Deutsch 2

Herr Harrell


The purpose of the German class is for students to acquire German and be able to communicate on a variety of topics.


·  Classroom rules and procedures are designed to facilitate language acquisition for all students.

·  Basic Classroom rules

·  Listen with the intent to understand

·  Demonstrate Scholarly Habits

·  sit up . . . squared shoulders . . . focused eyes

·  actors synchronize movements with teacher’s words

·  Demonstrate Communication Strategies

·  One person speaks and others listen

·  No talking over or random blurting

·  No talking under or private conversations

·  Inform the speaker when he or she is not clear or understandable

·  Demonstrate Language Control

·  Communicate in German

·  No English, Spanish or other language

·  Indicate understanding or lack of understanding

·  Demonstrate Interactivity

·  Respond appropriately to teacher prompts and questions

·  Be able to repeat or translate what has just been said

·  Take turns in communicative interaction

·  Observe the Six Pillars of Character

·  Respect

·  Responsibility

·  Caring

·  Fairness

·  Trustworthiness

·  Citizenship

·  It is always appropriate to ask indicate that the teacher has not communicated clearly

·  I am available almost every day after school; other times by appointment

·  Absence = zero but can be made up

·  “Extra Credit” does not exist, mastery of standards does

Assessment Tools

·  Classroom Interpersonal Communication

·  Assessment for Interpretive Communication

·  Opportunities for Presentational Communication

·  Other Interpersonal Communication

·  Comprehension Checks

·  Final Exam


§  In keeping with GGUSD policy, grading will be standards based using the Modes of Communication

§  Interpersonal = 60%

§  Interpretive 30%

§  Presentational = 10%

§  Grades will also be based on 40% Formative and 60% Summative Assessments

Take responsibility for your attitude, behavior and learning

Inconsistency is tantamount to failure

Deutsch 2


Datum Kurs-Inhalt Aktivitäten

September TPRS: Sommer Der Star des Tages

08 Schulbeginn Wiederholung, Einleitung

Oktober TPRS: Haus u. Familie Tag der dt. Einheit

03 Tag der deutschen Einheit Zimmer, Hausarbeiten Oktoberfest

06 German-American Day 0-Rhesus Negativ

31 Reformationstag

November TPRS: Klamotten Reformation

11 Veteranentag (Schulfrei) Kaufen, Größen, Preis, usw. Modeschau

23-27 Dankfest (Schulfrei)

Dezember TPRS: Essen Weihnachten

06 Nikolaustag Deutsche Gerichte

86 Letzter Schultag vor Weihnachten

Januar TPRS: Essen gehen Die Reise seines Lebens

06 Dreikönigstag Im Deutschen Restaurant

16 MLK, Jr.-Tag (Schulfrei)

Februar TPRS: Weltkrieg Das Boot

10 Aschermittwoch

12 Lincoln-Tag (Schulfrei)

25 Präsidententag (Schulfrei)

März TPRS: Gesundheit Flucht aus Auschwitz

25 Karfreitag

27 Ostern

April TPRS: Fitness Fitnessberater

11-15 Frühlingsferien (Schulfrei)

Mai TPRS: Piraten Nordseepirat

28 Gedächtnistag (Schulfrei)

Juni TPRS: Piraten Sei ein Mann

22 Schulende (Schönen Sommer!)

Late Start Days: Every Wednesday except Finals (Minimum Days)