2017/18 Guidance

Research Development Awards provide funding to help academic staff form productive external research collaborations. Two types of collaboration will be supported:

a)  ‘External Funding’ award, for staff who have an opportunity to bid for external research funding with colleagues in one or more other institutions, and who have not previously gained research funding.

b)  ‘First Collaboration’ award, for staff who have not previously undertaken a research project (funded or unfunded) with colleagues in one or more other institutions.

Applications for support must be sent to Stewart Milne, Head of Research Services () using the attached form The deadline for applications for External Funding awards is Friday 1st December 2017. There are two deadlines for First Collaboration awards: Friday 1st December 2017 and Thursday 1st March 2018. You may submit only one application per round.

Applications must include evidence of Line Manager’s support. Applications will be reviewed and Awards confirmed by the PVC Research and the Researcher Development Tutor. Approval will be subject to availability of resources. Key evaluation criteria are: viability; intended short and longer term outcomes; contribution to applicant’s research career development; contribution to School/University research capacity.

Successful applicants will submit periodic reports on their use of the awards. They will also give short presentations to colleagues about what they did and how they did it (at either the annual staff conference, or an ‘Open House for Researchers’ event).

Application for a Research Development Award [2017/18]

Please do not exceed 2 pages.

Is this application for

External Funding award / First Collaboration award
Name of applicant
Academic School
Proposed external collaborator(s)
Proposed activities (what, how, where, when)
Outcomes anticipated by July 2018
Anticipated outcomes in 2018/19
[For External Funding award proposals only: Please give an indication of the funding sources you are most likely to aim for, through your new collaboration]
Contribution to research career development
Contribution to School / University research capacity
Estimated essential costs (please list items)
n.b. Cover for teaching time is not an eligible cost from this fund
Name and signature of your line manager

September 2017