Classroom Expectations and Behavior
The First Few Minutes: Enter quietly, sit where you wish; I will assign seats only ifneeded. Chatter amiably and move freely as I take and enter attendance. Use restroom and gather materials (pencil, pen, book, paper) quickly and quietly,and be ready to go when I start class!
The FirstHalf: Once I start talking, chatter must cease. Usually we begin with a common task – lecture, freewriting, presentations. Raise a hand to speak or ask questions – and please do both, often! – but stay seated, alert and focused, and do not distract others. During this time no leaves are granted; take care of needs beforehand, or wait.
The Second Half: Here we shift to tasks allowing more freedom – writing, group work, and so forth. During this time you may leave class one at the time to attend to legitimate needs. Do not announce your needs like a child; walk quietly to the door, take the pass, sign out, go and return. If leaves are lengthy, trivial or distracting, they may be refused later.
I expect you to behave as your professors and employers will. Adhere to the following:
- Be here. Repeated tardiness earns discipline referrals and penalties.
- COROLLARY –You are not a bookbag or purse. Don’t drop your stuff and leave. You will be marked absent or tardy if not in the classroom personally when bell rings.
- Be focused. Pay attention, participate, and keep yourself and others on task.
- COROLLARY – Don’t be distracted, and don’t be a distraction. Particularly during the first half of class, activity which takes energy or focus away from assigned tasks will not be tolerated. Food and drink are allowed until they become distracting.
- COROLLARY –You Are Not A Gadget! “BYOT” encourages using electronics when called for in classroom tasks – but this must never interfere with or distract from class work. When it might, I will ask you to put it away. Use of personal technology for non-academic purposes (texting, Tweeting, Pinning, Facebooking, all that), or refusal to put devices away when asked, brings disciplinary action.
- COROLLARY – Don’t advertise stupidity. Passingnotes, sleeping (or seeming to), applying makeup, drawing on your desk – these sorts of acts scream “Imbecile!”
- Be prepared. If you lack materials, get what you need without making a scene.
- COROLLARY –Sell yourself as a competent person. As Hamlet says to his mother, “Assume a virtue, if you have it not” (I don’t suggest you say this to your mother).
- Be nice. Respect each other, me, and the work. Pleasant, engaged interaction is expected.
- COROLLARY – NO BULLYING. Ever. It’s not funny just because you think it is.
- COROLLARY – NO WHINING! No coach, parent, drill sergeant, professor or boss is swayed by “I don’ wanna!” or “This is hard!” Why expect it to work on me?
These are easy to remember, but if you forget I will warn you in a polite way. If politeness does not work, I will call home. If misbehavior continues, you will be referred to the office.