Instituto de Direito Económico, Financeiro e Fiscal
Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa
Alameda da Universidade 1649-014 Lisboa
Tel. (+351) 217 962 198
The Lisbon International European Tax Law Seminars
Description of the Seminars
The 2011-2012Seminars on International and European Tax Law areorganised by IDEFFand arepart of the program forthe development of research on International and European Tax Law (Ana Paula Dourado / José Almeida Fernandes/Gustavo Lopes Courinha).
The Seminars are aimed and structuredat fostering the debate among academics and professionals on relevant and current issues of International European taxation, while benefiting from the contribution of a renown international panel of lecturers addressing the topics and enhancing the depth of the debate.
- The international panel of lecturers of the 2011-2012 Seminars includes the following distinguished academics and professionals:Prof. Dr. Kees van Raad (ITC - Univ. Leiden); Prof. Philip Baker (University of London); Prof. Dr. Luc de Broe (Uni. of Leuven);Prof. Dr.Pasquale Pistone (WU Vienna/Uni. Salerno); Prof. Dr. Judith Freedman (Uni. of Oxford); Prof. Dr. Eric Kemmeren (Fiscal Institute Tilburg - Univ. Tilburg)
Seminars Schedule
- 25 October 2011 Dr. Rita de la Feria (Univ. Oxford),A Blueprint for Reform of Traditional VAT Regimes
- 25 November 2011Prof. Dr. Kees van Raad (ITC - Univ. Leiden),The Beneficial Owner - New Developments in the OECD MC
- 9 March >Prof. Philip Baker (Uni. of London), Exchange of Information under Tax Treaties and TIEAs
- 30 March >Prof. Dr. Luc de Broe(Uni. of Leuven),General Anti-abuse principle underlying the Double Tax Conventions
- 19 AprilProf. Dr.Pasquale Pistone(WU Vienna/Uni. Salerno), Impact of Multilateral Tax Conventions on Bilateral Tax Treaties
- 4 May >Prof. Dr. Judith Freedman (Uni. of Oxford), A GAAR for the UK?
- 11 May >Prof. Dr. Eric Kemmeren (Fiscal Institute Tilburg - Univ. Tilburg), The Concept of ‘Beneficial Owner’ in the Dutch Tax System and Double Tax Conventions
Who should attend?
- Lawyers (both In-House and Private Practice)
- Tax Advisors & Consultants
- Auditors & Chartered Accountants
- European Tax Law post-graduate & masters students
- PhD candidates
- International & European Tax Law Students
Available Seats & Seminar Fee
Mandatory enrolment. The number of available seats for the Seminars on International and European Tax Law is limited to enhance the in-depth analysis of the topics and discussion.
The participation fee can be found in the application form.
Location & Teaching Hours
Seminars will be held in Englishfrom 18:00 to 20:00 at the Lisbon Law School – University of Lisbon, at Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, Alameda da Universidade, 1649-014 Lisboa.
Registration, Contact & Information
For registration, contact and further information, please send a message to . The available seats for the Seminarsare limited and hence early registration is therefore recommended.
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