History of Fashion Project

Group Members Names______Our Decade is______

Directions: In your group, you will research and present on a certain decade in fashion history. To present your information, you may create a PowerPoint, Prezi, poster board, pop up shop, infographic, or rap. Every group member must have a speaking part in the presentation.

The following information must be included in your project:

  • Historical Background:
  • What was happening in the world during your decade? What events might have influenced the fashions during that time? How were men & women viewed? Who influenced the fashions?Must include at least 5 pieces of historical background.
  • Major Designers:
  • Who were the major designers? What was their fashion statement? You must include at least 2 designers & identify their contribution.
  • Fabrics:
  • What fabrics were popular? How were those fabrics used? Is there a reason that specific fabric was used? Must include at least 3 fabrics.
  • Accessories:
  • How were accessories, like jewelry, scarves, hats, belts, shoes, purses, used/worn? Must include at least 3 accessories.
  • Comparison with Today’s Fashion:
  • How are the fashions of today influenced by your decade? Must include at least 3 fashions.
  • Illustrations:
  • Show a range of illustrations during your decade – Everyday wear, casual, evening, special occasion. Must include at least 4 illustrations.
  • References:
  • Must include a page with all of your references you found information from.

Day 1: Research Day

  • Open Google docs & share with your group members. Your job today is to gather research on your topic including historical background, major designers, fabrics, and accessories, comparison to today’s fashions.

Days 2, 3, 4: Work Day

  • Create your PowerPoint, Prezi, poster board, pop up shop, infographic, and rap.
  • This project/presentation should reflect your BEST WORK! Pay attention to details, become the expert on your decade, and let your creativity shine!

Day 5: Presentations

  • Be ready to present your project!


Criteria / Comments / Score
Students have a clear understanding of their decade in fashion. / /10
Final product is neat, professional, attention to detail is present & it represents their best works. / /10
Historical Background
-At least 5 pieces
-Accurate information / /10
Major Designers
-At least 2 designers
-Included their statements & influence / /10
-Popular fabrics
-Why they were used
-At least 3 fabrics / /6
-How accessories were used
-At least 3 accessories / /6
Comparison to Today’s Fashion / /10
-Variety of pictures to show everyday wear, casual, evening special occasion
-At least 4 illustrations / /8
References Page / /10
Total: / /80