

Skill Score

4 / Explanation / Score
Ideas/Topic development / -Ideas directly address the purpose of the writing.
-Ideas demonstrate topic mastery
- Ideas are thoroughly developed offering valid reasoning and critical thought. / - Your essay proved your point.
- Your essay demonstrates that you have full understanding of your subject and direction
- You were able to explain how your evidence supported your reasons and were able to explain how your reasons supported your direction.
Evidence / - Ample supporting evidence is provided.
-Evidence is convincing.
-Evidence is seamlessly integrated and presented in the appropriate format / - You have at least 3 pieces of evidence per reason.
- You describe each piece of evidence and explain how it relates to your reason.
- You don't just list your evidence you work it into your writing.
Organization / -All ideas are organized in an appropriate and logical manner.
-Organization enhances the topic development
-Transitions are consistently used to link sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships among complex ideas and concepts. / - You have a thesis and your follow the order in that thesis.
- Your reasons are ordered in a way that helps move your reader to your direction
- You transition into each new section or reason of your essay. Always keeping where you are in the thesis in mind.
Fluency / -Written response employs appropriate use of voice and English conventions.
- Subject appropriate vocabulary aids fluency / - You use correct spelling, grammar, and for formal essays an appropriate voice (no swearing, contractions or text speak)
- You select words that experts in this field would use.
Skill Proficiency Rating / 16-14 / 13-10 / 9-6 / 5-0 / _____
Total score

A score of proficient or better meets the WHS written communication learning expectation. Revised 6/7/2012