Code book for Tourists’ Internet and Brochure Use 2010

questions / Code name / Code data / EXPLAINATION
1 / UI / 1=YES; 2=NO / Use 1 if the answer is yes; 2 for no
2 / HOUR / 1=a; 2=b; 3=c; 4=d / Use 1 if answer is a; similarly for b, c, and d.
3 / WHEREA / 1=a; 2=b; 3=c; 4=d; 5=e / Use 1 if answer is a; similarly for b, c, d and e.
4 / TRIPS / Use exact answer (number) / Fill in whatever the reported number is.
5 / LASTTRIP / MM/YYYY / Use Roman numbers for both month and year
6 / HOWFAR / 1=a; 2=b; 3=c / Use 1 if answer is a; similarly for b, and c.
7 / DURATION / 1=a; 2=b; 3=c; 4=d; 5=e / Use 1 if answer is a; similarly for b, c, d and e.
8 / SPEND / Use exact answer (number) / Fill in whatever the reported number is.
9 / PEOPLETRAVEL / Use exact answer (number) / Fill in whatever the reported number is.
10 / PRIORVISIT / 1=YES; 2=NO / Use 1 if the answer is yes; 2 for no (special attention: the order of yes and no is different from the first question)
11 / PLANNING / 1=already planned; 2=being planned; 3=not being considered; 4=other / Use a separate sheet to document other reported reasons
12 / SOURCES / 1=print brochures; 2=Internet; 3=both brochures and Internet; 4=travel agents / Use 1 if the answer is print brochures; similarly for the rest.
13 / BROTYPE / 1=a; 2=b; 3=c
13a / BROTYPEA / Use exact answer (number) / Fill in the report number
13b / BROTYPEB / Use exact answer (number) / Fill in the report number
13c / BROTYPEC / Use exact answer (number) / Fill in the report number
14 / DEPEND / 1=print brochures; 2=Internet; 3=travel agents; 4=wordofmouth; 5=other / Use a separate sheet to document other reported reasons
15 / BOTH / 1=Yes, I use both; 2=No, only brochure; 3=No, only Internet
16 / FINTERNET / Use exact answer (number) / Fill in whatever the reported number is.
17 / FBROCHURE / Use exact answer (number) / Fill in whatever the reported number is.
18a / TRUSTbro / Use exact answer (number) / Fill in whatever the reported number is.Special note: 18 is being divided into two questions: 18a and 18b
18b / TRUSTint / Use exact answer (number) / Fill in whatever the reported number is.
19 / REASONS / 1=convenience; use 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in sequence for the remaining answers from top down / Use a separate sheet to document ‘other’ if any.
20 / REASONSNOT / 1=I didn’t have access; use 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in sequence for the remaining answers from top down / Use a separate sheet to document ‘other’ if any.
21 / BEST / 1=I didn’t have access; use 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 in sequence for the remaining answers from top down / Use a separate sheet to document ‘other’ if any.
22 / LONGER / Use exact answer (number) / Fill in whatever the reported number is.
23 / DEPMOST / 1=I didn’t have access; use 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in sequence for the remaining answers from top down / Use a separate sheet to document ‘other’ if any.
24 / ZIPCODE / Use exact answer (number) / Fill in whatever the reported number is.
25 / BORN / Use exact answer (number) / Fill in whatever the reported number is.
26 / GENDER / 1=M; 2=F
27 / EDUCATE / Use exact reported number if within high school (from 1-12 years); If beyond high school, see explanation on the right column / Convert under and graduate years in this way:
under: 1,2,3, 4 to 13, 14, 15, 16
graduate: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7+ to 17,18,19,20,21,22,23; then use the converted number to fill in
27a / EDUCATEa / 1=elementary; 2=high school; 3=under; 4=graduate / Special note: question 27 is coded twice in two different ways.
28 / INCOME / 1=Less than $20,000[ ] $50,000 to $59,999
2=$20,000 to $29,999[ ] $60,000 to $69,999
3=$30,000 to $39,999[ ] $70,000 to $79,999
4=$40,000 to $49,999
5=$50,000 to $59,999
6=$60,000 to $69,999
7=] $70,000 to $79,999
8= $80,000 or more