ELED 3110 – Indirect Instruction Lesson Rubric

Student Name: ______Course: ______Date: ______

Title of Lesson: ______Intended Grade Level: ______

Developing (Level 1) / Acceptable (Level 2) / Exemplary (Level 3)
Point Value = ___1_ / Point Value = _2___ / Point Value = __3__ / Level / Points / Weight / Program Standards
I. Initial Planning
  1. Rationale
/ Statement provides a weak or inappropriate explanation for why the instruction is valuable or important to student learning. / Basic information aboutwhy the instruction is valuable or important is provided but additional elaboration is needed. / Candidate provides complete statement that clearly outlines the importance of the instruction. Addresses “why” students need to learn the knowledge, skills, and/or dispositions presented in lesson. / .5 / INTASC 2,7,8
  1. Identification of specific learning objective(s) (outcomes) and standards addressed.
/ More than one of the elements is missing, unclear or inappropriate. Stated as activities rather than learning outcomes. / Objective(s) clearly stated and provides purpose. Standards alignment is correct. One of the elements may be missing, unclear or inappropriate. / Candidate develops objectives based upon student data (Present Level of Performance). Objectives are measurable with precise outcomes at a mastery level which matches the developmental stage of student(s). Aligned with required standards (NC-SCOS), scope and sequence of curriculum and accommodations. / 1 / INTASC 1,2,7
COED CF 1,2,4
  1. Identification of what the students must know prior to this lesson (prerequisites) that you will build upon.
/ Prerequisite skills and concepts not clearly identified and/or incorrect for lesson objective. / Most prerequisite skills and concepts are clearly articulated but some important skills may have been missed. / Prerequisite skills and concepts are clearly articulated, complete and are correct for the stated lesson objective(s). / .5 / INTASC 1,2,3,7,8
  1. Identification of resources needed to teach this objective including appropriate technology to use.
/ Listing of resources incomplete and not clearly thought out. Technology either missing or inappropriate for objective. / Listing of necessary resources given. Technology used within the lesson. / Resources used are integrated into the lesson and make a significant contribution to student learning. Technology well integrated into lesson or a strong rationale given for not using technology. / .5 / INTASC 4,6,7
II. Lesson Introduction
  1. Engage
/ States pre-skills rather than using questions to gauge readiness. Misses opportunity to motivate students and help them make connections. / Focusing activity somewhat sets stage for attending to the lesson, but important connections missed. / Background knowledge and skills key to student success in this lesson checked to gauge readiness for the lesson. Clear connections made to prior learning or knowledge. Activities planned have the potential to stimulate interest and capture student attention. Students are focused on important ideas to be developed later in the lesson. / 2 / INTASC 1,2,7
III. Lesson Development
  1. Exploration
/ Students are given only a limited opportunity to explore with materials or phenomena. Not clear how the exploration will provide a common experience for students to build conceptual knowledge. / Students have the opportunity to get directly involved with phenomena and materials. Students are provided with a common experience which assists them in sharing and communicating. However, teacher direction may drive the instruction rather than student inquiry. / Students have the opportunity to get directly involved with phenomena and materials. Students are provided with a common experience which assists them in sharing and communicating. Student inquiry drives the instruction. / 2 / INTASC 3,4,5
COED CF 1,2,3
10. Explanation / Plan does not introduce students to common language, terms, or vocabulary. Product or activity does not relate to stated objective(s). / Instructions present but may lack clarity. There may not be the opportunity for students to communicate with peers/facilitator their mastery of new vocabulary or terms. / Candidate clearly introduces common language, terms, and vocabulary to assist students in communicating about what they previously explored. Some form of writing, drawing, or speaking is required to assess students’ development, progress and growth with the new information presented. Clear opportunities for students to communicate their understanding with peers and/or facilitator. / 2 / INTASC 4,5
COED CF 1,2,3
  1. Elaboration
/ Activities are unrelated to concepts learned and do not allow for deeper understanding to occur / Some opportunity for students to expand their understanding of the concepts learned or to make connections with other related concepts. / Activities allow for students to expand on the concepts learned, make connections to other related concepts, and apply their understandings to the world around them. / 2 / INTASC 4,5
  1. Structure and sequence of the lesson
/ Lesson focuses on how to complete an activity rather than developing student understanding of content and skills. / Lesson sequence is clear and time is allowed for student questions and practice, but segments may be missing from the lesson. / Sequence and organization of lesson is effective, logical and structured to increase student understanding. Lesson sequence allows for student questions, practice and success during each important segment. / 1 / INTASC 3,4,5
COED CF 1,2,3,4
  1. Instructional decision-making
/ Plans do not indicate when and how student understanding will be checked. / Lesson segmented to allow for student understanding to be checked. No options included for lesson modification if needed. / Frequent checks of student understanding are planned to guide instruction. Teaching options indicated in plans as to how the lesson might be modified based upon student performance. / 1 / INTASC 3,4,5
COED CF 1,2,3,4
V. Lesson Evaluation
  1. Evaluation
/ Evaluation strategy does not relate to the objective. / Strategy gauges group learning of the objective(s) but may not give individual levels of mastery or directly match conditions or behaviors of the objective(s). / Candidate effectively proposes strategy for determining individual levels of mastery of lesson objective(s). Task matches the conditions set in the objective. Results can be compared to the criterion(a) set for lesson objective(s). / 2 / INTASC 7,8
VI. Student Writing and Conventions
  1. Mechanics
/ 5 or more mechanics errors found in the lesson plan. Word processor not used. / No more than 4 mechanics errors found. Word processor used. / No mechanics errors found in the lesson plan. Word Processor used. / .5 / INTASC 6
  1. Grammar/Usage
/ 3 or more grammar or usage errors found in lesson plan. / No more than 2 grammar or usage errors found in lesson plan. Phrases used as needed. / No grammar or usage errors found in the lesson plan. Complete sentences used as appropriate but phrases acceptable and used as needed. / .5 / INTASC 6
  1. Citation of Resources Used
/ Resources used to develop lesson are listed. But, information useful to locating source is omitted. / Resources used to develop lesson are cited. Some information is missing that would make it difficult to locate source. / Resources used in developing lesson are clearly cited. Adequate information provided to identify and locate source. / .5
  1. Feedback from peer is attached to lesson plan
/ Feedback was not provided by a peer. / Feedback from one peer is received but not attached to lesson plan. / Feedback from 2 peers is attached to the lesson plan / .5

ELED 3110 – Direct Instruction Lesson Plan

Scoring Sheet

Student Name: ______Course: ______Date: ______

Title of Lesson: ______Intended Grade Level: ______

Section Scores / Comments
Rubric Level Total Score
  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______
  6. ______
  7. ______
  8. ______
  9. ______
  10. ______
/ Rubric Level Total Score
  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
Total Score: ______ / Instructor/Supervisor Signature: ______Date: ______
Scoring Guide: _50-46__ = Exemplary _45-40__= Acceptable Less than_40__ = Developing

Initial implementation Fall 2004 – Version 1