Garden: 8 Lindsay Street, Kalamunda WA 6076
Membership Form 2017-2018
Thank You for your interest in the Kalamunda Community Garden!
Please fill in this form and submit it with the appropriate fees for a year membership
Membership Fees:All memberships will be renewed at the end of the financial year.12 Months / 9 Months / 6 Months / 3 Months
Family / $60.00 / $45.00 / $30.00 / $15.00
Waged / $36.00 / $27.00 / $18.00 / $9.00
Concession / $24.00 / $18.00 / $12.00 / $6.00
Plot rental p a / $150.00 / $112.50 / $75.00 / $37.50
Plot number______
Bank Details : Kalamunda Community Garden Inc.BSB: 036065 Account No: 349427
Or send your cheque/money order to KCG 8 Lindsay St Kalamunda WA 6076
Please use your surname as a reference if paying by Bank deposit. Thank you
Name (including all family members for Family Membership)Email Address
Contact Number
Postal Address
Signature / Date
Please indicate if you do not wish your contact details to be shared with other members. Δ
Please return completed form with payment. Thank you for your generous participation!
Amount paid / Membership #Date Paid / Entered into Database
Received by / Welcome letter sent
Receipt # / Membership expires
Name ______
I am interested in helping with the following tasks of running the garden;
O General gardening jobs / O Helping children with gardeningO Collecting and saving seed / O Watering roster
O Pruning / O Fundraising
O Making compost / O Organising a social event or workshop
O Getting manure & mulch with trailer / O Building & making structures
O Assisting gardeners / O Other skills and/ or comments…
O Propagating plants
O Spreading manure & mulch
Please comment on what you hope to gain from being part of the Kalamunda Community Garden.