Sixth Grade World History
Classroom Syllabus
Mrs. Robinson
Phone: 407-858-6130 ext.4293
Web site:
Welcome to Mrs. Robinson’s World history Class. This year we will study many different areas of the world during the ancient times, from pre-history to Ancient Rome. What follows are the classroom policies and guidelines to help this class run smoothly and communicate expectations. Parent-teacher communication throughout the school year is crucial for student success. A great tool provided by the school is Progress book, an online grade book that is regularly updated by all your students’ teachers. The class website (above) is updated almost daily and includes everything done in class as well as useful links for the school year. If you have any questions, comments or concerns throughout the year, please contact me directly via e-mail, and I will get back to you quickly.
1) Mrs. Robinson’s Classroom Agreement:
o Be prepared for class
o Be respectful of yourself, others and materials
o Follow directions
o Participate
o Allow Mrs. Robinson to teach
2) Consequences for failure to adhere to the Classroom Agreement:
o First offense: verbal warning
o Second offense: time out in another teachers class with reflection worksheet and noted in progress book
o Third offense: Morning or after school detention (Parent signature required) and call and/or an e-mail home
o Further disruption will result in parent contact and an administrative referral.
o The Exception: Disrespect and insubordination will result in an automatic referral.
3) Required Materials: Extra Credit Materials:
o 2 Composition notebooks ~Hand sanitizer
o Pencils, pens, highlighters, colors ~Tissues
o 2 Glue stick ~Printer paper
o Scissors ~Scotch tape
4) Textbooks:
o Each student will have a textbook checked out to them to leave at home. It is their responsibility to keep it accessible for home work.
o The classroom has a class set of texts to use during class
· DO NOT take class set books home
o Online textbook and workbooks will be used periodically throughout the year
o Textbook website:
o User name is OC then the student ID number, the password is OC then the students 8 digit birthday (example User: OC012345678 PW: OC08251983).
5) Technology and cell phones:
o The class website ( is the PRIMARY source for everything you may need to know throughout the year. It includes all power points, links to videos, Edmodo, assignments, important dates and the on-line textbook. It is expected that the student has access to and utilizes the website when needed.
o Students will have an additional permission slip for the use of the school social platform, Edmodo. Edmodo will primarily be used to access videos for flipped class’s and lectures. (
o Other electronic tools (for example class dojo and nearpod) will be used in the classroom using ipads, mini computers, class computers and personal devices.
o Students will be able to use their cell phones and earbuds to interact with technology ONLY WITH TEACHER APROVEL.
o Misuse of technology will result in the loss of the privilege to use it. Having a phone out without permission will result in confiscation.
o Photos taken during class are property of Mrs. Robinson and may be used on Edmodo (remember Edmodo is secured).
6) Assignments - Make a best effort to complete all assignments!
o Daily work (bell work and in class assignments) – 40% of final grade
o All class work will be complied into a World History Interactive Composition Notebook that students will be responsible for- I will be providing classroom storage when necessary.
§ The 2 composition notebooks will be set up simultaneously at the beginning of the year. The 2nd composition notebook will be stored for use during 2nd semester.
§ Comp book checks will be period and may occur at any time.
§ Every page has a heading and a page number.
o Homework will be collected/ checked at the beginning of class on the due date and posted in class as well as on the class website.
o The Progress Monitoring Chart will need to be signed every week by a parent/guardian and have the updated class grade. Late signatures will receive half credit.
o Tests and Quizzes – 30% of final grade
o All tests will need to be passed with a 50%- students may retake tests if needed before or after school, or during lunch. Quizzes cannot be retaken.
o Test dates will be posted on the class website and in class
o Cheating will result in a “0” grade and administrative action
o Projects – 20% of final grade
o Projects will be in groups and individual as well as include time in and out of class.
o Accelerated Reader non- fiction requirement – 10%
o Each student will need to read three non-fiction books that are in the students reading level, per quarter.
o AR tests must be passed with a 70% or better
o Each due quiz date will be posted and on the website.
o Missing/ Late work
o Assignments are to be made up within a week of the original due date to receive full credit
o Students have the amount of days absent (must be excused) plus 1 day to hand in work without penalty (County Policy).
o Late work points will be deducted by 10% for each day it is late down to 50%.
o A “0” will be recorded for all missing assignments until it is made up.
o Progressbook will show it as “missing” and “late” until the assignment is graded, then it will have a score and be marked “late.”
7) Work Requirements:
o ALWAYS head your paper COMPLETELY. Name, date class period and assignment heading (points will be deducted if the heading is incomplete.)
o Use pencil, dark blue or black ink only (points will be deducted if inappropriate color is used).
o Always write legibly. If it can’t be easily read it will be considered incorrect.
8) Grading Policy:
A = 90-100 B = 80-89 C = 70-79 D = 60-69 F = 0-59
9) Absent Policy:
o If you know that you are going to be absent please complete a prearranged absence through the attendance office and make arrangements to receive the assignments to complete while you are out. For unplanned absences you need to deliver a note for the absence to the front office upon your return to school, this does not guarantee an excused absence.
o Students can refer to classroom composition notebook to see what assignments were missed and retrieve any handouts.
o If absent on a test/quiz day, students will need to arrange a make-up time, before or after school, with the teacher.
o It is your responsibility to obtain missed assignments by checking the class website, Edmodo or the teacher composition notebook.
10) Entering the Room
o Find your assigned seat quietly
o Read the board for daily agenda and take out all necessary materials
o Copy all homework (HW) in planner (NH for none, never leave a blank)
o Start the bell work (BW) assignment
11) End of the Period
o Class is dismissed by the teacher, not by the bell or end of day announcements.
o Dismissal will begin when the classroom has been thoroughly cleaned and all materials are in their place.
o Teaching is from bell to bell. Avoid early “check out” from class.
12) Voice Levels
0 = Silence; No talking 1 = Whisper 2 = Normal conversational voice
3 = Raised voice; teacher instructional voice 4 = Shouting; outdoors only, or emergency
13) Bathroom/Drinking Fountain
o Students may use the bathroom/water fountain during class time 3 times per 9 weeks.
o Students must use an agenda for a hall pass. Highlighted green boxes are reserved for Mrs. Robinson’s class.
o One emergency pass is allotted for the year.
o The bathroom is NOT to be used for socializing or cell phone use.
14) Teach Time/ Substitutes
o Raise your hand and wait to be called on if you have a question
o Talking is NOT tolerated during individual and bell work (level 0).
o Questions should be respectful and relevant to the topic of instruction.
o When working on group work, projects, etc. ASK 3 before me!
o Treat a substitute better then Mrs. Robinson.
o If a student’s name is recorded by a substitute this will result in an automatic detention and phone call home upon Mrs. Robinson’s return.
15) Miscellaneous
o Morning/afternoon announcements – stop working and listen quietly.
o Students are to participate or remain in a respectful manner during the flag salute.
o Visitors/class phone call – Continue working on assignment at appropriate voice level.
o We all share the classroom and will keep it clean.
o Report all writing on the tables and in books immediately.
o Hole punch, sharpen pencils and staple during your time, not while the teacher is talking.
o Do NOT remove anything from the teacher desk or counter.
Once again, I am excited for this school year and the learning and experiences your student will be involved in. Please keep this syllabus as a reference throughout the school year and remember to contact me if you have ANY questions, comments or concerns. Upon the completed reading of this classroom syllabus please sign the attached Parent and Student Acknowledgement Form. The attached form is due by ______
Please cut along the dotted line and return the bottom portion to Mrs. Robinson room in 619.
Parent and Student Classroom Syllabus
Acknowledgement Form
Please fill out and return to Mrs. Robinson by ______
Together with my parent or guardian, we have reviewed the policies and expectations of Mrs. Robinson’s sixth grade World history class. We understand what it will take to be successful throughout this school year and the disciplinary actions taken upon rule violations.
(PRINTED student name) (student signature)
______date: ______
(PRINTED parent name) (parent signature)
Phone: ______(home cell work) Who should I ask for: ______
Phone: ______(home cell work) Who should I ask for: ______
Primary Parent E-mail: ______
Secondary Parent E-mail: ______