San Francisco – Sandy Banet
Miembros Nuevos de la Comunidad – Por favor, / introduce tu mismo al Fr. Steve Schaftlein. También, es necesario para todas personas Católicas registrar en la parroquia. Pregunta el padre o la secretaria para la formulario registrada.
Las Personas Que Están Enfermas: Por favor, Llama Fr. Steve Schaftlein (Porqué de las leyes privadas, los Hospitales no se comunican con las iglesias.)
Noticias Boletín: Llega noticias bilingües a la oficina para la noche de los Martes. Llega otra noticias a Fr. Steve Schaftlein para la Domingo anterior. Es importante que se escriben las noticias.
St. Michael Early Childhood Center – Infancy Care, Pre-S, Pre-K, Kindergarten & Day Care
Rita Poff – Director – Ph. 256-3503 Infancy Care - 2563500
El Centro para las Primeras Niñez de San Miguel - Preescolar-Kindergarten y Servicio de Guardería a Infantil
La Directora – Rita Poff – Ph. 256-3503

Mass Schedule

24 / Mon / NO MASS
Prison / 25 / Tue / 6:30 pm / No Mass Intentions
St. M / 26 / Wed / 6:00 pm / No Mass Intentions
St. FX / 27 / Thurs / 7:00 pm / No Mass Intentions
St. M / 28 / Fri / 8:30 am / Martyne Sheehan
St. M / 29 / Sat / 5:30 pm / Ross Mongin
St. FX / 30 / Sun / 9:00 am / No Mass Intentions
St. M / 30 / Sun / 11:00 am / Bueter/Fox families
Hispanic / 30 / Sun / 1:00 pm / For the people

Don’t forget your Mass Intentions.We need them for both parishes.

Sat., May 29 – 5:30 pm – St. Michael

Eucharistic Ministers: C. DeVary, B. L. Cole

Server: C. Ledbetter

Gift Bearers: P. & K. Missi

Cantors: S. & S. Buit

Musician: C. Eickholtz

Lector: C. Ledbetter

Sun., May. 30– 9:00 am – St. Francis Xavier

Eucharistic Ministers: Darlene Reul, Lawrence Yochum,

Toni Allen

Servers: Emily Young, MacKenzie McNames

Ushers: Buddy Barrett, Annie Bolger

Gift Bearers: J. T. & Charlotte Higdonfamily

Lector: Joe Banet

Sun., May 30 – 11:00 am – St. Michael

Eucharistic Ministers: J. Kinder, M. P. Beach, J. Dean

Servers: C. Jackson, T. J. Jackson

Gift Bearers: J. Jackson family

Cantors: J. & M. Wafford

Musician: N. Kinder

Lector: M. Cox


Rosary at 10:20 in the church

**Each week we collect non-perishable food items for the North Clark Outreach Center. There is a wooden box in the foyer for donations.

**Catechist Meeting - May 25, 6:30 pm in the Rectory Basement. Bring a covered dish.

**Faith Formation Commission Meeting – June 12, 7:00 pm.

**St. Michael VBS-July 19-21, 9-11:30am. We need both adults and youth. If you can help, please contact Juliann.

St. M. Server Training – Second Sunday of every month after 11:00 Mass.

Question of the Week – John 20:19-23

“Receive the Holy Spirit.”

With which Gifts of the Spirit am I most richly blessed?

It’s time to turn in your old cell phones to be reconditioned for our troops overseas. There is a box in the front lobby of the church at St. M.


Rosary before Mass

May 23 – Baptismal Sunday

May 25 – Prison Mass

St. Francis Xavier’s 2010 Summer Bible School will be held July 5-9 in the evenings. More information later!!! The Planning Committee consists of: Traci D’Angelo, Melissa Ulrich, Connie Mull, Nashiea Edmiston, and Sandy Banet.

St. Michael/St. Francis Xavier Confirmation

Confirmation is a sacrament that continues the welcome and belonging to the church that your child began with Baptism and continued with Eucharist. Confirmation deepens our relationship with God and what we will do for God by service to others. The sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, and First Eucharist are God’s gifts to us. As a parent you may want to take this chance to talk with your son or daughter about preparation for the celebration of confirmation. The program will begin in August - time, date, and place will be announced. If you are a sophomore or junior in the 2009-2010 school year you will be eligible to be confirmed in 2011. If you have questions, contact Juliann or Sandy. A team planning will be Sunday, May 23 at 2:15pm in the St. Michael School Multipurpose Room.

St. Michael/St. Francis Xavier Youth

The next youth activity is the Jr. Belle Cruise on June 14, 6:30-10:00 pm. This is for incoming 6th thru outgoing 8th graders. Tickets are $18 and the deadline for registration is June 9. Payment must accompany your registration. For more information or to register see Sandy or Juliann.

Virtus Trainingis a requirement for any volunteer participating in various ministries where children are involved. If you took the training last year and have not read the 2 bulletins required for volunteers, please contact Kim Stamper or Juliann. We will get the bulletins for you. The next Virtus Training is Tues., June 8, 6:30-9:00, at Sacred Heart. Pre-registration is requested to ensure that the facilitator has enough materials for the session. You can pre-register at or call 945-0354.

The New Albany Deanery will be offering retreats for High School and Young Adults: Peer Leadership, Sept. 25-26, 2010 – Divin’ In, Oct. 9-10 – On the Journey, Jan. 15-16, 2011 – Christian Awakenings Senior Retreat, Feb. 18-21, Mar. 3-6. They are also planning college visits, events for college students when they come home, and faith filled gatherings for all ages. For more information on all youth and young adult activities contact We are in need of an interested adult to work with the youth. If you can help, contact Juliann.

The Pastor’s Corner

Prison Mass

We will have the mass at the prison this Tuesday. We leave St. Michael by 6:00 pm and meet in the parking lot of the prison no later than 6:20 pm.

Pastoral Council Meetings

St. Francis – 7:30 pm Thurs. May 27

St. Michael – 6:45 pm Tues. June 1

Photo Directory Of The Parishes

There is a makeup day on Monday, May 24, between 3:00-9:00 pm. Make sure to arrive on time for your appointments. It will be very helpful to have a new photo directory of the parishes.


I have set up a preliminary planning meeting for Sunday afternoon, May 23 at 2:15 pm (after the Hispanic Mass) to begin preparations for our next Confirmation Class. We will organize a team, establish a syllabus, and begin organizing service opportunities. (Some service opportunities may be available over the summer.)


In August we will begin our joint adult convert program, “the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults”. If you know of any adults who might consider becoming Catholic, invite them to consider attending the first few sessions. St. Michael and St. Francis work together with St. Paul on the program. This is also a great opportunity for Catholic Adults (18 years or older) to review their faith and to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Summer Campout & Canoe Excursion

It looks like we will have our campout and canoe on the weekend of June 26 & 27. Mark your calendar. Brochures and Permission Slips are available on our web site – !

Fr. Steve

The Prayer Group at St. Michael welcomes anyone to come and pray with them at 6 PM every Monday in the Rectory Chapel. You are also invited to attend the 7 PM Adult Bible Study. This is open to anyone high school and above. If interested call Steve or Sherry Buit at 812-820-7956.

Collectionsfor May 16

St. Michael $ 2,787.19

St. Francis Xavier $ 1,340.50

All Sesquicentennial information is available on the website:

Chuck Ledbetter will be in back of the church at St. M. after every Mass this weekend taking advance orders for the new, historic Commemorative Mug. These beautiful mugs celebrate St. Michael’s 150th year of serving the Lord in the Charlestown community. I’m sure you will want one for your own use, but they also make great gifts! Don’t forget to see Chuck.

The Sesquicentennial Committee needs your help. We need names and addresses of anyone who attended St. Michael Church and School in the past and who have now left this area. We would like to send each of them an invitation to the 150 Year Celebration. If you have information please list names and addresses and put them on the clip board which will be placed on a table in back of the church next to the wall by the cry room. If you have questions, call Malia at 256-6255 or 502-345-3022 Thanks for your help!

Plan now to attend the upcoming St.Michael Sesquicentennial Events

Sun., July 18, 5:30-6:30, at St. Michael(please note time change) there will be a Free Chamber Music Concert. The Louisville Symphony Orchestra will present classical music of the Era. Open to the public. Refreshments will be served following the concert. This concert is sponsored by Larry & Judy Lynn, Chuck & Kay Ledbetter, and St. Michael Church.

Sat., Aug. 28, 7-9pm at St. Michael – free sock-hop. This is an old fashioned sock-hop with 50s & 60s music for all ages. Sponsored by the St. M. Sesquicentennial Committee.

Sun., Sept. 12at St. Michael – Archbishop Daniel Buechlein of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis will celebrate with a bilingual mass at 11am.

Sun., Sept. 17, St. M. Septemberfest and Chicken Dinner – 11:00am-4:00pm.

Everyone is encouraged to come out and support your parish!


Parishioners who would like to have $5 returned from their picture order can do so by donating a canned good next weekend (May 29 & 30). Marjorie Cox will be at both the 5:30 and 11:00 Masses to receive your donations and put your name on a list for the refund. Those who will be taking pictures at the Monday extension day can bring your donations that day. All canned goods will go to the North Clark Outreach Center. Thank You!

Holy Family School is seeking qualified candidates for the following positions for the 2010-2011 school year: (1) 2nd grade teacher, (2) music teacher (instrumental and choral), (3) visual arts teacher, and (4) aftercare assistants. Call 944-6090.

To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven, a time to be born, a time to love, a time to heal, a time to die and a time of peace.” Ecclesiastes 3:1-8


Dave Banet, Frankie Banet, Jerry Banet, Nolan Banet, Roberta Bastian, Bea Beach, Cletus Bowe, Pat Broemeling, Eric Buit, Wilma Conard, Kaydance Couch, Bobby Cross, Danny Fleming, Sharon Glotzbach, Mike Grolmes, Judy Guthrie, Landon Guthrie, Anthony Wayne Harbeson, Roger Dale Harbeson, Jim Harbeson, Kathleen Hensley, Ruth Higbie, Darian Higdon, Curtis Ingram, Aiden Johnson, Peggy Kelshaw, Lottie Lahey, Bill Martin, Carolyn McGinnis, Travis & Stacy Morgan, Catherine Mulhall, Mitch Newland, Mary Ann Pemberton, Ethan Phillips, Mary Ridenour, Marie Schafer, Bill Short, Aiden Skees, Naomi State, Pam Stoner, Scott Thompson, Bernard Wessel, Logan Westerhouse, John Williams, Kenneth Yost

Deceased May 9 – Edith Clemons

Names will remain on the list for 6 months unless you tell us to remove them or request that they be kept longer.


Brandon Beswick, Donald Bloss, Carol Bower, Jonathan Dean, Cathy Jo Donahue, Christopher Donahue, Joseph Kyle Donahue, John Emery, David Fouts, Sam Goffinet, Bradley Guernsey, Christopher Hahn, Steven Hahn, Curt Higdon, Dustin Kavanaugh, B. J. Meredith, Brian Meredith, John Mulhall, Stephen Mulhall, Thomas Mulhall, Roman Nalley, Kyle Ruiz, Jay Rutledge, Travis Williams, Troy Williams

If you know someone who needs to be put on this list, please call the Rectory.

May 29 – St. John’s Starlight Strawberry Festival – 11:00 am, Strawberry Festival Queen contest,Chicken and Ham dinner, build your own Strawberry Shortcakes, Games, Rides, Contests, Entertainment, fun for the entire family.– Street Dance7:30 pm with “The Rumors”.

Wed. Jun 2 – Hospice of Southern Indiana will offer free volunteer training at its New Albany Office, 9am-5pm. Lunch is included. To register or for more info contact Vonya Gresham at , 812-945-4596, or 800-895-5633.

New Albany Deanery Catholic Youth Ministries

Jeff Jenkins, 945-2000

Check them out at or


St. Mary of the Knobs, May 23, 6:15pm in the church, followed by games and fellowship. Contact Tammy Becht, 923-2461


Contact Debbie Fackler, 945-2000, 800-588-2454,

The CYM office is partnering with the parishes in the Summer Daze Program.

Tues. July 13 – Atlantis Water Park, 1:30-3:00

Tues. July 20 – Blackiston Bowl, 1:00-4:00

Tues July 27 – Great Escape 16, 1:00-3:00

Registrations are due by June 24.

We are looking for a responsible adult to accompany our interested middle school youth. Contact Juliann.

The Benedictine Sisters of Ferdinand offer camps for girls grades 5-6, June 7-9, and grades 7-8, June 10-12. Contact Sr. Agnes Marie Dauby 812-367-1411, or

Camp Mt. St. Francis, June 8-10, is a summer camp for boys currently in grades 6-8. Camp by a lake, canoe, hike, and join in many other activities and games. Sponsored by the Franciscan friars. Cost is $40. Contact Friar Paul Schloemer, 502-933-4439 or .

June 7-10, 5:30-8:30pm at Providence there will be a “Fun In The Sun” Soccer Camp for boys and girls ages 4-13. For details or to register contact David Smith, 945-3350.

June 7-11 – Providence High School will host a Girl’s Basketball Summer Camp, 1-4 pm, directed by Coach Brad Burden. Cost $50. Contact Providence High School.

June 18-19 – St, Mary’s-New Albany – Annual Street Dance Weekend – Fri. June 18 Family Night, free admission, gates open at 5:30 pm. Dinner (Huber’s Fried Chicken). Fun for all ages: Bubble Truck, Cake Walk, Wii Games, Face Painting, Bingo, & more. Sat. June 19 Street Dance, 6:00 pm-1:00am, must be 21 or over, cover charge $10,music by “The Rumors” and “100% Poly”, Deli, Beer Garden, Casino, Prizes, etc.