/ Harvest Billing System
MR11 Summary of Functionality
December 14, 2005
The following is a list of the enhancements and fixes included in Maintenance Release 11
Function/Subsystem / SummaryBilling Management / Changes were made to Billing Management screens P800, P831, P832, P837, P838, and report R832to use preferred terminology:
- Caption of link on P800 – Billing Management Menu, changed from “Search For Final Bills” to “Search For Unissued Final Bills”
- Caption of link on P800 changed from “Search For Non-Renewable Tenures With Frozen Ratios” to “Search For Non-Renewable Tenures Not Receiving Final Bills”
- Title of screen P831 changed from “Search For Final Bills” to “Search For Unissued Final Bills”
- Title of screen P832 changed from “List of Weight Scale Final Bills” to “List of Unissued Final Bills”
- Title of report R832 changed from “List of Weight Scale Final Bills” to “List of Unissued Final Bills”
- Title of screen P837 changed from “Search for Non-Renewable Tenures With Frozen Ratios” to “Search For Non-Renewable Tenures Not Receiving Final Bills”
- Title of screen P838 changed from “List of Non-Renewable Tenures With Frozen Ratios” to “List of Non-Renewable Tenures Not Receiving Final Bills”[p1][p2]
Billing Management / Corrected computation of volume and value estimates displayed on P832 – List of Unissued Final Bills.[p3]
All Volume and Value estimates are now displayed on P832. Previously, the totals were not calculated correctly because segregation mismatches between the Ratio History and the Year-to-Date Cyclic Billing were not included.
Billing Management / Made minor formatting corrections to R832 – List of Weight Scale Final Bills.[p4]
Report R832 is now better formatted and easier to read.
Billing Management / Repair made to correctly record the update timestamp and update user id when a Weight Scale Final Bill summary scale return is released or held.[p5]
This repair ensures the audit trail is accurate.
Billing Management / Repair made to display the correct range and counts (“Results xx-yy of zzzz”) on P834 – List of Non-Renewable Tenures That Receive Final Bills.[p6]
Billing Management / Search results are now sorted by Population / Sampling Year / Timber Mark on screen P834 and report R834, List of Non-Renewable Tenures That Receive Final Bills.[p7] Also, a repair was made to display only results on R834 that match the search criteria. Previously, Sampling Year was not used as a search filter even when included in the search criteria.[p8]
The List of Non-Renewable Tenures That Receive Final Bills is now correctly displayed in a logical sort order.
Billing Management / Corrected validation edits on P835 – “Add a Non-Renewable Tenure With Final Bills” and P836 – “Update a Non-Renewable Tenure With Final Bills” so that both the Population and Sampling Year fields are flagged with a red “Error” tag when the validation error: “Population and sampling year are not valid” is displayed.[p9]
Accurate tagging of the ‘problem’ fields will make it easier to correct final bills.
Billing Management / Enhanced edits on P836. The Population and Sampling Year input fields are now restricted to a maximum of 4 characters each and the Timber Mark input field is now restricted to a maximum of 6 characters[PB10].
This enhancement will reduce the chance of input errors when updating non-renewable tenures for final billing.
Billing Management / Edits added to screens P835 and P836 to prevent users from:
- Adding a non-renewable tenure for a Population / Sampling Year / Timber Mark (PSM) afteran invoice has been issued for the subject PSM;
- Removing a non-renewable tenure from the list of non-renewable tenures that receive final bills after an invoice has been issued for the subject PSM[p11];
- Adding a timber mark that is not exempt from final bills to the list of non-renewable tenures that receive final bills; and
- Updating a non-renewable tenure that receives final billsby changing the timber mark to one that is not exempt from final bills.[p12]
Billing Management / Repairs made to navigation links (First, Previous, Next, Last) on screens P834 (List of Non-Renewable Tenures That Receive Final Bills) and P838 (List of Non-Renewable Tenures With Frozen Ratios).[p13]
Users can now navigate through search results on P834 and P838. System Error no longer occurs when using navigation links.
Billing Management / Enhancements made to several Billing Management search screens to limit the number of characters that can be entered in the Timber Mark field to 6.[p14]
This change will facilitate correct entry of the Timber Mark search criterion.
Billing Management / Repairs made to P838:[p15]
- Stratum column has been added to the results list, between the existing Population and Sampling Year columns.
- The client and location numbers of the timber mark’s licensee are now displayed in the Licensee column; previously, the Org Unit was erroneously displayed in this column.
Final Bills / Query screenshave been added to enable users to produce the following reports:
- R829 – Final Bill Status Summary Report (Multi-population)
- R830 – Final Bill Status Summary Report (Single Population with Stratum List)
Final Bill reports can now be generated on-line. These reports were previously generated manually by on an ad hoc basisfor Ministry users who found them very useful and great time-savers.
Billed Stats / Problems with the Billing Statistics batch job were repaired.
- Volume and weight of Cancelled / Replace With Changes sample log tallies in Ready status are now included in the variance ratio calculation.
- Submitted summary sample scale returns in Cancel In Progress, Cancel/Replace With Changes In Progress, and Cancel/Replace With No Changes In Progress are now included for billing statistics computation.
- Rounding error in the calculation of the variance ratio repaired in the Billing Statistics batch job.
- Populations selected for statistics updating are now selected by issue date instead of date entered, since the creation of the transaction does not necessarily entail issuance since a summary can be held.
- Cancellations of weight scale invoices are now included in billed statistics.
- Calculation of billed volume has been corrected to conform with formula 9A.2 for Appendix 9A of the Scaling Manual (Estimate of Total Volume in a Stratum).
- Exception handling has been enhanced to improve the stability of the Billing Statistics batch job.[p17][p18]
PS / WS Invoicing and Summary Compilation / Implemented enhancements to batch processing. Billing batch jobs can now be run for a specified duration, after which they will finish processing the current record and terminate gracefully.[p19]
This enhancement will result in improved workflow management and quicker, more efficient processing of scale data. We can now schedule all billing jobs, rather than manually invoking the large billing jobs following the monthly / semi-monthly rollups.
Home Page / Repairs made to the HBS home page:
- Fixed existing home page links so that data retrieved by clicking on the links are now correctly filtered by user role and district or scale site associations.Home page links were fixed for the following roles: Industry Scaler, Industry Site Administrator, Data Submission Agent, Ministry Check Scaler, Ministry Site Administrator, Ministry Correction Approver, Detail Data Entry, Summary Data Correction, and Summary Data Control. Previously, some links returned data for the whole province instead of being correctly filtered by user association.[p20]
- Added links for the Industry Document Receiver, Industry Scaler, Industry User Administrator, Ministry Billing Administrator, and Ministry Check Scaler roles that were missing from the home page.[p21]
Home Page / Fixed home page links so that the correct record range and record count are displayed at the bottom of results screens.[p22]
Queries / Repaired query on the HBS public website for a Single Summary Return. Previously, this query did not retrieve the specified summary scale return.[p23]
Public users are now able to search for a single summary scale return.
Queries / Repaired query for Multiple Invoices issued up to October 31, 2003. Previously, requesting a PDF report of these invoices would result in a System Error.[p24]
Public users are now able to receive PDF reports for invoices issued up to October 31, 2003.
Anomalies / Repaired problem that caused one of the anomaly batch processes to fail if the originating scale site was missing from remote sample log tallies[PB25].
Stratum Advisor / Repaired 4 problems in Stratum Advisor functionality[PB26]:
- Users can now copy a Sampling Plan. Previously, users would receive a System Error when they tried to copy a plan;
- The Precision Limit and the Sample Floor are now defaulted to 1% and 10, respectively, when copying a Sampling Plan;
- Changes to the population effective and expiry dates and to the population owner can now be applied at the stratum level when Copying a Sampling Plan or Creating a Sampling Plan from Actuals. Previously, these changes would not made at the stratum level even if the user specified that they should be applied at the stratum level; and
- Stratum composition segregations are now carried forward when creating a plan from actuals. Previously, segregations would be missing from the new plan.
Other / The search for multiple sample scale detail returns on P046 – Search for Detail Scale Returns has been optimized and now runs approximately twice as fast as before.[p27]
Page 1 of 6[p1]BT4216
[p8]BT4230, BT4213
B2031, B2041, B2022
Other ticket(s):
BT5653 – Add Referential Integrity Constraint to ensure that the client number in HBS_SCALER_AUTH_KEY is also in the SCALER table. This tickets also includes a datafix for Test to ensure that this constraint is met (it is already met in Production).