Class of 2009 Keys to Success

Class of 2009 Keys to Success


Here are some helpful guidelines we encourage you to followas Brahmas...

1.COMMUNICATION--Is the foundation of positive school relationships. Your Grade Level Coordinator (GLC) is the main source of assistance in helping you solve communication problems with teachers or fellow students. Do not hesitate to ask your GLC for help--he is your advocate, your parent on campus. You can find us anytime on campus--ask any GLC or secretary for help in locating us and they will assist you. Most problems that occur on campus could and should be avoided if the students involved simply seek our HELP first!!!!! Your GLC wants to bePROACTIVE AND NOT REACTIVE!!

2.ATTENDANCE--Being in class ON TIME is very important to your grades and your success here at DBHS. If you are legally absent from school due to ILLNESS, DOCTOR. OR DENTIST APPT., you must bring in a signed note from your parent or legal guardian upon your return to school. Oversleeping is not a legal excuse for being late or absent. The attendance office needs this note or a phone call from your parent or legal guardian by the day following the absence. Any longer and the absence becomes a TRUANT. There is a 24-hour phone number you may call for your parent's convenience--909-594-1860.

3.HOMEWORK--Completing all nightly assignments on a regular basis is essential to success in the classroom. Missing assignments bring your grades down rapidly. We have tutoring available here at school. Take advantage of this service!! Use your DBHS Agenda for keeping track of assignments, test /quiz dates etc. Create a positive study/homework environment and schedule! Use the Parent Portal to check your academic progress!

4.DISCIPLINE--Avoid conduct violations. Major behavioral violations include FIGHTING, SUBSTANCE ABUSE OR DEFIANCE OF ANY ADULT ON CAMPUS. These infractions are

handled in a very fair manner. Discipline may involve any of the following programs:

ACADEMIC DETENTIONSWAP-Saturday Work Adjustment Program


See the Diamond Bar High School Student Planner/Student Handbook for additional behavior policies on campus. We will hold you responsible/accountable for your actions/behavior.

5.CLOSED CAMPUS--You must never leave campus without permission!! If you leave anytime

other than after your last class, you must SIGN OUT through the attendance office. A note or

phone call from your parent is required to leave school early. If you arrive to school more than

10 minutes late, you must SIGN IN with attendance office. Anytime you leave or return to

campus simply SIGN IN OR SIGN OUT!!!

6.ELECTRONIC DEVICES In addition, certain items have restricted use rules on our campus.

If you bring electronic devices on campus and misuse them, you will have discipline assigned.

Cell phones may only be activated and used during brunch and lunch; cell phones

should be powered down/off except during brunch/lunch. Appropriate consequences will

beassigned for violations of this policy. Consequences may include SWAPS or School Suspensions-If cell phone is used during instructional time, or Off-Campus Suspension

for repeat offenders.


7.TRASH--Please keep our campus CLEAN!! Pick up your trash at all times. Even if it is not

your trash, help everyone by picking up visible trash and throwing it away.

8.SMOKING—For minors, smokingis illegal and possession of tobacco products and/or smoking on campus is not allowed and is a suspendable offense. Please do not jeopardize your success here at DBHS. This includes any electronic cigarettes


9.RESPECT--We expect you to respond with respect and politeness to all adults on campus.

Treat your peers with respect as well.

10.ACADEMIC PLAN--We encourage you to follow your 4-year academic plan. Set your goals high

and continue to work to achieve these goals. Keep in mind that you want to take a rigorous course

of study but you want to keep a BALANCE in your life as well. Quality over Quantity.

Informationon junior colleges, trade schools, and universities is always available from your

GLC or in the Career Center.

11.GETTING INVOLVED--We encourage you to get or stay involved while here at DBHS. Do

moreand receive more. Join a club or organization, become a class officer, join a performing

arts organization or get involved in athletics. Employers and universities are looking for

well-rounded people that have become involved and stayed involved during their high school

years just notthelast year of HS. Do an outstanding job in a few extra-curricular activities

vs. doing a poor job because you are involved in too many extra-curricular activities-

Quality over Quantity.

12 .DBHS WEBSITE Utilize our school website: . The website will keep you

informed! PARENT PORTAL: It is vital that both students and parents are utilizing our

Parent Portaloption in our Student Information System. If you are not set up to utilize

this valuable tool, please seeyour GLC or the DBHS Registrar, Myoung Han.


Mr. Patterson: Last Names Beginning with (A THROUGH Lio)

Mrs. Dueñas: Last Names Beginning with (Lip THROUGH Z)