Sun Ridge Middle School
College Career Readiness Preparation
Ground Rules:
1. Arrive on time and be prepared for class.
2. Students will produce their own work without assistance of others or copying published works.
3. Know and practice procedures for a safe working environment.
4. Respect others, their property, and yourself.
5. Profanity and disrespect directed at ANYONE will not be tolerated.
6. Safety is crucial. Tools/equipment will be used appropriately.
7. Tardy students will stay 15 minutes after school to clean classroom as detention.
8. No personal music devices, no cell phones, and no headphones are allowed during instructional time. Cell phones must never be visible and should never be heard ringing or vibrating. Electronic devices will be confiscated if students are caught texting, facetime, phone calls, and the like. Mr. Aragon nor Sun Ridge Middle School are responsible for any damage or theft to electronic devices. Students bring at their own risk.
9. No Food or Drinks allowed in classroom. Chewing gum is not permitted.
10. Communication between your classmates must be productive, positive, and non-threatening.
1. Verbal Warning
2. Student Conference & 15 Minute Classroom Clean Up Detention
3. Parent Contact & 15 Minute Classroom Clean Up Detention
4. Office Referral
All severe offenses will automatically receive an office referral. This includes any conduct that is threatening, dangerous, and defiant in nature. The use of inappropriate language is considered unacceptable.
Classroom Policies & Safety Procedures:
vFirst & Last Name, Class/Period, & Date go on everything you turn in on the upper right hand corner of the paper.
vYou will be expected to have composition book every class day. Accounts for your test grade.
vDO NOT run or fool around in the classroom with any tools.
vDO NOT use dangerous tools/equipment without teacher supervision or permission.
vStudents will be removed from class projects if caught stealing, misusing tools/equipment, endangering themselves/others, and anything of the like.
vClean any trash/spills. IF you don’t like cleaning, don’t make a mess.
v If unsure about how to use a tool or what to do– ask!
v Keep your work area clean and leave it cleaner than you found it.
vOnly use tools and products as they are intended.
vFollow proper disposal methods for your products as indicated on the label or directed
vLate Work Policy: Sun Ridge MS will operate a Lunch & Learn program. Teachers are required to assign students to L & L when they have missing assignments. Students will be released from L & L once all assignments are complete.
Procedures for Mr. Aragon’s Class:
1. Entering the classroom
Come to class on time with required materials ready to work. Enter classroom and sit in your assigned seats. Have composition out and ready to work as soon as bell rings. Bring all required materials as directed.
2. Required Supplies-
Every student will be required to purchase:
4GB USB Flashdrive, One Subject Spiral Notebook
In addition students will be assigned to bring one of the following as determined by teacher on first day:
· Pencils (#2HB) (12pk)
· Two Pencil Sharpeners with case
· Hand Sanitizer
· Box of Markers
· Box of tissues
· Roll of duct tape
· Container cleaning wipes
· Roll CLEAR packaging tape
· Colored Pencil Box (24color)
· Bottle of glue
All other supplies will be provided for you to work on your in-class assignments unless otherwise instructed by Mr. Aragon.
3. Internet/Computer usage
I understand and will abide by the Socorro ISD Acceptable Use Policy for Network Use. I understand that any violation of the regulations is unethical and may constitute a criminal offense. Should I commit any violation, my access privileges may be revoked, and school disciplinary action may be taken. Additionally, appropriate legal action may be taken. As the parent or guardian of this student, I have read the Socorro ISD Acceptable Use Policy for Network Access. I understand that this access is designed for educational purposes and that Socorro ISD has taken steps to eliminate controversial materials. I further understand that correct and appropriate use of the Network will be emphasized. However, I also recognize that it is impossible to restrict access to all controversial materials,
and I agree that I will not hold SISD responsible for materials acquired on the Network. Further, I accept full responsibility for supervision if and when my child’s internet use takes place outside of a school setting. I understand that Network access affords my son/daughter powerful opportunities and responsibilities to become a learner in the 21st century. Parents or guardians who are interested in further information may contact the campus their child attends, or SISD’s Department of Technology
4. Studio Time- Project Time
Your independent work on your projects will take the majority of the class time. I expect a low noise level with maximum productivity. You may talk to your classmates as you work or get out of your seat as needed for supplies. Points will be earned each day. A student has a maximum of 100 points per day. You will be graded according to the following rubric:
100-Worked the entire class period, was respectful and cooperative, follow all class rules.
90- Was on Task 90% of the class period, cooperative with more than 10 minutes of down time, followed class rules.
80- Was on Task 80% of the class period, cooperative with more than 20 minutes of down time, did not follow some of the class rules.
70-Worked part of the class period with more than 25 minutes of down time, or was disrespectful or uncooperative and did not follow some of the rules.
0-Did not work, wasted more than 30 minutes of class period, and/or was disrespectful or uncooperative and did not follow the rules. Automatic zero for anyone receiving an office referral.
5. Cleanup and Closure (C&C)
The last 5-10 minutes of class are for cleaning up. Everyone is responsible for cleaning up their own work area and leaving it cleaner than they found it. All class supplies and work should be returned to their appropriate place. Sometimes I may need to review some major concepts in C&C and other times we may have a quick in-progress critique. The bell does not dismiss you from class, I do. Absolutely NO lining up at the door!!!
6. Directions and Discussion (D&D)
During this time, I will be giving important directions or demonstrating something you will be doing that day. The day’s objectives will be given and major concepts will be discussed. Please no talking during instruction time as well as all electronic devices must be turned off and put away.
A100-90 B89 -80 C 79-75 D 74-70 F 69-below
The grades will be created from the following three sources:
o Daily Grades/ Studio Time (60% of student grade)
o Major Projects/Composition Book (30% of student grade)
o Final Exam (10% of student grade)
Mr. Gabriel Aragon
Sun Ridge Middle School
Room 312
Teacher Website
Student Name: / Class Period: / Date:Student Signature: / Parent Signature:
Parent Email: / Parent Contact Phone Number:
I have read and understand the CCRP Classroom Rules and Consequences. This contract will be in effect for the entire school year.Please return only this last page to Mr. Aragon.
Please tell me something I may not know about your child initially:
Please tell me how I can be the BEST teacher for your child: