ECSOpener(s) 4/24

It’s Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day, Fashion Revolution Day, National Pigs in a Blanket Day and World Meningitis Day!!! Happy Birthday Anthony Trollope, Denys Finch Hatton, Willem de Kooning, Robert Penn Warren, Richard Donner, Shirley MacLaine, Jill Ireland, Richard M. Daley, Barbra Streisand, Eric Bogosian, Cedric the Entertainer, DjimonHounsou and Kelly Clarkson!!!

  1. Opener (3)
  2. Disc. 1: Opener ?s (3)
  3. Disc. 2: More Final Scratch Project Models (9)
  4. Ind. Work 1: Scratch Final Project Work (75)
  5. Exit Pass (?)
Essential Question(s)
1.How do I (HDI) create stories by using programming as a tool?
2.HDI create games using variables?
3.HDI create games using iteration?
4.HDI employ conditionals to enhance a game?
5.HDI use randomness to enhance a game?
6.HDI time a game?
  1. Students will be able to (SWBAT)evaluate a Scratch story according to the elements of a rubric
  2. SWBAT explain the concept and create examples of variables.
  3. SWBAT explain the concept and create examples of iteration.
  4. SWBAT explain the concept of and enhance a program with conditionals.
  5. SWBAT explain the concept of and enhance a program with randomness.
  6. SWBAT add a timer to a program that, when run out, causes an event or change to take place.

/ 4/24
For the next two class periods, you will be working on your final Scratch project. There will be no openers during this time period. If you did not sign up for a project (either community documentary or game), you have 20 minutes to do so. Sign up on the sheets placed on the table near the whiteboard. After that, I will assign you a project.
Today is the last day to CHANGE the type or topic of your final project. Please tell me why you are changing and amend the sign-up sheet. You have 20 minutes to do so.
If you do a game, it must be ORIGINAL!!!!!! That means no Marios or Flappy Birds or cute little Pokemons. That means no Good Nutrition, Monkeys and Bananas, Apple Baskets, Kardashians, Pinball Machines, Synching Arrows, Chickens Crossing the Road, Rock Paper Scissors, Cookie-eating Santa Clauses, etc. That ALSO means you do not simply take your Good Nutrition Game and change the food sprites to books or cars or animals!!!! YOUR GAME MUST BE SOMETHING WE HAVE NOT SEEN BEFORE!!!Some of you will have to change your game type. You have 20 minutes to do so. After that, I will assign you a project.
We cannot have a classroom of mazes. I’ll allow a couple of the same type but that’s it. And that goes for any other game as well. If you were not the first or second person signing up to do a maze or tic-tac-toe or poker game, then you have 20 minutes to change your project. After that, I will assign you a project.
If your description of your game was vague, non-specific and contained no details (like “I’m going to make a Mario type of game”), then I suggest you rewrite your description in the next 20 minutes. If not, I will be calling you over to explain in more detail verbally and then rewrite. If your verbal explanation is unsatisfactory, I will assign you a project.
I will be basing your grade for this project on what you have written on the sign-up sheet. If reality doesn’t match plan, grade = 0.
Check out Page 7 of the Opener for some summer computer science/math opportunities.

The Last Opener
Go to and search for the Snow White story that uses real people for sprites rather than cartoons, anime, drawings, etc. Watch the scratch Snow White story and tell me:
  • How many sprites does the story use?
  • Do any of the sprites have costume changes?
  • Does the story gain full points for say/think boxes?
  • How many backdrops does the story use?
  • Based on backdrop changes, what’s this story’s biggest missing element in terms of gaining full points?
  • What would this person’s Scratch Story Project final score and grade be?

ELLs Accommodations
Talk to the text with all demos; provide 1-on-1 tutoring during individual work
DLs Accommodations
Talk to the text with all demos; provide 1-on-1 tutoring during individual work
  1. CPP.L2-03 - Design, develop, publish, and present products (e.g., webpages, mobile applications, animations) using technology resources that demonstrate and communicate curriculum concepts.
  2. CPP.L2-05 - Implement problem solutions using a programming language, including looping behavior, conditional statements, logic, expressions, variables, and functions.
  3. CPP.L3A-05 - Use Application Program Interfaces (APIs) and libraries to facilitate programming solutions.
  4. CCSS.Math.Practice.MP1 - Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
  5. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.W.10 - Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences.
  6. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.SL.1 - Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
  7. CCSS.Math.Content.HSF-BF.A.1b - Building Functions: Build a function that models a relationship between two quantities; write a function that describes a relationship between two quantities; combine standard function types using arithmetic operations.

Exit Pass

Hopefully, your Names Program is finished and you have some interesting behaviors attached to your sprites.
  • What are 3 blocks you used to change sprite behavior?
  • How did they change your sprites’s behaviors?
  • When you stop your program, your name is a jumble. How do you get your sprites back in order when you click the green flag again…WITHOUT first dragging them back in place?

The Last Exit Pass
You have finished ‘upgrading’ your PC in your Computer Components Webquest.In the process, you hopefully learned the meaning of certain words, acronyms, abbreviations and numbers. Choose three from the following list and explain what they refer to and what they mean, both literally and in practice:
  • GHz
  • PC2 or DDR2
  • SATA
  • IDE
  • AGP slot
  • PCI slot
  • 802.11n

Check the Hancock website or Google Classroom.
Do You Have or Use…
#1: Names Program
  1. A separate sprite for each letter in your name?
  2. At least 3 different interesting behaviors?
  1. A behavior for each letter in your name?
  2. A “When green flag clicked” block?
  3. The “Forever” block for each sprite?

Extra Credit: Reinitialize all sprites in your name when green flag is clicked.
#2: Knock Knock Program
  1. 2 sprites talking in dialogue?
  2. A 3rd sprite talking in dialogue?
  3. All sprites taking turns speaking?
  4. All sprites saying at least 3 things?
  1. The dialogue beginning when the green flag is clicked?
  2. Your sprites reinitializing when the green flag is clicked?
  3. Correct grammar, punctuation, etc.?

Extra Credit: Add a 4th sprite to the dialogue.
#3: Baseball Program
  1. Your sprite moving from home to 1st?
  2. Your sprite moving from 1st to 2nd?
  3. Your sprite moving from 2nd to 3rd?
  4. Your sprite moving from 3rd to home?
  1. Your sprite facing the right way as it runs?
  2. Your sprite running forever until the stop sign is hit?
  3. Your sprite reinitializing at home?

Extra Credit: Change costumes on your sprite so that it simulates running.
#4: Alphabet Game
  1. 10 different letter?
  2. 10 different costume changes?
  3. 10 different say blocks telling us what the letter stands for?
  4. A theme?
  1. Letters reinitializing with green flag?
  2. Letters change costumes with key click?
  3. Letters change costumes with mouse click?
  4. Correct grammar, punctuation, etc.?

Extra Credit: Use a sound for all letters in addition to the say block.
#5: Summer Vacation Story
  1. A broadcast 2nd scene?
  2. A broadcast 3rd scene?
  3. An additional shown/hidden character in scene 1?
  4. An additional shown/hidden character in scene 2?
  1. An additional shown/hidden character in scene 3?
  2. Scene 1 character engages in dialogue?
  3. Scene 2 character engages in dialogue?
  4. Scene 3 character engages in dialogue?
  5. Correct grammar, punctuation, etc.?

Extra Credit: Add a 4th scene with an additional, dialoguing, shown/hidden character.
Scratch Story Project
  1. 3 or 4 scenes changing with broadcast?
  2. A title scene changing with broadcast?
  3. At least 3 different sprites?
  4. At least 18 say or think boxes?
  5. Animation or sound?
  6. Sprites having conversations?
  7. Sprites speaking politely?
  1. A title scene changing with broadcast?
  2. Program reinitializes with green flag?
  3. Entire story plays with green flag?
  4. Explain how events were used to transition from one scene to another?
  5. A Peer Grading sheet?

#6: Good Nutrition 1 Program
  1. Background with instructions?
  2. 1 Healthy & 1 unhealthy food sprites?
  3. ‘Good Nutrition Points’ variable?
  4. Sprite 1 event block w/iteration?
  1. Sprite 2 event block w/iteration?
  2. Reinitializing event block w/iteration?
  3. 2nd healthy sprite with +2 iteration?
  4. 2nd unhealthy sprite with -3 iteration?

Extra Credit: 3 scenes: Game title scene; instructions scene and game-playing scene.
#7: Age Program
  1. Age variable with slider?
  2. Sprite & diapers (greater than 2)?
  3. Sprite & driving (greater than 15)?
  4. Sprite & R movies (greater than 16)?
  5. Sprite & voting (greater than 17)?
  1. Sprite & gambling (greater than 20)?
  2. Sprite and car renting (greater than 24)?
  3. Sprite and retiring (greater than 49)?
  4. Sprite and not old enough for anything (less than 3)?
  5. Correct grammar, punctuation, etc.?

Extra Credit: 3 scenes: Program title scene; instructions scene and age-sliding scene.
#8: Good Nutrition 2 Program
  1. Message about being nutritious if # of points is greater than 9?
  2. Message about eating healthier food if # of points is less than -4?
  1. Sprite saying messages OR broadcast changing the stage/backdrop to convey messages?
  2. Correct grammar, punctuation, etc.?

Extra Credit: Use both broadcast with changing stages AND a sprite to convey messages.
#9: Grades Program
  1. A grade variable with slider?
  2. A sprite saying, “You have an A!” (x>89)?
  3. A sprite saying, “You have a B!” (79<x<90)?
  4. A sprite saying, “You have a C!” (69<x<80)?
  1. A sprite saying, “You have a D!” (59<x<70)?
  2. A sprite saying, “You have an F!” (x<90)?
  3. Correct grammar, punctuation, etc.?

Extra Credit: Use a single ‘if’ block to make the sprite say, “You qualify for tutoring!” for Bs and Ds.
#10: Dice Program
  1. Costume changes for all die 1 rolls?
  2. A second die?
  3. A ‘die2’ variable?
  1. Costume changes for all die 2 rolls?
  2. Hidden variables?

Extra Credit: Use broadcast and a ½ second of wait time once the die have finished rolling before 1 or 2 sprites say what numbers have been rolled. (Correct grammar, spelling, etc.)
Extra Extra Credit: Have another sprite say what the total dice roll was. (POLITENESS plus correct grammar, spelling, etc.)
#11: Rock Paper Scissors Game
  1. Conditionals for each of the non-tied RPS outcomes?
  2. Speech bubbles for each of the non-tied RPS outcomes?
  1. Conditional(s) for each of the tied RPS outcomes?
  2. Speech bubble(s) for each of the tied RPS outcomes?
  3. Correct grammar, punctuation, etc.?

Extra Credit: Set a limit on the number of attempts the user has to beat the computer…or vice versa. Change the instructions to inform the user how many attempts they have to beat the computer. Show computer and player variables so player can see final score. (Correct grammar, spelling, etc.)
Extra Extra Credit: Present a backdrop or scene change to say who has won and what the final score is once the number of attempts has been reached. Be careful! There are 3 different ‘winning’ screens: the user wins, the computer wins AND there’s a tie (nobody wins)! (Correct grammar, spelling, etc.)
#12: Timing Program
  1. Initialized variable called ‘timer’?
  2. Iterating downward variable?
  3. 1-second wait time?
  4. NORMAL sprite reads off time?
  5. Green-flag initialization at 30 seconds?
  1. Conditional checking if timer is 0?
  3. Backdrop changes/HUGE sprite appears and says, “Time’s up!” at timer = 0?
  4. Correct grammar, punctuation, etc.?

Extra Credit: Instead of having a sprite simply read off the time, create a ‘score’ variable to display with the ‘timer’ variable and begin a ‘clicking’ game (like the Nutrition Game). At timer = 0, backdrop changes/HUGE sprite appears and, besides saying “Time’s up!”, also says the final score.
#13: Timing Game
  1. 30-second timer?
  2. Total score for misses, poors, goods and perfects?
  3. Help screen with directions?
  4. START button on help screen?
  5. Green-flag reset?
  1. All timing and scoring stopping when the game is over?
  2. Backdrop change telling user the game is over and what their final score was?
  3. Difficulty change over 30 seconds (i.e., the moving arrow moves faster?

Extra Credit: Game keeps track of # of perfects in a row and gives that # in final backdrop.

Some Computer Science Student Opportunities

BDPA wants to encourage more African Americans to to create mobile applications and we think that that Chicago Public Schools can help! We want to invite students to participate in the5th Annual BDPA Mobile Application Showcasetaking place during the upcomingNational BDPA Technology Conferencein New Orleans on August 2018.
We recognize that we need to do more to engage with high school or college students interested science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) curriculum. We know that many of these young people arenot on career pathsthat will lead them from the 'classroom to the boardroom'.
We seek high school andcollege studentswilling to showcase their application development skills in a showcase that allows them to compete against students from around the nation. They will be asked to develop an application in one of three categories (business, gaming or personal productivity) on Android or iOS smartphone operating systems.
High-performing students will earn college scholarships from BDPA and itscorporate sponsors. Encourage students you know toregisterfor Mobile Applications Showcase!
Finally, we want your students to check out theBDPA Job Board - Please encourage your STEM-trained students and graduates to upload their current resume and seek out internships in the IT industry. We need college students and graduates from in and around Chicago to take advantage of thisonline resource!
Troy, we want to create a mutually beneficial way for Chicago Public Schools and BDPA to work together. Please feel free to contact us via email () or on(301) 584-3135if you have questions or wish to discuss further.

Exploring Computer ScienceHomework 4-4

Name: ______Period ______

  1. Clickthegreenflag. Whatdothethreeanimalsdo?
  1. Lookatthescriptsforeachofthe3sprites. What3blocksdoallthreespritesuse?
  1. Whatblocksdoesthecatusetomove?
  1. Whatblockdoesthedogusetomove?
  1. Whatblockdoesthemonkeyusetomove?
  1. Describeinyourownwordshowthemoveblockworks.
  1. Describeinyourownwordshowthegotoxyblockworks.
  1. Describeinyourownwordshowtheglideblockworks.
  1. Someoftheblocksrequirex:andy:coordinates. Placethemouseoverthewhitewindowandlookatthe mousex:andmousey:numbersunderneaththebottom. Then look at the non-mouse x: and y: numbers in the upper right corner of the script window. Howarethex:andy:coordinatesdeterminedin Scratch?

Extra Credit
Period 3 / Period 4 / Period 5
Your name / Your period
Date / Opener
Question / Answer
Extra Credit
Search 1 / Picture, Holiday or Birthday
Who/What / Search Criteria
Search 2 / Picture, Holiday or Birthday
Who/What / Search Criteria
Search 3 / Picture, Holiday or Birthday
Who/What / Search Criteria
Date / Exit
Question / Answer
Date / Opener
Question / Answer
Extra Credit
Search 1 / Picture, Holiday or Birthday
Who/What / Search Criteria
Search 2 / Picture, Holiday or Birthday
Who/What / Search Criteria
Search 3 / Picture, Holiday or Birthday
Who/What / Search Criteria
Date / Exit
Question / Answer
Date / Opener
Question / Answer
Extra Credit
Search 1 / Picture, Holiday or Birthday
Who/What / Search Criteria
Search 2 / Picture, Holiday or Birthday
Who/What / Search Criteria
Search 3 / Picture, Holiday or Birthday
Who/What / Search Criteria
Date / Exit
Question / Answer
Date / Opener
Question / Answer
Extra Credit
Search 1 / Picture, Holiday or Birthday
Who/What / Search Criteria
Search 2 / Picture, Holiday or Birthday
Who/What / Search Criteria
Search 3 / Picture, Holiday or Birthday
Who/What / Search Criteria
Date / Exit
Question / Answer
Date / Opener
Question / Answer
Extra Credit
Search 1 / Picture, Holiday or Birthday
Who/What / Search Criteria
Search 2 / Picture, Holiday or Birthday
Who/What / Search Criteria
Search 3 / Picture, Holiday or Birthday
Who/What / Search Criteria
Date / Exit
Question / Answer
Date / Opener
Question / Answer
Extra Credit
Search 1 / Picture, Holiday or Birthday
Who/What / Search Criteria
Search 2 / Picture, Holiday or Birthday
Who/What / Search Criteria
Search 3 / Picture, Holiday or Birthday
Who/What / Search Criteria
Date / Exit
Question / Answer