Wanda Tyner

St. Pauls High School

2014-2015 World History Honors Course Syllabus

Description: World History students will study major turning points that shaped the modern world. Students are expected to have a foundation in the themes and tools of geography and the study of early, ancient and classical civilizations throughout their K-8 experience. The World History course standards concentrate on the study of pre-modern, modern, and postmodern and contemporary events in World History. Standards trace the rise of democratic ideas and develop an understanding of the historical roots of current world issues, as they pertain to international/ global relations. Historians have grouped the World History standards to reflect accepted periodization. Topics have been selected around a basic core of chronologically organized history to ensure an in-depth study of the learning standards. World History addresses six periods, with a focus on the mid-15th century to present. Honor level World History will be more rigorous and concepts will be studied more in depth.

Six Periods Addressed:

1. Ancient Period: Early Civilizations

2. Classical Period: Classical Antiquity

3. Medieval Period: Early, High, and Late Middle Ages

4. Early Modern Period: The Emergence of the First Global Age

5. Late Modern Period: New Ideologies, Revolutions and Global Wars

6. Contemporary Period: New Balance of Power and the Search for Peace and Stability

Materials Required: Textbook: (Glencoe) World History

NO Composition Books or Spiral Bound Composition Books will be acceptable for notebooks. Three ring binder, several packages of loose-leaf paper, one package of 5 index tab dividers, #2 pencils daily for completing assignments and tests, NO pens except for projects (blue or black ink), and 1 box of colored pencils. Colored pencils will be needed daily. Students will be notified in advance of any other materials necessary throughout the semester. Honors will also need a Journal Composition or Spiral Bound Notebook.

Classroom Expectations:

1.  I expect students to avoid participation in activities that inhibit the education of fellow classmates or themselves.

2.  I expect students to listen to and respect their fellow classmates.

3.  I expect students to be respectful when I am helping fellow classmates by raising their hand and being patient if they need assistance or have questions.

4.  I expect students to master the terms, events, and concepts of World History as stated in our North Carolina Essential Standards.

5.  I expect students to abide by classroom procedures and rules, failure to do so will be addressed at the discretion of Mrs. Tyner. (Detention may be assigned if deemed necessary.)

6.  I expect students not to sleep in class.

7.  I expect students to help keep the room clean.

8. I expect students not to use their cell phones or other electronic devices in my


Homework will be given daily. Refer to Student Handbook.

Grading Criteria (PSRC Policy): Numerical grades will be given.

Projects / 30%
Classwork / 20%
Homework / 10%
Tests / 20%
Portfolios / 20%
Total= 100%

Cheating: It will not be tolerated regardless of the assignment. If caught cheating, a zero will be given for the assignment. Copying someone’s work is cheating. Allowing someone to copy your work is also considered cheating. You will not have the option of making it up. If you do what you are suppose to, then you shouldn’t need to consider cheating on any assignment.

Notebook: The Notebook will have 5 sections:

1) Starters

2) Classwork/ Homework

3) Vocabulary

4) Learning Journal

5) MSL Review

The first item that I should see in your notebook is the World History Syllabus. It is worth 10 points on each notebook check. Please keep your notebook neat and organized. Assignments should be kept in chronological order by dates assigned.

Progress Report: Parents and students will be notified by progress reports and by report cards of the student’s progress. I will call you if there is a significant problem; however, feel free to contact me at any time to discuss your child’s progress. Refer to Student Handbook for Report Dates. Grades may be monitored daily on Power School.

Conferences: Parents feel free to schedule a conference to talk to me by contacting the school secretary at 865-4177 or send me a note. I will be available to meet with you after school or during my planning period. My planning period this semester is 2nd period.

Learning Center: Learning Center will be held in Room F122 on the assigned day after school from 3:15 to 4:15 P.M. DO NOT BE LATE. You will not be allowed to stay if you are late. A Learning Center Attendance Form (noting any assignments that you plan to focus on) must be given to me at least 24 hours in advance of attending my Learning Center. Planning is very important. I have to gather needed materials in advance to allow maximum time on task. NO FORM, NO LEARNING CENTER. The forms are in a basket located on the table near the door. You must come to Learning Center to receive additional help with class assignments and to take tests due to absences from class or to retest. You may also use Learning Center to work on current assignments.

Detention: After school detention may be assigned for inappropriate behavior. It will be held during my Learning Center.

I hope that you both find World History a rewarding, informative, and educational experience.

Wanda Tyner