US History 1
Dr. Ferris
Classroom Rules In Effect At All Times
- Follow directions the first time they are given.
- Be in assigned seat ready to work when the bell rings and remain there until dismissed or otherwise directed.
- Bring books, pens, notebooks and other designated materials to class each day.
- All items brought to class must be kept under your desk until otherwise directed. Refrain from bringing any non-academic items to class.
- Students are expected to remain attentive during class and may not sleep in class.
- Raise hand and wait to be recognized before speaking.
- Do not disrespect anyone who is talking and has the class attention. If you wish to be heard then you must also be respectful and listen.
- Keep desk and surrounding area clean.
- Consistent failure to abide by these rules will be considered “willful disobedience” and student will be referred to an administrator.
- There is no eating in class.
- Electronic devices of any kind will not be tolerated.
Grading is based on this simple formula: 25% Classwork + 25% Quizzes + 50% Major Assessments = 100% of grade.
Class work
Your class work grade will be derived from homework, in class assignments, notebook, and reading quizzes.
Major Assessment
Your major assessment grade will come from tests and projects.
Other information
There are a few things you should keep in mind when turning in your work:
- Test and quizzes are on scantron. You are responsible for making sure that you answer all the questions and erase neatly. Once you turn in the scantron the grade placed by this machine will be the final grade and it will not be changed.
- Any student absent the day of a quiz or test must make it up on the day of return. If the student was not present the day before a test but is present on the day of the test that student has the regular test day to make up missing work. The test or quiz will be made up the next day. Any test or quiz not made up will result in a 0. If the student is absent for an extended amount of time the student must complete all make up work within five school days.
- You must place the following heading on all work in the right hand corner of your paper or lose 5 points:
- Homework can be collected on the day it assigned for or any day after that. There is no make up on this. If you do not have it at the moment it is being collected it will not be accepted at any other time. All work is to be completed in complete sentences and all parts of the question must be completed if you wish to receive full credit. If there is an A or B part to the question, when answering it must be indicated in that manner. The question must be written out before you begin to answer the question or you will not receive credit for your answer.
- Any work not completed in class must be completed for homework (but is not to be placed in the homework section – place it in the class work section).
- All essays, reports and projects must be submitted in the most current version of MLA format.
- All display board projects must be submitted on a display board no less than 36” x 48” and poster projects must be handed in on 22”x 28” poster board. If you cannot purchase these items they can be made from discarded cardboard.
- All projects using Microsoft programs must be completed and saved in the 2003 version. If not it will not be able to be opened and will be counted as late. It is your responsibility to ensure it is saved in a format I can open the project/assignment in. All of these types of projects must be emailed to me by class time on the due date, saved on a portable drive, and a hard copy must be printed out to be handed in. Citation rules apply to these projects/assignments. Again, if it is not turned on time due to “technical difficulties” it will be counted as late.
- I generally do not accept late assignments, notebooks and projects. If I do accept a late assignment there will be a deduction of points ranging from 10 to 40 points.
- All projects must have an MLA formatted reference page.
- Absence does not excuse a project for being late. If you are absent your project must be in on time. Have a parent or friend turn in the project by the due date.
- Ensure you submit all your work on Weblocker. If you do not know how to do this please see my Schoolwires page for instructions.
If your class is required to turn in a notebook it must follow this format to the letter or you will lose points. It is advised that you attempt to ensure you do not lose any points since it very easy to do so.
Miscellaneous (Never removed from notebook)Suggested
Presentation Notes
Essay writing Notes
Bibliography Notes
Unit Indicator
Chapter 1 Separator
Class Notes
Book Notes
Define and Identify (terms/people) each section
Understanding Main Ideas
Class work
All assignments done in class (and those finished at home)
Review Sheets
Chapter Test
Notebook Rubric
Chapter 2 Separator
Class Notes
Book Notes
Define and Identify (terms/people) each section
Understanding Main Ideas
Class work
All assignments done in class (and those finished at home)
Review Sheets
Chapter Test
Notebook Rubric
Photocopies of other students’ work or of the book are not allowed!!!!
There are a few tips that can help you to succeed not only in this course but all your courses.
- Study
- Reread your notes as soon as possible and as often as possible.
- Attend class everyday.
- Keep a neat and orderly notebook
- Beware of sudden and unscheduled pop quizzes.
- Watch those who are successful and learn why they are successful.
- Contact me if you need help at
Chapter: ______
General Requirements
1.Unit Indicators………………..……………………..…….012
2.Chapter/Section Indicators……..…...……………………...012
3.Three parts (Notes, homework, class work)…..……...……012
4.Notebook is neat and orderly..…………………...………...012
5.Pages are in correct section……………………...………...012
Notes - Station 3
1.Class notes are present and complete……………..………5432 1
1.Chapter terms and people are present……………………..5432 1
2. Focus Questions - R track only54321
Class work
1Video worksheet54321
2American Involvement in Vietnam54321
5Vietnam War worksheet54321
6Guided Notes & Vocabulary/Crossword worksheets-254321
7Maps (2)54321
Total/Grade/Letter grade
US History Parent Acknowledgement
Please Print Names
I, (parent name) ______, understand that my child, ______, will be required to complete projects in his/her US History class. My child will need to go to the libraries in the area and understands that this is necessary to complete this course. I am also aware my child will be working in teams with other students and will act accordingly to complete all team assignments. My child and I understand that failure to work in teams or complete projects will adhere to my child receiving a 0 and/or failing this course. I have also read the syllabus for this course and understand what is expected of my child. My child has my permission to view videos/movies rated R which relate to the subject matter being studied. I understand the videos will be edited if necessary to exclude any content deemed inappropriate. I understand my child can view Schoolwires for current assignments and makeup work, along with using Weblocker to submit assignments. To view my child’s grades I am aware I can go to and follow the instructions to the Genesis grading system. I am aware I can contact Mr. Ferris thru his business email address: .
Please Print
Parent Name: ______
Parent Signature: ______
Date: ______
Parent email address: ______