Amendmentsto the AIG Multi Trip, International and Domestic Travel InsurancePolicy (“the Policy”)

Student Travel Endorsement for International Travel

Cover under this Policy is extended to cover You for Your One Trip and Multi Trip Plans whilst you undertake International Travel as a student on an exchange program You have arranged with Your university (“Student on Exchange"). The Cover under this Policy when you undertake such travel is however limited to:

  • One-trip Plans: International Travel Plans (F12, C12, D12, E12); or
  • Multi Trip Plans:Platinum (Plan AF12) and Gold (Plan AC12)

In the event of you undertaking international travel as a Student on Exchange to or from the Country of Assignment or within Your Country of Assignment, the definitionsof Trip for One-trip and Multi Trip Plansshall be as follows:

Trip in respect of any One-trip Plans or Multi Trip Plans means the international travel You are undertaking and commences from the time You

  1. leave Your home inAustralia to start Your trip untilYou arrive in your Country of Assignment or until the end of the period of insurance shown as the return date on the certificate of insurance whichever is the sooner;
  1. leave Your place of residence within Your Country of Assignment to start Your trip until You return to Australia or until the end of the period of insurance shown as the return date on the certificate of insurance whichever is the sooner;
  1. leave Your place of residence within Your Country of Assignment to start Your trip outside of Your Country of Assignment until You return to your place of residence within Your Country of Assignment or until the end of the period of insurance shown as the return date on the certificate of insurance whichever is the sooner; or
  1. leave Your place of residence within the Country of Assignment to start a trip within Your Country of Assignment until You return to such residence within the Country of Assignmentafter such Trip or until the end of the period of insurance shown as the return date on the certificate of insurance, whichever is sooner.

For Multi Trip Plans the length ofany one tripcannot exceed forty-five (45) days.

Country of Assignment means the country where Youare currently have arranged with Your university to undertake a student exchange program.

This extension shall however not apply in the event of Youundertaking:

(i)Domestic Travel whilst You are a Student on Exchange; or

(ii)International Travel whilst You are a Student on Exchange and such Intentional Travel involves a One Trip Plan or Multi Trip Plan beginning and ending in Australia.

In the event of either condition (i) or (ii) applying, coverage under this Policy shall be determined without the application of this extension.

For the purposes of this Extension the words “Australia or Country of Assignment” shall replace the reference to Australia in sub clause:

  1. D2 under Section C) Losses not insured under any sections of this Policy;
  2. D22 under Section D) Cancellation fees and loss deposits;
  3. E3 a and E17 under Section E) Overseas medical, hospital, cash in hospital, dental and related expenses;
  4. G14 under Section G) Emergency expenses;
  5. M6 under SectionM) Loss of income.

For the purposes of this Extension the words “who are permanent residents of Australia” in the sub clause headed Australian Resident Traveller” are deleted and replaced with the words “who are currently residing in Australia”.In addition to the foregoing exclusion C .10 under the heading “What is not covered” under Section C) Losses not insured under any section of this policy is deleted and replaced with the following:

C10. Any claim if You are not currently residing in Australia or if You do not plan to return to Australia at the end of the student exchange program referenced under the definition of Country of Assignment.
