Meeting Minutes
April 21, 20168:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m.
Watertown Senior and Community Center
Introductions and review of agenda
- Attendance: Ashley Nelson, Susan Wollin, Sarah Stocks,Abbey Frye, Gary Fisk, Andrea Turke, Kelli Kuenzi, Joan Jaeckel, Tina Crave, Emma Kane, Andi Merfeld
- Welcomed Andi Merfled-hired with the Greater Watertown Community Health Foundation for grants
- Welcomed Emma Kane from the Tobacco Free Community Partnership: Dodge, Jefferson, Waukesha Coalition Coordinator
- Next sub coalitions meeting will be on May 19th at 4:30 p.m., Administrative building in Juneau
Events and Resources
- Community Health Rankings (
- University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation release yearly nationwide county health rankings
- The annualCounty Health Rankingsmeasure vital health factors, including high school graduation rates, obesity, smoking, unemployment, access to healthy foods, the quality of air and water, income, and teen births in nearly every county in America. The annualRankingsprovide a revealing snapshot of how health is influenced by where we live, learn, work and play.
- Summary of rankings for WI:
- Health Outcomes (based on an equal weighting of length and quality of life)
- Dodge ranked 22, Jefferson ranked 8
- LY: Dodge ranked 33, Jefferson ranked 10
- Health Factors (based on weighted scores for health behaviors, clinical care, social and economic factors, and the physical environment)
- Dodge ranked 32, Jefferson ranked 13
- LY: Dodge ranked 29, Jefferson ranked 27
- Backpack Program ( Weekend Food to Go and Grow)/Summer Sandwiches in the Park
- 10 local churches work together
- Meal program in the community on M, W, F
- Retired reading specialists bring books to children
- Backpacks are available for kindergarteners
- They have never found anyone who took advantage of the program
- They never want to collect data for needs
- Out of the conversation, it was brought to light the need for senior dining options (and children)
Community Health Priorities
- Access to Care – Andrea
- WACC-Carol Mertins interview
- 2008 began, United Way, Joe & Sharon Darcy, Quirk Foundation all assist
- 501 c3 tax deductible donation to any community member who donates
- 3 more years with WRMC funding rent
- Need a social worker; Family Resources 1x/week
- Not as many on BadgerCare anymore due to too many people making too much
- They see 1 person at a time (not families)
- CAD offices (more info)—just want Jefferson County pull
- 153 visits in March
- 24 mental health
- Max drug savings: asthma and humalax (R.A.)
- Active Community Environments—Gary
- Walk on Saturday
- Started the outdoor walk last week
- Posters distributed/tear off posters put out/Wellness Works at WRMC added a PowerPoint slide on the rotating information TV/Chamber-Calendar of Activities
- Ashley to ask about the Walks being featured on the WRMC Facebook Page
- March 19– 2 walkers
- March 26-7 walkers
- April 2-15 walkers
- April 9-12 walkers
- April 16 (first outdoor walk)-12 walkers (Terry and Charles Schlief filled in as leaders)
- Possibility of using Bethesda as an indoor space alternative (activity center)
- Park and Rec—Kelli
- Indoor pool: closed for maintenance but reopening Saturday morning (April 23)
- Summer swimming lessons begin in May
- Water X, lap swim, open swim
- Getting ready for Aquatic Center opening
- Renovations occurred on the bridge at the pool
- Duck friend replacing seal (duck can be picked up and stored)
- Short on lifeguards (need to hire more)
- 1st babysitting class included pediatric CPR
- Run another clinic in May
- Youth soccer delayed due to weather
- All bathrooms open in parks
- Baseball/softball
- Draft tomorrow
- Adult kickball
- Volleyball (youth and adult)
- May 14/21 Plant Pals (recycle motts sauce containers—make plants in them, color container greens)
- Rock River Day Camp (1 week)
- WUSD/ Food Systems—Joan
- Planning stage for free meals in summer
- Gearing up for new menus for the school year 2016-2017
Other Items
- Facebook update—Abbey
- March 18-posted about the Walk on Saturday at Shopko-158 views
- March 24 -posted about the Walk on Saturday-164 views
- April 1-posted about the Walk on Saturday- 120 views
- April 8 – posted about the Walk on Saturday-118 views
- April 11-posted about Severe Weather-9 views
- April 14 – posted about the Walk on Saturday – 12 views
- April 14-posted about Food Safety-14 views
- CHIP (Community Health Improvement Plan) Update-Abbey
- Intend on releasing a survey to the community to see what the community health needs and concerns are instead of addressing what we think they need
- Next Month’s Focus: Food Security Sharing
Next meeting May 19, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. at Watertown Senior and Community Center.